Coffee with Coppo - Principal's Coffee, Thursday, Sept. 19th, 9:00am - 10:00am in the Lecture Hall. Coffee and light breakfast treats served. Mingle with parents and hear about important TP topics that relate to your teenager. Please bring your drivers license and sign in at Attendance or at the Administration building to get your visitor ID badge.
Senior Parent Night - Parents of Seniors are invited to join the Counseling Department on Thursday, Sept. 19th at 6:00pm in the Performing Arts Center for our annual "Senior Parent Night."
Back-to-School-Night - Tuesday, Sept. 24th, Starting at 5:15pm in the TP quad amphitheater (see flyer below)
No School - Monday, Sept. 30th
Upcoming Foundation Events in October:
TP Parent Connected class coffee mornings, Details TBD
TP Parent Connected Speaker Series/SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) begins in October with Guest Speaker: Jean Twenge (author of iGen), Topic - Why kids are more connected but less happy, Details TBD
"Financial Aid Night" will be Thursday, Oct. 3rd at 6:00pm in the Performing Arts Center. More info to come. (TP Counseling)
TP Community Tailgate at Homecoming, Oct. 25th, 4:30 to 7:30pm