AZA Accreditation
Miller Park Zoo is proud to announce that it has received accreditation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) independent Accreditation Commission at this year’s Annual Conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Twice a year, the Commission reviews accreditation applications from the best zoos, aquariums, and related facilities in the world. At this year’s Annual Conference, 33 facilities were granted accreditation.
Bloomington Parks and Rec Director Eric Veal(left) and Miller Park Zoo Director Jay Pratte(right) attended a formal hearing at this year's conference.
"Our Zoo team has worked exceptionally hard these past two years in elevating the quality of experience for our animals, staff, and visitors,” said Jay Pratte, Miller Park Zoo Director, adding “It is a testament to the dedication of our staff and volunteers, with unwavering support from Parks & Recreation and City leadership, along with MPZS, that we met our goal of achieving AZA accreditation. We hope this illustrates to our community how our little zoo can have a huge impact."