Find your way back to class this month!
September is National Yoga Month and the perfect time to get back into your class routine! We have an updated weekly schedule, new community yoga opportunities, a few more weeks of beach yoga, a monthly Yin Yoga Nidra class, and we'll be participating in ProjectOM to bring just "one more person to yoga."

Our ProjectOM community class schedule will be sent out later this week.

Yoga in the Park

Friday, September 7, 5:30-6:30pm

First Friday Downtown Brunswick at Queen's Square North
Open House & Refreshments to Follow at Golden Isles Mindful Movement

Yamuna Body Rolling
Legs: Hips to Ankles & In Between

Saturday, September 22, 12:00-2:00pm
Instructor: Kandy Duke

A "must experience" workshop for tight hamstrings and calves, IT band syndrome, ankle sprain recovers and much more.

Beach Yoga

Saturdays, 8:00 -9:00 am

Instructors Rotate

Will Continue through September 29

New to Reflexology?

First-time Reflexology Clients Will Receive a $10 discount on a 60-minute (or longer) Reflexology service just for mentioning this blurb in the newsletter.

Existing Reflexology Clients Can Receive a $10 discount on Gift Certificates for 60-minute (or longer) sessions to be given to first-time clients.

Purchase Must be Made In-Studio to Receive Discount


Yin Yoga Nidra will replace our regular Evening Zen class on Tuesday, September 25, 6:00-7:30pm