Religious Education Newsletter

September 2023

Message from the Director

Jessie Adrians, Director of Religious Education

“Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten by God, and everyone who loves the father loves [also] the one begotten by him. In this way we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his commandments. . .And his commandments are not burdensome, for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world. And the victory that conquers the world is our faith.” (1 Jn 5: 1-4) 

It is hard to believe that another school year is already underway.  As I get older I have noticed that time seems to speed by faster and faster.   This year my son, Andrew, turned seven and began 2nd grade. It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital, and in the blink of an eye, he is speeding ahead of me on his “big boy bike” and chasing after his friends.  

I like to do something special with Andrew the day before school starts.  This year, since the last day of summer vacation was a Thursday, I was able to spend the entire day with him since Thursday is typically my day off.  (When you work weekends and evenings, your days off are not always the same as everyone else's, which is actually one of many things I love about ministry.)   I gave Andrew a choice between going to the New Zoo in Green Bay and going to Holy Hill National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians.  My seven year old selected Holy Hill so we hopped in the car to take the short drive to Hubertus Wisconsin, which is a little over an hour away from Oshkosh.   

If you have never been to Holy Hill, it is not only the location of a beautiful Basilica, but it is also the home  to Carmelite Friars who live a life of active contemplation.  This means that while they are called to prayer, they also share God’s word with others, so they are not cloistered.  So in addition to housing the Basilica, Holy Hill also includes a monastery where the friars live.  

However, the most well known visitor attraction at Holy Hill is a scenic tower. The Scenic Tower stretches 192 feet from its base to the tip of its spire and it is 178 steps from top to bottom.  Needless to say, the minute we arrived Andrew made a beeline for the tower. He loves climbing and he counted every single one of the 178 steps as we went up. By the time we got to the top he was filled up with questions about the locked doors we passed. However, all his questions disappeared as we looked down to take in the spectacular view, which was lovely in the summer, but I hear is at its most breathtaking in the fall. As I watched him take it all in, I suddenly pictured him as an infant. How did the little baby I once held in my arms turn into a school aged boy? Although I realize I can’t stop time, there is so much about life I want to protect him from and the further along the path of life he gets, the more I worry about if he will be equipped for whatever the world throws at him.    

Andrew, totally unaware of my thoughts, ran back and forth between the tiny windows in the tower. Suddenly he said, “Mama, didn’t God make a beautiful world! He is a great artist!” After a few more moments we descended the tower and spent the rest of our time praying at the Basilica and walking the stations of the cross, which are entirely outdoors. And when I say walking, I actually mean running since after briefly contemplating each one, Andrew was eager to find the next stop, as he put it.  

As we drove home, tired but happy to have spent the day together, I reflected on the experience. My mind floated back to being on top of the tower with Andrew and his comment about God’s art work. From our vantage point, Andrew could have said a great many things. He could have commented on how everything looked tiny, or what it would be like to jump all the way down, or ask about how the tower was built, but he didn’t. His first thought was about how God is an amazing creator. In that moment he was seeing the world through the lens of faith, and if he is “seeing as God sees” maybe I don’t need to worry so much about what the world will throw his way because as we all know, God has conquered the world through the loving sacrifice of Jesus His son. As one of my theology professors said, “We don’t have to be afraid, because we already know the end.”   

As parents we have the single greatest influence in creating the world view of our children.  How we live our lives and the priorities we set become the lens through which they see the world.  In short, if we make faith central to our family lives and live that day in and day out as individuals, they will follow suit.  I don’t know about you, but as a parent, that scares me because I know that I am not capable of that on my own due to the messiness of my own sin and brokenness.  However, the good news is that I don’t have to be capable on my own.   With the help of God’s grace and the support of a loving community, I will be equipped in the way I need to when challenges present themselves.  I am not in this alone, none of us are.  

Here are three simple suggestions to help your children see the world through “faith tinted glasses”:

  • God talk: Informal faith talk is one of the most powerful ways to help your children form a relationship with God. An example would be saying something like, “I had so much fun at your game and I am thanking God that we have the gift of being together.” Or “I know you are worried about your test, let’s pray about it together.” 
  • Family Pilgrimage: The fall provides an opportunity to enjoy natural beauty and there are several Pilgrimage sites in our area where faith and family fun meet. Click here for a list of pilgrimage sites in Wisconsin.
  • Service: Christian Service (also known as the works of mercy) is a great way to grow together in faith, and to talk about the way that Jesus calls us to help each other by serving “the least of these” (Mt 25: 31-46). Serving others is more than just being a good person. It is about being the hand and feet of Jesus and building God’ s Kingdom on Earth.   

However you decide to grow as a family in faith in the month ahead, please know Josh, Andrew and I are praying for you. Please pray for us!   

Jessie Adrians 

Director of Religious Education 

Family Outreach

Kathy Baehman, Youth Ministry Assistant & Family Outreach Coordinator

God’s plan for our families is to be models of the love of the Holy Trinity.  

“The Christian family is a communion of persons, a sign and image of the communion of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit.  In the procreation and education of children it reflects the Father’s work of creation.  It is called to partake of the prayer and sacrifice of Christ.”  CCC2205

Every family is called to holiness and it is our job as parents to make Christ the center of the home.  How can you build a culture of faith within your family?  What is the best way to teach your children about God and the ways of the Catholic Church?

It is no easy task! The best place to begin is with prayer.  We don’t have all the answers, but God does.  Establish a regular prayer time each day and ask the Lord to give you wisdom in your parenting.  We can also learn from the Saints and holy men and women who have gone before us.

Below is a graphic that will help you become aware of 7 habits that Catholic families should try to develop.  Take some time to talk about this with your children. Brainstorm ideas on how you can incorporate the faith into your daily activities.  What would you add to this list?

Kathy Baehman

Family Outreach Coordinator/Youth Ministry Assistant

Sunday School

Gwendolyn Noto, Sunday School Coordinator PK/K

Hello Families,

I hope the beginning of the school year is going well for all!

This month we are learning about prayer and what it means to pray to our Lord. We learn that we can pray at any time about anything. We had a wonderful first day of class and I'm excited to share that we are getting some new interactive bible games that we will be playing during Sunday school this year! Coming up we will talk about the story of creation and how God made everything.

Consider having a conversation with your family about how amazing it is that God made us and everything in this world. Maybe even just think for a moment about how truly glorious it is that someone powerful enough to create the entire galaxy that we live in would be so kind as to create each and every single one of us to be here today!

Have a wonderful rest of September,

Gwendolyn Noto

Sunday School Coordinator PK/K

Elementary School

Jenifer Jensen, Elementary School Coordinator

 Welcome to what I hope will be a "SOUP"er Elememtary RE school year. 

Thank you for the generosity of so many families that brought soup in for the Oshkosh Community Food Pantry. Over 70 items were brought in, well done good and faithful servants! This kind of act is truly what our faith is all about- Loving God and Loving Others. 

A few reminders for our families:

  • Classes begin at 4:30. Most catechists come from work and NOT available in the classroom until 4:15. Our goal is to not have kiddos waiting by themselves in the classroom. If you need to come early, the Gathering Space is a great option.
  • If you provide a snack for your child/ren, please have them eat it prior to class starting. Not all kiddos are provided a snack and may feel left out.
  • If you need to pick up your child/ren early, please sign them out at the front desk(orange sheet) This is a safety thing.
  • Lastly, if you are unable to get your child/ren to RE class for any reason on their assigned day, please call church and let us know. We care about the children and can "excuse" them from class. Often we can offer the other day or even send what's being covered via email, if asked, so they don't miss out on a lesson. 

   I appreciate and recognize ALL it takes to keep family life and schedules run smooth. There is so much that goes into it. and we at St Raphael's are so joyful we have your family to participate with us in RE and to make building a relationship with Jesus a priority! 

Middle & High School Youth Ministry

Michael Wilms, Youth Ministry & MS/HS RE

Praise the Lord!...Now and forever!!

It is time for new beginnings. Each time September rolls around we begin to see our lives fill up and start moving at a much faster pace. It can be daunting and overwhelming. There is so much to balance and coordinate on every level that it becomes difficult to slow down, breath and listen to the stillness in our hearts. We tend to focus so much on the “doing,” that we forget what it means to “be.” There are so many expectations, so much to do, that to slow down makes it feel like we will drown. Whether it be fear, busyness, laziness or uncertainty, it can feel like it’s not always possible to be who God wants us to be. 

Jesus sees this, and He gives us a solution:

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,* and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Here is the solution, given to us directly from the most Loving and Gentle God. Come to Him with ALL of your struggles, work, hardships and even joys and triumphs. Let Him walk with you, side by side through ALL of it! To give Him our “A.L.L.” means, Abandonment, with Love to the Lord. To do so is the way to true rest, joy and living a life that is fruitful and not just full. How can you respond to His loving invitation?

For students,

We have a few opportunities listed here, and Teen Discipleship groups that are now forming!

For Parents,

Check out all that is being offered through our newly revamped Adult Faith Formation here at the parish: Our students look to us for the example on how to live. If faith is a priority for us, they will see the authenticity and fruit it brings to our lives. If faith is a chore and a burden to us, the same will hold true for our kids. So start small, invite the Lord into your life in one new way and let Him build you up little by little, I guarantee it will be worth it.

God Bless!

Upcoming Events and Retreats:

  • Catholic Youth Expeditions (CYE): Retreats for middle, high school and families! Located in beautiful Door County WI, CYE offers retreats that combine nature, community, prayer and fun for all ages. Visit to find out more.
  • Saturday, Oct 7th, Bella Walk 4 Life - Come join St Raphael and the Oshkosh community as we raise funds and support for the Bella medical clinic and those in need. Sign up as an individual or come as a family! 

Sunday Oct 8th - Second Sunday Holy Hour (SSHH!) Starting this October, St Raphael will be having a monthly time for prayer and worship the 2nd Sunday of every month, at 4pm, followed by Sunday Mass at 5pm. This is a great opportunity to come pray for our youth/parish and spend time on the Sabbath growing in your own relationship with God.

  • Fall 2023- Teen Disciples of Oshkosh: Starting this fall we will be growing our Youth Ministry program with teen small groups (5-8 students) that the teens themselves will help create and share their input of how it should look. Contact us if you would like to be in a small group that meets based on your schedule and needs!
  • TEC Retreat, Green Bay (16+ years)- A great retreat that helps youth and young adults to engage in their faith in a fun and deep way. There are 2 open dates for this year: Dec 1-3, or Feb 23-25. Visit for more information.

Blessed Carlo Acutis…Pray for us!

Michael Wilms (

Youth Minister/Faith Formation

Grades 6-12

inFORMED Highlights

Some content in this section may be from FORMED, a Catholic content digital platform that provides 24/7 access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks. St. Raphael has a parish-wide subscription, so sign up for your FREE account by visiting and searching for St. Raphael the Archangel in Oshkosh, WI.

The Story of Mary |

 Brother Francis


Join Brother Francis as he celebrates the story of our Blessed Mother, Mary, and the very special role she plays in the Church and in all our lives!


Mary & the Saints: Our Spiritual Mother & the Communion of Saints


Discipleship is not done in a vacuum. In order for our ‘yes’ to Jesus to have staying power, we need the support of the community; in particular, faithful mentors and virtuous friendships. In this final session, young people will also be exposed to the concept of accountability.

How to Pray the Rosary

as a Family


Jackie and Bobby Angel share some simple tips and tricks for successfully praying the Rosary as a family and deepening that meditative prayer in spite of the difficulties that come with it.

Upcoming Events
Check the youth page on the St. Raphael website for calendar updates. 
Religious Education
920 233 8044

Director: Jessie Adrians
RE Secretary: Anne Glowcheski
Sunday School: Gwendolyn Larsen
Elementary School: Jenifer Jensen
Youth Ministry, Middle/HS RE: Michael Wilms
Youth Ministry, Families of Faith: Kathy Baehman