September 11, 2023

Dear Sara,

As we embrace September, a busy time that marks the beginning of the school year, we are delighted to share some valuable information and resources with you as we transition into the fall season.

As a cherished member of our ECESF community, we recognize the importance of providing you with the essential resources needed to deepen our collective understanding of current issues and long-term visioning. Our newsletter is designed to share highlights from the childcare sector while also featuring noteworthy local events and updates from our organization.

In this month's newsletter, you'll find:

  • ECESF Announcements
  • ECE Updates in Advocacy & Policy
  • Important Educator and Provider Resources
  • Parent & Family Information
  • PD Resources & Community events

We recognize your unwavering dedication to early care and education and look forward to your continued involvement in our shared advocacy.

In community,

Sara & Anna

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Have a social media account and want to help make a difference?

Help reach more ECE educator-advocates by following, liking, and sharing our ECESF posts.

ECESF Announcements


*NEW* ECESF blog post! Read "ABC’s of Workplace Improvement: Teacher-Administrator Relationships, Model Work Standards, and Promoting Agency"

We are updating our contact listserv! Please take 5 minutes to complete the ECESF Interest Form so we can keep you informed with events and resources most relevant to your current interests, language preferences, and work responsibilities.

Keep up-to-date with local advocacy & policy meetings and events on our ECESF calendar!

Check out the latest ECE in the News on ECESF's website page including our Baby Prop C budget advocacy!

ECE State & National Policy

Protect Federal Funding for Child Care!

On September 30, roughly $4.1 billion in remaining child care stabilization funds Congress allocated through the American Rescue Plan will expire. Additionally, the child care community will have only a year to spend another dwindling $12 billion in supplemental Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) dollars before their expiration. The expiration of these funding sources will result in up to 3 million children losing child care and more than 70,000 child care programs likely closing – a devastating blow to early educators, our families and our economy.

We stand with the National Women’s Law Center, along with other organizations across the country, in asking President Biden and Congress to stand up and invest at least $16 billion per year in child care. Leaders in both Houses agree this must be a priority. This investment will help prevent a child care crisis, staving off shrinking child care spots, staffing shortages and rising prices that will disrupt both families and our economy.

Take action to let President Biden and your representatives know that investing in child care is absolutely critical and allowing this funding to expire jeopardizes our families' futures.

Take Action!

Credit: Federal Policy Action message from Children's Council of San Francisco

Supporting the Perinatal Work Force Webinar: Wed, September 13 at 12:00 p.m. PST

Join Black Mamas Matter Alliance and Alliance for Early Success a discussion on supporting the perinatal workforce in policy and practice. Register here!

Learning Policy Institute Webinar: Tues, September 26 from 11:00 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. PST

Join SchoolHouse Connection and the Learning Policy Institute to learn about key findings from a study that examined supporting students experiencing homelessness with American Rescue Plan Funds. Register here!

CA Budget & Policy Virtual Event: Wed, September 27 at 1 p.m. PST

Join the California Budget & Policy Center to learn more about California’s current early learning system and how policymakers can strengthen the workforce and support transitioning to a mixed-delivery system. Register here!

National P-3 Research to Policy Summit: Thurs, October 12, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. PST

Speaking of the 2023 Roadmap release, join more than 5,000 state lawmakers, advocates, researchers, and practitioners for this free and virtual annual event. Register here!

Whole Child Policies Webinar Series: Watch the recording from October 2022 - May 2023

Transforming State Education Policy Through a Whole Child Approach

ECE Educator & Provider Resources

Host FREE direct-service workshops by FCCB!

Simply complete the request form to choose from the available topics, languages, and date(s) you are looking for. You conduct outreach and registration, and FCCB does the rest including a flyer, all needed materials, and an instructor to lead your selected workshop. Requests for direct-service workshops are accepted from associations, agencies, organizations, etc that coordinate training for providers caring for mixed-age children.

Take an online mental health screening today!

Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, are real, common, and treatable. Recovery is possible.

Dept. of Early Childhood (DEC)

Important Notices For Parents

Eliminating Family Fees In San Francisco

On October 1st, households earning below 75 percent of the state's median income will pay no fee for subsidized child care, while fees will be capped at one percent of the family's income, for those making above 75 percent of the state's median income. Lower or no co-pays help parents meet other expenses.

Starting on October 1st, the Department of Early Childhood (DEC) will cover the cost of state-mandated family fees and will also continue to cover the full cost of early care and education for San Francisco residents receiving local ELS enrollment funding. This policy decision will keep ECE enrollment free for all San Francisco families with children ages birth to five receiving local and state subsidies, regardless of their funding source.

Below are links to printable flyers in multiple languages to pass on to all of the families in your program:

English Spanish

Chinese Filipino

Parent Survey

DEC wants to hear from parents in San Francisco regarding their experiences and preferences receiving communications materials and navigating the early childhood system. Share the links to this 10 minute survey with parents of young children in your programs and networks:












The Children and Families Commission (CFC) and Early Childhood Community Oversight and Advisory Committee (EC COAC)


Both the CFC and the EC COAC will be meeting for a Joint Retreat on September 13, 2023, from 4:30-6:30pm  1650 Mission St. in Rm 302.

Check out the DEC Provider Portal, an online hub of information for all early learning providers in San Francisco!

ECE Professional Development Opportunities

Sustaining Compensation Investments Beyond ARPA Funding

This webinar will highlight ways that state and local leaders are creating and sustaining ECE workforce compensation increases that were implemented using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and other pandemic relief funds.

September 13, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. (PST). REGISTER HERE.


Dual Language Learners and Their Astonishing Ability TO Learn Languages

Come learn more about how you, as an early childhood educator, can support children and their families in their journey to acquiring one, two, or more languages!

September 23, October 14 & 21, 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (PST). LINK TO FLYER.


A Learning & Dialogue Series For White-Identifying Early Childhood Educators

This workshop is structured to address the specific complexities that white early childhood educators must navigate in order to create cultures of belonging in their schools.

Mid-Fall through Late Winter (Five 90-Minute Sessions). LINK TO FLYER.


3rd Oakland "Literacy & Justice for All" Symposium

Educators & and literacy changemakers who attend will gain a deeper understanding of instructional practice as well as tools to help bridge learning from the classroom and home. Early Bird Registration is open through September 26th, with a 30% discount. 

March 1 & 2, 2024 – REGISTER HERE.

Click the flyers below for more information about each event:

Community Events

Sunday, October 8th, 3-5 PM

Urban Adamah, 1151 Sixth Street, Berkeley, CA

depositphotos_10369506-stock-photo-job-opportunity image

Job Opportunities

Policy Council Manager, Black Early Educator Policy Council (BEEPC)

Check out the flyer!

Executive Director, SF Early Learning Alliance

View job description

Interested in working with children and families in northern Marin County?

North Marin Community Services (NMCS) is hiring for a full-time ECE teacher!

View job description

*We recognize there are many available ECE positions during any given month and we do our best to share the vacancies sent to us. Have an ECE job posting you would like included? Send a link, PDF, or Word document to

Keep This Community Strong

Support our work to create a well-equipped and connected ECE workforce community. We love to provide our programs for free but we are a small nonprofit and your generous donations play a vital role in our ability to reach more educators. We welcome any contribution you can make!


Are you an Early Care Educator in San Francisco?

¿Es usted un educador de cuidado infantil en San Francisco?


Join us! Únete a nosotras! 加入我们 !

ECESF receives funding from the Department of Early Childhood (DEC) to provide field building and peer supports to early care educators, as well as generous donations and in-kind contributions to build our advocacy and community work from individual early care educators, and allies, community organizations and agencies. Support our work. Donate!