September 2017 Newsletter 
A Note from the Executive Director
Happy Fall Y'all! As the seasons change and the school year is fully underway, we at NMASBHC know SBHCs may be kicking off youth engagement activities. Whether you have a youth advisory group, behavioral health support groups, or work with your school's existing leadership groups, youth engagement is a critical and unique component of the model of school-based health care. Those SBHCs contracted with NMDOH/OSAH have youth engagement as a contractual requirement, but we know most are doing it as a best practice regardless. Since we want to encourage and support youth engagement (or positive youth development, as it is sometimes called), we're providing special tools on the topic, and we want to share some with you this month. Please visit: for a multitude that we'll be updating in the coming months, but please check out those bulleted below in particular: 
Wishing you a wonderful October,

Nancy Rodriguez
What You'll Find in This Newsletter (click to jump to section)
  • SBHC Updates
    • Mora SBHC Hosts NMASBHC Visit
  • SBHC Sponsor Corner
    • Monthly Feature for SBHC Sponsoring Entity Administrators
      • SBHC Coordinator Call: Next Call, December 14th
      • 2018 Head to Toe: Save the Dates and Submit an Abstract
      • Winter SBHC Partners Meeting/Potluck: December 19th
  • HSD/Medicaid Resources
    • Medicaid SBHC MCO Advisory Meeting: October 10th
    • NM Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility Determiner Trainings: October
    • Centennial 2.0 Waiver Application - Public Comments Due October 18th
    • NMHSD Website - Care Coordination Video Resource
  • NMASBHC Updates
    • Last Chance! NMASBHC Annual Directory Update and Survey
    • NMASBHC Annual Photo Contest and Calendar
    • United HealthCare Grant for Adolescent Behavioral Health - Due October 6th
    • NMASBHC Seeking Quotes from Parents
  • Clinic Resources, Training Opportunities, and Job Postings
    • October is National Bullying Prevention Month
    • Mental Health Crisis Lines
    • Envision New Mexico Adolescent Health Initiative
    • HPV Immunization Webinar
highlights SBHC Updates
Mora SBHC Hosts NMASBHC Visit
A huge thank you to the team at Mora SBHC for hosting NMASBHC staff and board members at a September 26, 2017  visit. Highlights included learning about the high percentage of students who are consented to visit the SBHC, a new star SBHC team, and the award of a recent AIMS grant through HRSA to Mora Valley Community Health Services that will allow them to expand their behavioral health services at the SBHC. Thank you Mora Valley Community Health Services for sharing your wonderfull SBHC with us!

cornerSBHC Sponsor Corner
At the suggestion of the NMDOH Office of School and Adolescent Health, NMASBHC has added this monthly feature that includes information critical to SBHC operations that sponsoring entities will want to pay special attention to. If you have ideas or questions for this feature, please let us know! While we encourage you to ALWAYS read this section of the newsletter, we also hope you will check out all resources, especially those related to Medicaid, as you work to make your SBHC financially sustainable.

SBHC Coordinator Calls: December
If you are a DOH-contracted SBHC, watch your email for announcement of an upcoming and mandatory coordinator calls. The first was in September and the next will be December 14th. New improvements based on coordinator feedback include a smaller cohort in each call. The email with call-in/log-in instructions will come from Kristin Oreskovich. NMASBHC will be assisting in the facilitation of these calls. Please remember to designate an attendee to attend. Contact Nancy Rodriguez at NMASBHC or Kristin Oreskovich at OSAH with any questions.

2018 Head to Toe: Save the Dates and Submit an Abstract
The 2018 Head to Toe: a conference for people working to improve student health and academic success, will take place April 18-19 2018. The SBHC Pre-Conference will take place on April 17, 2018. We encourage all SBHCs to attend the pre-conference as well as the full conference. Keep your eye out for information regarding registration in the coming months. 

If you are interested in presenting at the full conference, the deadline to submit at abstract is October 31, 2017. Visit, for more information. 

SBHC Partners Meeting & Winter Potluck: December 19th
Join us for the SBHC Partners meeting and Winter Potluck on December 19th  from 11:30am to 1:30pm. The meeting location will be Cooperative Educational Services at 4216 Balloon Park Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM  87109. Should you wish to call in, use: 1-404-602-9526 with passcode: 356589#. The call-in portion of the meeting will begin at 12pm to accommodate the potluck portion of the meeting. We look forward to you joining us. Bring your resources, requests and a dish to share with the group!

Contact Kim Stanek,, if you have questions.
hsdHSD/Medicaid Resources
Medicaid SBHC MCO Advisory Meeting: October 10th
Interested in participating in the HSD-convened and NMASBHC-facilitated MCO SBHC Advisory Group? This quarterly meeting gives SBHCs, Partners, MCOs and HSD to address the many opportunities to improve health outcomes for Medicaid members in the SBHC setting. Contact for details about meeting location and call-in instructions. The group meets on the second Tuesday of the first month of each quarter from 1:30 to 3:30pm.


NM Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility Determiner Trainings: September
The PED Training sessions for Presumptive Eligibility Application Assistants continue. As of the publication of this newsletter, no October trainings had been announced. However, please contact HSD at the email address below to get information about trainings offered. Seating is limited and space is available on a first come, first served basis. After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail that will include instructions on how to join the training on its scheduled date and time.  If you have any questions regarding entities qualified to participate as PEDs, the PED certification process or for more information on training sessions being scheduled for future months, please e-mail HSD at: or call 505-476-7151.

Centennial Care 2.0 Waiver Application - Public Comments Due October 18th
If you or your organization wishes to weigh in on the Medicaid waiver application that NMHSD is preparing, please note that the draft application is now available online and public comments are being accepted through October 18th:

NMHSD Website - Care Coordination Video Resource
If you or your organization are trying to sort through what to tell your patients about the value and purpose of care coordination, check out the care coordination videos on NMHSD's website:  Each of the four Medicaid Managed Care Organizations has one or more videos, several of which feature children.
nmasbhcNMASBHC Updates
NMASBHC Annual Directory Update and Survey
One last chance! We are extending the deadline to submit your SBHC Annual Update. We are offering $15 gift cards if you submit an Annual Update by October 27, 2017. We hope your SBHC will complete an Annual Update to help us verify our directories AND serve the field most effectively. Visit to download the fillable form and informational flyer. You can also click here to access the form.

Contact Kim Stanek,, if you have questions or need support completing the form. 

NMASBHC Annnual Photo Contest and Calendar
For the second year, NMASBHC is holding a SBHC Photo contest and creating an SBHC Calendar! Start taking photos of your teams and youth for submission. Submit your best SBHC photos by November 15, 2017 to be considered for the calendar. Visit,,to download instructions and minor consent forms or download them here (instructions & consent). 


United HealthCare Grant for Adolescent Behavioral Health - Due October 6th
As most of you should know, NMASBHC is partnered with United Healthcare to provide a grant opportunity to New Mexico SBHCs for projects focused on adolescent behavioral health. The deadline for applications is fast approaching - October 6th!  Please contact Nancy Rodriguez if you have any questions.

NMASBHC Seeking Quotes from Parents
One of the most popular documents that NMASBHC provided to legislators and policymakers in the last year had a powerful quote from a parent who utilizes the Ruidoso SBHC (Thank you REC IX!). To further publicize to New Mexicans the value of SBHCs, NMASBHC is hoping to create a new advocacy tool called, "Why Parents Love SBHCs!"  We need your help! Start talking with parents about whether they would be willing to provide a quote about your SBHC, and you'll hear more from us soon about collecting these quotes. We hope this will be a tool you can use with new parents as well.  If you'd like to share something immediately, contact Kim Stanek at

clinicClinic Resources, Training Opportunities, and Postings

October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month 
1 in 5 students will be bullied this year.  Every October, schools and organizations across the country join STOMP  O ut Bullying™ in observing National Bullying Prevention Month. The goal: encourage communities to work together to stop bullying and cyberbullying by increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact of bullying on all children of all ages. 
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Please consider sharing these resources with young people in your community and school. 

N ew Mexico Crisis and Access Line (NMCAL): 1-855-662-7474
NMCAL is a centralized, single telephone number, answered by professional counselors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  Counselors have access to emergency workers if needed, are trained in assessing a crisis and responding with the least restrictive alternative.  Additionally, callers are referred to resources local to them at the end of the call or by a follow up call by the next business day.  Share the NMCAL hotline in your school and community. V isit  for more information. 

Crisis Text Line
We all know how much the teens in our lives use texting to communicate. Share the 24/7 Crisis Text Line with young people in your school and community. A crisis doesn't just mean suicide: it's any painful emotion for which someone needs support.
Visit for more information.

Envision New Mexico Adolescent Initiative
ENM's AHI webinar-based certificate program launched Wednesday, September 6th. The series of webinars is offered every Wednesday from 8am-9am. Visit the Envision NM website to find viewing instructions as well as the AHI schedule:   Certificates in Adolescent Health are available as well as CME/CEU's.

Webinar: Increasing Adolescent Immunization Coverage
What are the nation's experts saying to their patients about HPV vaccination? Three providers-a pediatrician, an OB-GYN, and a head and neck surgeon-outline the importance of vaccinating 11- and 12-year-olds against HPV cancers in a newly released e-learning module.  "Increasing Adolescent Immunization Coverage" is a 40-minute e-learning module  for pediatric and primary care provider teams, created by members of the National HPV Vaccination Roundtable. This module provides information, guidance, and tools for quality improvement efforts to increase HPV vaccination. RNs/NPs, physicians, physician's assistants, and pharmacists can earn a free hour/credit by viewing the CME module here:

Non-credit seeking audiences can view the video here:

You can also access the Partner Promotion Package which includes social media messages, a flyer, a powerpoint slide, and an infocard at: