Welcome to Fall...
...as Reading is Fundamental of Northern Virginia ramps up for a new season of providing books to deserving schoolchildren in the City of Alexandria and in Fairfax, Arlington, and Prince William Counties. We hope you will enjoy our monthly newsletter -- the
RIF RAP -- as we spotlight RIF book distributions throughout our Northern Virginia community.
Why are books so important for literacy?
statistics from national RIF are beyond compelling. In fact, they are downright scary. Of all children in the U.S.:
of kids entering kindergarten lack the basic skills needed to learn how to read.
of 4th graders read below grade level, contributing to 8,000 students dropping out of high school every day.
of students graduate high school at or above reading proficiency, which means about two-thirds are NOT at level or above.
...to our efforts are not only welcome, but necessary to our goal to put books into the hands of kids who would never otherwise have a book to own.
Every $2 equals 1 book for a child. Read below for
donation details. And thank you, thank you, and thank you again!
A Summer RIF Distribution "Down on the Farm"
"Down on the Farm" was the theme of the end-of-summer RIF party at the South County Health Center in Prince William County. Children made farm puppets and colored farm pictures, but most important, they picked out books to take home. Alphabet and counting books were popular with children getting ready for kindergarten, and moms with babies loved the bright board books. "Old McDonald had a Farm" was sung many times as children waved cutouts of cows, lambs, roosters, and pigs.
One happy face during the RIF of NOVA "Down on the Farm" book distribution.
Reading is so fun! And yummy, too! :)
A Very Special Library...and a Very Special Gift
"Our baby shower was going to help us build a reading library for our unborn child. Our passion for reading was going to be shared for years with our child. When we lost our son, Devon Christopher, in December 2017, we felt a calling to use our loss as an opportunity to help others."
So begins the true story of "Devon's Library" -- as told by parents Liza and Justin, who turned the loss of their son into a collection of 602 donated books for children in the RIF of NOVA community. At a RIF meeting on September 4, in Devon's memory, they delivered 11 boxes of books that will be shared during RIF book distributions this fall. On the
Devon's Library Facebook page, Liza and Justin wrote: "It was such a pleasure to meet the board and volunteers who get books into the hands of Devon’s neighbors. The best part is, we’re not done yet!! Once the schools schedule their RIF days, we will be able to attend an event and see the children choose their books from Devon’s Library!"
Out of such sadness has come a gift that will bring joy and enchantment to children in the RIF of NOVA community for years to come. RIF of NOVA is so very grateful.
Justin and Liza, who created "Devon's Library" in memory of their son, pose with RIF of NOVA co-president Justina Johnson Head (right).
On September 4, at a RIF of NOVA planning meeting, "Devon's Library" of 602 books was delivered in person by parents Justin and Liza (center, on floor, surrounded by board members).
Notes from the Fairfax Library Calendar:
Preserve Old Photos, VHS Cassettes Free "Memory Depot" – Many of us have boxes of family photographs that commemorate events from one generation to another. Technology now enables us to preserve and share those photographs in a digital format. The Fairfax County Library System has launched the free Memory Depot at two locations, the City of Fairfax Regional Library (10360 North Street, Fairfax) and Sherwood Regional Library (2501 Sherwood Hall Lane, Alexandria). Learn more by visiting
You can help kids read in our own community!
Here's how...
1) You can give at any time via PayPal on the RIF of NOVA website
2) You can send a check to our mailbox: P.O. Box 7012, Arlington, VA 22207-0012.
3) You can register with
smile.amazon.com. Type in Reading Is Fundamental of Northern Virginia, Inc. to select us as the charity you want to support. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to RIF of NOVA.
Please share the RAP! Forward our newsletter to your friends and anyone interested in providing books to children who need them! Subscribe