Trauma Recovery/HAP Newsletter
September 2016

Before we fully immerse ourselves in the fall, we want to look back to the exciting events of this summer, specifically the 2016 EMDRIA Conference.  Thank you to those who visited our booth, participated in our events and contributed to our organization!  We are grateful to EMDRIA for the opportunity to see you all.  Also, we are honored that Mentor Books is donating a portion of their conference earnings to Trauma Recovery/HAP in addition to the EMDR Research Foundation.  All of these gifts and engagement allow us to continue our work towards increasing the capacity to grow EMDR therapy in underserved communities worldwide.

A special congratulations goes to Sushma Mehrotra and Rosalie Thomas, the 2016 recipients of our Liz Snyker Award.  This award goes to the volunteers who demonstrate exemplary service to the underserved.  Sushma and Rosalie have been working together since 1999 and volunteered for Trauma Recovery/HAP through the years to provide training and disaster recovery work in Asia. Eventually, the EMDR Asia organization was formed which continues to collaborate with Trauma Recovery/HAP to provide efforts throughout Asia.  Most recently, the team had successful disaster recovery efforts in the Philippines after the typhoon, Kashmir after terrorist attacks and extensive flooding and Nepal after the 2015 earthquake.

We are very happy to announce the inauguration of the Francine Shapiro Fund for Disaster Recovery.  
The Francine Shapiro Fund was created to honor Dr. Shapiro for all she has done for our community.  She is a founder, donor, volunteer and friend of Trauma Recovery, EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs and we cannot thank her enough for all of her contributions.   Please visit the Francine Shapiro Fund page to make a contribution and honor Dr. Shapiro. 
Alpine, TX: Local Therapists Provide Services in Response to School Based Trauma

On Thursday, September 8th, at Alpine High School a 14-year old student shot and injured one of her female classmates before taking her own life.  In the chaos that followed a member of law enforcement was also shot and injured by a U.S. Marshall.  Students were placed on lock down and listened to events unfold before being evacuated.  This tragedy left an entire community reeling and in need of support.  

Greater Orlando Trauma Recovery Network Efforts

When disaster strikes Trauma Recovery/HAP relies on local TRN membership to assess the need within their community. Then, contact our office to book training efforts, gain access to informational materials, spread the word online to build community outreach and when funds are available secure support for reduced cost services and scholarships. The Greater Orlando TRN, led by coordinator Cherilyn Rowland Petrie and Reg Morrow Robinson, did just that after the Pulse Nightclub Shooting. 
September Faculty Academy Volunteer Acknowledgment:
Thank you to all our volunteers for everything you do to help us achieve our mission.
Below is a list of those who generously volunteered their time and expertise in the month of September.
George Abbott, Kass Atkinson, Lou Ann Baylock, Leslie Brown, Andra Bruce, Judy Cabeceiras, Lori Cao, Candida Condor, David Eliscu, Rachel Erwin, Denise Gelinas, Cheryl Kenn, Frances Klaff, David Knight, Maria Masciandaro, Claire Mauer, Julie Miller, Peggy Moore, David Ogren, Kelly O'Horo, Ted Olejnik, Lori Pereira, Alexis Polles, Anastasia Pollock, Betsy Prince, Jesse Rappaport, Sheri Rezak-Irons, Amanda Roberts, Julie Rosen, Cherilyn Rowland Petrie, Deborah Silveria, Elaine Soto, Bernadette Talia, Rebecca Walkley, Cindy White, Rebecca Wilson
Welcome to our new  Facilitators-in-Training...

Andra Bruce
Lori Cao
April Minjarez-Estenson
Kelly O'Horo
Julie Rosen
Rebecca Walkley

Congratulations to our new Facilitators...

Lori Pereira
Rebecca Wilson
Candida Condor
David Knight
In This Issue
Upcoming Trainings...
We want want our newsletter to be a place for sharing stories and knowledge.  Please submit an article or fill out the suggested questions and we will create an article for you!

Pets of the Month: 
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France 

This month's pets come to us from Linda Blackburn.   
"I received a text containing this photo of Good Bunny and Miss Kitty from my dear friend, Chris on July 20th.  Sadly, I did not realize at the time that it would be the last communication I would ever receive from him. Like me, they miss their beloved owner, but both kitties are demonstrating resilience in their happy new homes."  

Send us a picture and brief description and we will feature a new pet each month! 
Trauma Recovery/HAP | 203-288-4450 |
2911 Dixwell Avenue
Suite 201
Hamden, CT 06518