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A new school year begins. The excitement is in the air!

Seniors, now is the time to finish visiting the colleges and universities on your list. Virtual tours do not compensate for the actual vibe obtained from visiting a campus in person when the students are back.

These college visits are essential in helping you make the final decision about which schools you would like to apply to.

As you visit or tour a school, be sure to take notes so you are able to easily compare all the schools that you visit. From who teaches the classes (professor or Teacher's Assistant?) and various features of the dorms to athletic facilities, the food and much more. Scroll down to view and download PCCI's College Visit Score Sheet to help you rate your campus tour!

A word about "Reach, Match, Safety"

Students shouldn’t limit themselves to the “reach, match, safety” school conventional wisdom about where to apply. PCCI targets schools where the student fits the range of what that university expects from their incoming freshmen on all or most metrics and the school has all the academics and outside interests that are important to the student. The fit has to work on both sides. Those are the schools that should land on your student's list in the first place, especially if you want to maximize aid. Nobody wants to actually go to their so-called “safety school” and why would you as a parent want to pay for your student to go somewhere they think is “meh” when there are so many great options available. In our opinion, that is not a good foundation for success. The final application list should only include schools that the student would be happy to go to!

Let your student choose.

When it comes to your child’s preference as far as urban versus country versus suburban and all the variations therein, trust your nearly adult child and allow them to choose where they want to be for the next four years even if they gravitate to something completely different than what your preference would be. That’s part of their journey. After all, they are the ones who need to feel comfortable enough to become and remain engaged at college.

The goal is to find the best fit at a school that is academically, socially and financially most appropriate, thereby putting your student in the best position to succeed in college and beyond. Allow PCCI to help set you up for success.

To arrange a complimentary PCCI consultation, simply email me or call 508-622-5250.

Best regards,

Honoria DaSilva-Kilgore, Esq.

Get PCCI's

College Visit Score Sheet

to rate your college visit!

Download Score Sheet

Where To? Here's a Snapshot

Below are the colleges and universities where our students are applying in 2024:

American University

Assumption University

Babson College

Ball State University

Bates College

Baylor University

Bentley College

Boston University

Bryant College

Carnegie Mellon University

College of the Holy Cross 

Davidson College

Dickinson College

Dillard University 

Drew University

Drexel University

Elon University

Emerson College

Emmanuel College

Endicott College

Fairfield University

Fordham University

Franklin Pierce University

Hamilton College

Hobart & William Smith College

Howard University

Indiana University

Ithaca College

Lehigh University

Marist College

Merrimack College

New York University

Oglethorpe University

Pace University

Quinnipiac University

Roger Williams College

Rutgers University

Sacred Heart University

Salve Regina University

Simmons University

Spellman College

St. Anselm College

St. Lawrence University

St. Michael's College

Syracuse University

Texas A & M University

Texas State University

Trinity College

Tufts University

Tulane University

Union College

University at Albany

University of Cincinnati

University of Houston

University of Massachusetts Amherst

University North Carolina Chapel Hill

University of Richmond

University of Rochester

University of Texas - Austin

University of Texas - Arlington

University of Vermont

University of Virginia

Webster University

Wesleyan University

Western New England University

Westfield State University

Podcasts, Publications & Awards

New to PCCI? Meet Honoria DaSilva Kilgore!

Go to the head of the class. Everything you need to know about college admissions but were too overwhelmed to ask. What is the most expensive decision you'll ever make?

The most critical decision for your life trajectory? College!

Check out Attorney Honoria DaSilva-Kilgore on Business Way Outside the Box!

View now

Hey Boomer Live, The Relatable Voice, Business Way Outside the Box

Cape & Plymouth Business pg. 7, Positive Living Show with Patricia Raskin,

Positive Talk Radio, IAMCEO Podcast

Positive Talk Radio KKNW 1150AM Seattle, CFO at Home Podcast

Cape & Plymouth Business Reader's Choice 2022 Watch List

My Generation Podcast

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Honoria DaSilva-Kilgore, Esq.

Address: 2 Richard Street,
Raynham, MA 02767
Phone: 508-622-5250
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