September Preservation News

As cooler weather rolls in, pumpkins are spiced and gourds almost grown, MPA is gearing up for an incredible season of activities! Read on…

Join MPA as we celebrate our 20th anniversary for a casual evening of food, fun(draising), awards, silent auction and more!

MPA Members + 1 Guest get in FREE!

Not a Member? Tickets available for only $20! (Coupon Code for $20 off membership provided)


MPA Around Town!

MPA is proud to have taken part in so many events, interviews and public outreach this last month. We can’t thank our members and supporters enough for reaching out and continuing to make preservation mainstream!

Cream City Brick Symposium

Doors Open Tour at the

Soldiers Home

Milwaukee County Committee on Parks and Culture

AIA Milwaukee Design Awards

Olmsted Network National Conference

September's MPA Metro Monthly at Central Standard!

Milwaukee Business Journal Article: What's the Future of the Domes?

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WUWM Article: Milwaukee County committee grapples with high price of tending to Mitchell Park Domes

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Preservation at Risk

Each month, MPA will use this section to feature buildings and sites we consider to be “at-risk” of demolition - either imminent or in the future.

This may come as no surprise to any of you given the news of late, but the Domes are at serious risk of being demolished due to rising costs and continued deferred maintenance. MPA is doing everything in our power to ensure that doesn’t happen, and we even spoke at the most recent Committee on Parks and Culture meeting to reemphasize the importance of our Domes.

Read Our Statement

Join us each month around the Greater Milwaukee Area as we explore historic buildings, adaptive reuse projects, and highlight incredible small businesses - all in an informal social setting!


October's Metro Monthly information coming soon, keep an eye on your inbox!

If you’d like to suggest a location in your neighborhood, please send us your recommendations here!

Soldiers Home Updates

Thank you to everyone who attended our tour at this year’s Doors Open Milwaukee!

Tour season is winding down, but we still have two Soldiers Home Tour dates available!

Register Today

And don’t forget to visit our Virtual Store for Soldiers Home swag, including a great series of stickers! All proceeds benefit MPA and Soldier’s Home advocacy.

Shop Now

Upcoming October Events

October 5th: Screening of Milwaukee Film’s “The League” at the Oriental

October 18-20: Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Conference, LaCrosse

October 25th: Our 20th Anniversary Celebration

October 30th: Soldiers Home PBS Documentary Screening at the Oriental Theater

In partnership with Mueller Communications

More information coming soon!






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Your membership and support are appreciated!

With your incredible support, MPA has been able to advocate for effective Historic Tax Credit policy, continue our work finding preservation solutions at the Milwaukee Soldiers Home and Mitchell Park Domes, and spread the word about the environmental and economic benefits of historic preservation. Please join MPArenew your membership, or donate today to increase the power of your voice in support of the restoration and adaptive reuse of Milwaukee's architectural heritage. Thank you!

Milwaukee Preservation Alliance is a proud member of the National Preservation Partners Network.

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You received this email because of your interest in the revitalization of the City of Milwaukee through restoration and adaptive reuse of Milwaukee's historic assets.