September Repair Cafe News

First Hyde Park Repair Cafe in August a resounding success

August Repair Cafe Round Up

RCHV kept it light but lively in August with another 9 cafes across the region. Hyde Park opened a new cafe which had fantastic attendance and introduced many first time fixers to the magic that is a Repair Cafe (see photo above). And Gardiner Historic Locust Lawn's cafe returned with a special event at the estate that featured exhibits in traditional repair alongside the cafe.

Why let NYC have all the fun? RCHV Takes Part in HV Climate Solutions Week

September 16-24 marks Hudson Valley Climate Solutions Week. Modeled on NYC's Climate Week, HV CSW is brought to you by our fiscal sponsor Sustainable Hudson Valley. This unique concentration of educational activities and inspirational events will showcase how we can all help preserve a safe and healthy climate. We are offering a mix of virtual and in-person sessions for all who want to grow their practical understanding of the climate crisis.

Whether you are excited about new ways to access solar electricity, want to try out an EV or want to help advance your town's Smart Community agenda by learning to how to start your own repair cafe, there is an event for you!

Check out our full listing of events at

Repair Coach Corner

Don Grice, Photo Repair Coach

Cafes: Esopus, Gardiner and New Paltz

(or via email if photo is already digitized)

Don Grice is unique to our network as our only Photo Repair Coach. Quite often, photographs are our only reminder of a person, place or event, and a single picture can bring back vivid memories. Unfortunately the physical photographs don't always last quite as well as the memories. They get wrinkled, torn, stained and faded and sometimes it’s even hard to see what the picture was of, originally. Fortunately, a lot of the information in the picture can be reconstructed from the remnants that remain.

In keeping with the Hippocratic oath of ‘first do no harm,’ Don will scan your photograph into his computer and then immediately give it back to you so that the situation can’t be any worse than when you started. The repairs are done digitally, and the resulting digital image can be easily shared with family and friends. It can also be printed for display--which can make an extremely meaningful gift.

Since retiring from IBM after a 50 year career as an electrical computer engineer, Don has more time to get involved in the community through the Repair Cafés and as a volunteer AARP TaxAide tax preparer. That still leaves plenty of time for him to enjoy various hobbies including bike riding, cooking, painting and playing the piano and Irish fiddle.

If you have some photos that could use Don's TLC (see below for a great 'before/after' of his incredible restoration work), please reach out to us to find out which cafes he'll be at next. If your image is already digital, he's also generously offered to do the work over email if he's not in your area; you can reach him at

Don't worry, your eyes aren't getting worse--our September calendar is packed! We're excited to announce the return of our popular Poughkeepsie cafe on Sept. 9th and NEW cafes in Woodbury on Sept. 23 and Columbia SE: Copake on Sept. 30.

September 2023 Repair Cafe Calendar

For more information, visit our online calendar.

Help us keep Repair Cafe Hudson Valley going strong! Please consider donating at the link below. Donations go to our fiscal sponsor, the 501(c)3 Sustainable Hudson Valley, but will be earmarked for RCHV if you make a note saying it is for Repair Cafes. Thank you!

Donate to RCHV

One of the best parts of a Repair Cafe is seeing some of the unusual items that come in. At the Esopus Repair Cafe last month, electrical/mechanical repair coach Kevin fixed this vintage Raclette grill which was designed just for melting a specific kind of cheese. Can't wait to see what comes in next month!

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