September 2018

From Town Hall

  • Watch BOS meetings live on YouTube. Click here for the link.
  • From Kent Social Services - Renter’s Rebate Program: If you are a senior 65+ or a person with a disability, and pay rent or share rent for an apartment, a cooperative, congregate housing, subsidized housing, or for a rooming house, you may be eligible for this program. The application period is April 1 to October 1, 2018. The rebate amount you may receive is based on a graduated income scale and the amount of rent and utility payments you made in the PRIOR year (2017). Income limits: single person $35,300.00; married couple $43,000. Those that apply must meet at least one of the following criteria: Individual or spouse must be 65 years of age or older as of December 31, 2017. Renter must be 50 years of age or older and the surviving spouse of a renter who at the time of death had qualified and was entitled to this program (provided the couple was living together at the time of death). Renter must be 18 years of age or older who is permanently and totally disabled under Social Security Disability guidelines. All Renters must have resided in the State of Connecticut for at least one year at any given time. To schedule an appointment, contact Leah Pullaro, Kent Social Services 860-927-1586.
  • The roads of Kent
Kenico Road is closed for blasting. Will hopefully reopen next week.
Starting September 10, catch basins will be cleaned on town roads. Expect delays .
Winter is coming, so please check your mailbox. Post in good shape? Box securely fastened?
From Resident Trooper Andrew Fisher
There has been an ongoing rash of car break-ins and car thefts in surrounding towns. The common denominator? Almost every car was unlocked with keys in the ignition. Please lock your vehicles.
From the Kent Conservation Commission
Cricket Valley update # 2
The Multi-Town Air Monitoring Task Force is hosting a public meeting at Kent Town Hall on Wednesday, September 26, at 7 PM. Connecticut DEEP Commissioner Rob Klee and some of his staff members will be speaking about the Cricket Valley Energy Center and the State's role in monitoring its impact on air quality in NW CT.
P ark & Recreation
Commission vacancies: The Kent Park and Recreation Commission has an opening to fill an unexpired three-year seat. The Commission meets the third Monday of the month (mostly) at 7 p.m., Kent Town Hall. The Commission is charged with oversights of the Towns’ recreational programs and two parks. Electors of the Town of Kent should express their interest in being considered and their background to Kent Park and Recreation Commission, P.O. Box 678, Kent, CT 06757 or email
After-School Program: The program, open to Kent Center School students entering grades kindergarten through six, meets Monday through Friday, following the KCS calendar, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. in the KCS cafeteria. The cost is $11/day per child and includes snack. The program features homework time, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor activities. Registration forms available online at and in the Park and Recreation office, Kent Town Hall, or by calling 860-927-1003. Scholarship assistance is available courtesy of Kent Community Fund by speaking with director Lesly Ferris. Youngsters must be registered to attend the program.
Save the Date: Halloween Party: co-sponsored by Kent Center School PTO and Park and Recreation Saturday, October 27, 2018, 5-8 p.m., Kent Community House. Pizza dinner, costume parade with prizes, pumpkin decorating, candy bar and more. Cost: $5/person; $20 for family of four or more.
Senior Information
Friday Senior Lunch: The program meets Friday, starting September 14, at noon at the Kent Senior Center, 16 Swifts Lane. Lunch is provided by Kent, Marvelwood and South Kent Schools and Kent restaurants. The cost is $2/person. Reservations are not required. Center opens at 11:30 a.m.
Blood Pressure Screening: The New Milford Visiting Nurse Association holds monthly blood pressure screenings for Kent seniors on the first Wednesday of each month from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Kent Senior Center, Swifts Lane. This service is offered free, and no appointment is necessary.

Kudos, Thanks and Congratulations
*Thank you to Abigail LaFontan, Kent resident and UConn student, who secured a UConn IDEA
Grant to share her interest in food with Kent Park and Recreation’s Camp Kent youngsters this
summer. Abigail planted and managed a camp garden where weekly she taught the campers about growing different vegetables, encouraging them to taste the various vegetables each week.
*Also a big thank you to John Grant and all the work he has done at Emery Park. Kent's swimming facility has never looked better. John had lots of help, but he was the driving force behind it.
* Wearing a different hat, thanks to John Grant for organizing a training class for the proper way to staff and run an emergency shelter. It was done by the Red Cross and the following Kent residents are trained in sheltering: Darlene Brady, Charlotte Lindsey, Elizabeth Place, Jeff & Angela Parkin, Catherine Bachrach, Sue Beerman, Therese Duncan, Fran Goodsell, Karen Iannucci, Jim Lovelett and Matt Winter. Many thanks to all !
Household Hazardous Waste Drop off
September 22, 2018 is the date for our second chance this year to get rid of hazardous waste. The event is free and just requires proof that you live in Kent. It will be at Pettibone School in New Milford from 9a.m.- 3:00p.m. For a list of what to Bring and What Not to Bring click on the logo.
The 2018 KVFD Golf Tournament hosted by Bull’s Bridge Golf Club on Monday, September 10, 2018
Click on logo for information, registration or sponsorship opportunities.

From Kent Emergency Management
Sign up to receive emergency notifications from the Town and the State. Click on Emergency Management logo to sign up.
Sidewalks of Kent
The Streetscape Committee plans to bring a proposed plan to the BOS soon. The Committee is hopeful that the BOS will agree to bring the plan to a town meeting .
Click logo above for KML September events
  KVFD Corner
KVFD June call volume
34 EMS calls 17 Fire calls
Two Kent Organizations Merge
All Kent residents are invited to a reception on Friday, September 28 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the St. Andrew's parish hall to celebrate the merger of the Kent Nursing Association with the Kent Community Fund. There will be a brief program at 4:30 pm. KNA was founded in 1943 and in recent years used its funds to secure needed skilled nursing care, home healthcare and wellness care for Kent residents who did not have adequate insurance or financial resources, through reimbursements to local visiting nurse associations.
KCF was established in 2006 to help residents with emergency needs, such as utilities, fuel, medical and dental care and with scholarships for the Park and Recreation's after-school program at Kent Center School and summer camp. The work of both groups will continue under the KCF umbrella."
Bereavement & Grief Support Group by SVNA
The Salisbury Visiting Nurse Assoc. is hosting a 12 week grief support group to help you cope with sadness and loss in a safe place every Thursday from 9:30-10:30 AM at The First Congregational Church’s Lecture Room. This is free and open to all in the community. Please call Liz or Joanna at SVNA 860-435-0816 with any questions. 
You don’t have to go through this challenging time alone. There are others who can walk the road alongside you.
September Kent Calendar
September 4 - 4:30 p.m. Monthly BOS meeting @ Town Hall
September 18 - 7:00 p.m.- Monthly BOF meeting at Town Hall
September 22- 9 a.m.-3 p.m.- Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off @ Pettibone School in NM

The Town of Kent is an equal opportunity provider and employer., PO Box 678, Kent, CT 06757