Healthstar Chiropractic Newsletter

September 2024

Our clinics will be closed September 2

for Labour Day


With 4 locations:

Walk-ins Welcome

Click below for book your appointment online:

Online booking

Save $50 on all Youth Orthotics

Kids orthotics: when to consult?

Foot orthotics act like a tutor that helps children grow well. They guide the feet through all phases of development and help correct alignment, posture and balance problems and even reduce muscle fatigue. But how do you know if your kid needs orthotics? Here are some signs that may indicate that a consultation is required. 

Ten symptoms to watch out for

Children’s feet are constantly changing. The sooner abnormalities are detected and managed, the more likely you are to avoid potential complications. Since young children rarely complain of pain, your vigilance is very important. And, remember, when in doubt, it’s always best to consult.

  1. Flat feet: the arch of the foot develops gradually in the first few years of childhood. However, it can persist into adolescence and adulthood, which can lead to joint pain and posture problems.
  2. Feet pointing inward or outward: this should be taken seriously, as it can lead to long-term muscle imbalance and pain when moving.
  3. Foot deformity: when treated promptly, hammertoes and bunions (Hallux valgus) can be corrected by wearing orthotics.
  4. Bowed knees: “X” shaped knees can affect a child’s gait and be a predisposing factor for knee osteoarthritis.
  5. Limping: limping may be caused by a disease or deformity that developed during growth. It may also indicate instability of the lower limbs (asymmetric legs, Sever’s disease, musculoskeletal pain).
  6. Frequent falls: children with flat feet, “X” knees or inward-facing feet are more likely to fall for no apparent reason.
  7. Abnormal shoe wear: children with plantar deformities often have shoes that wear differently from one foot to the next.
  8. Pain: recurrent discomfort, redness and swelling should be closely monitored.
  9. Rapid fatigue during physical activities: children with foot problems are more likely to tire quickly.
  10. Difficulty running as fast as children of the same age: another factor that may indicate foot problems or pain.

In the vast majority of cases, wearing custom foot orthotics is an effective solution. By stabilizing and realigning the lower limbs, orthotics allow the kids to develop fully, without pain. Because small feet grow quickly, it is recommended that children’s orthotics be replaced within 18 to 24 months.

Toasty Toes Campaign

We’re proud to be an official drop-off location

for the Toasty Toes Sock Drive, hosted by the  Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors!

Every year, The Association collects socks to deliver to local charities in Alberta. 

Until October 31, drop off your new, warm socks at any of our clinics. Click here for the closest Healthstar Location to you.

Book On Line

You can find our Healthstar locations on the web:

Healthstar Millwoods

Balwin Chiropractic

Healthstar Chiropractic and Massage (Beaumont)

Chappelle Chiropractic

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