Volume 75 - No. 9 | September2023 | |
Worship on Sunday September 3, 2023 at 10:00am
Communion Sunday
If you are worshiping from home, please have a piece of bread or cracker and water or juice ready for Communion.
| This service will be live streamed on Facebook. | |
Don't have Facebook? Don't worry, you can still view the live service from any device by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/Trinitychurchnorthborough
A step-by-step tutorial on how to access Facebook Live CLICK HERE
Have your Bible, a candle and lighter ready and create a worshipful space, maybe with a cross, a nice tablecloth, or other devotional items that are meaningful to you.
Replay on Verizon channel 31 and Charter channel 191
Sundays (previous week's) at 6pm and Thursdays at 8:00am.
Rita is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at: [email protected] or call her (508) 393-8156 and she will walk you through each step.
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We are looking for help to make apple crisp for our Applefest Café and Thursday Sept 7 and Friday Sept 8 at 9 am. Contact Jean Leif if you can help. [email protected]
We will be looking for volunteers to help with these different events on Saturday and Sunday. Please sign up during coffee hour or email me if you are available to help on either day at: [email protected]
Thanks for your support of our biggest fundraiser of the year!!
For the 2023 Applefest Crafters Agreement Click Here
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Welcome Back!
Fall is a season for fresh beginnings as a new school year starts! We are excited for some new changes to our worship space as we make room for a larger prayerground for families. You will be able to sit at tables together if you wish and take advantage of a variety of family friendly items for the little ones. We will also have worship tool boxes that can be used during and after our worship service.
Trinity Tots will begin again on September 24th after service in the nursery.
Community ACTS our youth and teen community service group will begin on September 5th from 6-7 in room 105.
We can’t wait to see you!! 🙂
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Trinity has a new custodian!
Please welcome Bob Coughlin to Trinity. He started as our custodian on August 29.
Bob is a long time resident of Northborough.
If you’re in the building in the mornings, you may see him vacuuming or dusting. If so, please introduce yourself.
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Hello Trinity Community!
Even though Summer is a “down-time” for our community engagement and our Worship Services are minimized for the sake of time and temperature, this Summer has brought us several unique ways to worship and connect with God, including an outdoor service at Ellsworth-McAfee Park, special music from Judy Scully on the Accordion, as well as a beautiful Taizé Service of scripture, chant, and meditation lead by guest pastor Noelle Dattilo.
I am excited to venture into the next Season of the year with our community. With the arrival of the Fall months, we begin a new cycle for the music of the church. Our music ensembles will soon begin their weekly rehearsals to prepare monthly performances as well as a Lesson & Carols Service in December. The beginning of the season is the best time to join our performing groups for rehearsal. There is plenty of time to “test the waters” and build confidence for the performances. We welcome people of all music experience levels and have a fun time working together and building friendships! If you are interested in attending rehearsals or have questions before taking that leap, reach out to myself for Adult Voice Choir & Worship Band or Tom Danforth for Hand Bell Choir. Check out the music flier below for rehearsal times and director contact information.
Along the way, we hope to include other varieties of special “gifts” from our congregation and community. Our Worship Committee has a unique presentation planned for October 8th. We are hosting the “Just Peace Players” for a performance of a show called “Hey, Save the Earth.” This is a free dramatic play taking the place of our usual Sunday Service. Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss out!
Also, the “Blessings of the Pets” is rescheduled for a post-service event on September 17th at 12:00pm. We hope all of our pet-parents bring their “babies” to the church courtyard for some animal play-time and a blessing of good health from Pastor Will. Contact the church office if you have questions for this event.
As always, I encourage all of you to be “present” for our church with your body, voice, and mind. Money is not always the easiest to give, but your time is just as valuable. Contact a church member you haven’t seen in a while…participate with a church committee or music ensemble…attend an event that’s not on Sunday morning. God loves even the smallest token of giving. Blessing to all of you!
Until We Meet Again,
Scott Arnold (He/Him)
Music Director
Trinity Church of Northborough
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Our tool drive for Assabet Valley Technical School has been a complete success! We have hundreds of great tools which will be greatly appreciated and put back into use!
Thank you,
Barbara Mulligan and John Posluszny
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Thank you to everyone who participated in our survey and small group discussions.
We received 38 surveys, and approximately 25 people joined us for group discussions.
Click here to view the results of the survey.
We are in the process of finishing up our church profile that will go out to prospective candidates. We will keep you posted on our progress.
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We are pleased to report that we have now raised $22,011, representing 67% of our $33,000 campaign goal. We have extended the campaign target completion date to September 30th to allow us to reach our goal and proceed with the work this fall. If you have been away and have not yet had the opportunity to contribute, please help us get it done. Click here to donate and thank you!
Click on the Video below.
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The Pastoral Care team is available for anyone who would appreciate a friendly caring call or a check in on a home bound member. We keep in touch weekly or monthly or whatever is needed. We even make “sunshine“ house visits with a small box surprise!
Just to let you all know that we are here and if you or you know anyone who would benefit from a call from our team please contact Linda F. at: l[email protected] or Michele W. at [email protected]
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A once a month meeting at Trinity with knitting/crocheting hands that will make shawls for our members in need of a “hug” from a blessed handmade item delivered right to their home to warm the heart and soul I have a simple knit pattern that can be made whenever one has the time to relax and made especially for someone who would love to have it. It comes along with a card of encouraging words
Anyone interested in meeting over a cup of tea just once a month for one hour for a rewarding mission please contact Linda Ferraro at: [email protected]
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The Pastor Parish Relations Committee, or PPRC, consists of three people whose purpose is to support and sustain an open and healthy relationship between the pastor and the members of the congregation…and to ensure open and honest communication amongst all parties.
Our monthly meetings include a time of sharing within the group and a discussion of timely matters, mainly concerns expressed by members of the congregation. Committee members and contact information are listed here:
PPRC Members:
Kalpana Samuel, [email protected] (858) 837-1780
Forest Lyford, [email protected] (774) 258-1096
Kristine McLaughlin, [email protected] (774) 258-0285
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I am looking to put together a list of people who would like to help when needed on our hospitality list. We are looking for people when we have collations (after funeral services) to help with set up, serving, clean up and baking. If you would like to be called upon, please email me at:
[email protected] or call/text me at
(508) 596-1776.
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Coffee or Tea on Zoom Wednesdays at 9:00am
Chat on Zoom, Wednesdays at 9am.
Meeting ID: 954 033 518
Password: 569713
Dial by your location
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 954 033 518
Rita is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at [email protected] or call her (508) 393-8156 during office hours.
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Our Zoom Bible Study will reconvene on Monday Sept 11 at 1pm. We are a small group with lively discussions as we try to connect the Bible to our everyday experiences. Contact the church office for the Zoom link.
If you are interested in an evening Bible Study, contact Jean Leif at [email protected].
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Meetup at Brilla Coffee Wednesdays at 10:00am.
Join Pastor Will Wednesday mornings coffee chat. Brilla Coffee (formerly known as Inhouse Coffee) is located at 17 West Main St in Northborough. This is an opportunity to gather in an informal setting, and to show our presence in the community.
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With summer just about over we are looking forward to Trinity's monthly Coffee House starting up again for the 2023/2024 season: We hope to see you all there! Save the date of: Friday October 20, 2023 7pm - 9pm. | |
The "Count Your Blessings" thrift shop will be open during Applefest, Sat. 9/9, from 10am - 3pm, featuring a vintage shop that will include gently used quilt bedspreads and refinished furniture pieces along with a new fall clothing assortment.
The thrift shop hours will be Wed, Fri, and Sat 10 - 2 starting the week after Applefest. We hope to see you there!
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Give to Trinity Church
These are challenging times for many. But if you are able to give, we ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your support to Trinity Church, to make up for those who cannot meet their pledge, so we may continue to do God's work through Trinity Church. Thank you for your faithful, generous giving!
Please make your checks payable and mail them to Trinity Church: 23 Main St, Northborough, MA 01532
You can also use “bill pay” and have your bank mail a check to us on a regular schedule set up by you, at no cost. Or give online at www.trinitynorthborough.org/donate
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Community Meal Take-Out
If you are interested in helping, please see the available opportunities to sign up CLICK HERE
To donate towards the purchase of meals, please make your checks out to "Helping Hands Association" with "Community Meal" on the memo line, and mail them to Northborough Helping Hands, P.O. Box 383, Northborough, 01532.
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Fall Basket Weaving Event - Save the date
The Northeast Basketmakers Guild (NBG), a group of dedicated basket weavers throughout New England and New York, are offering a Fall Retreat on Saturday, October 14, 2023 at Trinity Church Fellowship Hall. Classes start at 9:00am with a break for lunch. The one-day event will offer four classes at various skill levels that are led by talented teachers. The Retreat is open to beginners and experienced weavers, both members and nonmembers.
We have an assortment of three lovely baskets and an adorable ornament to choose from, and welcome you to join us for a fun day of weaving and camaraderie. The classes are:
- Square Twill Tray with Ruth Boland
- Chicklet Mini Egg Basket with Lynn Goldberg
- Birch Bark Squirrel Ornament with Kimberley Harding
- Round Reed Double Wall Basket with Debra Rolfe
Full details can be found on the NBG website (https://northeastbasketmakers.org/2023-fall-retreat/), where you can register and pay online. The deadline for registration is September 18. For further information, please contact Joanne Miller, NBG Fall Retreat Coordinator, at [email protected]. We look forward to a fun day of weaving with friends and hope you will join us!
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If you know of someone who is hospitalized, ill, suffering from the loss of a loved one, or troubled in some way and in need of a pastoral call, please call Pastor Will Seals at 508-393-8156.
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If you have any information that you would like to have included in the October 2023 Tidings, please be sure to have it into Rita / church office no later than Friday September 22, 2023 | |
23 Main Street ~ Northborough, MA 01532
(508) 393-8156
[email protected]
Office Hours
Monday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 3pm
Thursdays 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 3pm
Friday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 3pm
Trinity Church is an Open & Affirming / Welcoming & Affirming Congregation
Trinity Church's mission is to fill its people with the love of God
and share God's love in all the world.
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