Digital Literacy Conference - September 16, 2022
Teachers, coaches, and library media specialists are invited for a full day of connecting and learning about the latest tools and strategies for teaching digital literacy. Click here for more information.
Illinois Science Teaching Association Conference - September 30, 2022 (Wheaton)
Sessions are designed to address topics important to a successful PATH FORWARD for students, teachers and the community that enhances opportunities by expanding, inspiring and motivating learning. Attend in person or virtually. Explore the schedule and registration information.
K-5 Mathematics Standards and Instructional Strategies - October 12, 2022 (Online)
Looking for resources to help you clarify standards, learn new strategies, or simply prioritize standards? Join your colleagues in this online session.
Moon Phases and Shapes (Grades K-2) - October 13, 2022, 10:30 am PT
Register for this free YouTube livestream. Your class will join a planetarium presenter to explore how the moon changes shape in the sky, then imagine what it's like to be astronauts that visit the moon. If you can't tune in, browse optional extension activities related to studying the shapes of the moon.
Illinois Education and Technology Conference - November 2-4, 2022 (Springfield)
Learn, explore, and connect with other innovative educators to harness the power of technology and prepare future-ready students. Schedule and registration information here.