Volume 72 - No. 9 | September 2020
Worship Sunday, September 6 @ 10am:
On Facebook Live with Communion.
Don't have Facebook? Don't worry, you can still view the live service from any device by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/Trinitychurchnorthborough/      

A step-by-step tutorial on how to access Facebook Live, click HERE

Have your Bible, a candle and lighter ready and create a worshipful space. Maybe with a cross, a nice tablecloth, or other devotional items that are meaningful to you.

Please have a piece of bread (or crackers, chips or cookie) and cup of juice (or water, tea or coffee) ready for Communion.

Replay on Verizon channel 31 and Charter channel 191
Sundays (previous week's) at 6pm and Thursdays at 8:30am. 

Emily is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com or call her (508) 614-8989 during virtual office hours and she will walk you through each step.
Some of you may have seen or read about UCC churches who have rainbow colored doors on their front lawns, reminding passersby that God loves everyone and God's doors are always open. At Trinity, we don't have a set of doors but we do have yard signs and colorful chairs that send the same message.
I took this picture in the spring when the Confirmation/Baptism group attended Worcester Fellowship (this was before everything shut down because of COVID. Seems like forever ago!) A gentleman was wearing it as a pin and it struck me again this week because God's "doors" are not the doors on church buildings. Our building's doors may be closed, but God's doors are not. Never. 
The Deacons have made the difficult decision to keep the Trinity Church building closed until further notice. They believe it is too soon and too risky to gather inside with groups of people. Yes, we miss seeing each other. Yes, we miss the sound of the organ and choir, we miss our beautiful sanctuary and the peace and comfort it represents for us, we miss coffee hour. But being a Christian, being connected to God, is not limited to that particular space. Trinity Church may be one door for us to feel close to God, but it is not the only door. 
Where are God's doors for you? Where and how do you connect with God? 
Have you felt more distanced from God since COVID happened? Or maybe even closer? Or maybe you've connected to God in a different way than before?
With all the losses, anxiety and stress COVID has brought to every single one of us, I still think there is a silver lining. We have already learned so much and we continue to learn. We've realized where our priorities are, what and who really matters. We've learned how much we are social beings, how much we need face-to-face interactions that we used to take for granted. And we've grown in our faith, in our understanding of what it means to live a spiritual life. Muhammad Ali is supposed to have said, "As long as I’m alive, I will continue to try to understand more because the work of the heart is never done."
The work of the heart is never done, and God's work is never done. 
We get to be part of that "work," to share God's love in all the world. 
If we ever decided to put rainbow colored doors out front Trinity Church I would add a brown one and black one, to represent the lives of Black and brown people for whom so many doors continue to remain shut, but for whom God's doors are always open, as they are for the rest of humanity. 
May our hearts be like God's doors: open, compassionate, patient, and loving. 

With prayers and well-wishes for all of you,
Pastor Valeria.
Sunday, September 6: On Facebook live with Communion.

Sunday, September 13: In the parking lot: "Finding Faith in the Fall." Welcome back to kids and families! Invite your friends.

Sunday, September 20: Rev. Adam Hearlson will be our guest preacher as part of our worship grant
“Hope is not a matter of waiting for things outside of us to get better. It is about getting better inside about what is going on outside.”
Joan Chittister
Trinity Shares Preservation Massachusetts Award

The Gale Store project, a joint project of Trinity Church, Habitat for Humanity, and Northboro Affordable Housing Corporation, has been awarded a Robert H. Kuehn Award in the Preservation Massachusetts' 2020 Preservation Awards Program. The award is given "for projects that meld partnerships with creative and cutting-edge ideas for the rehabilitation and active reuse of historic buildings". This project involved converting property owned by Trinity (formerly the Gale General Store, built in the early 1800's) to affordable housing.  The application highlighted the partnership between Trinity Church, the Northboro Affordable Housing Corporation, Habitat for Humanity, the Town of Northboro, Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, and Algonquin Regional High School.

Congratulations to everyone who worked on this project, and to all the organizations in town that came together to make this happen! 
Fall 2020 Zoom Book Study Group
Register by September 9th
As part of the Vital Worship grant, we will be discussing the book: 

The Work of the People: What We Do in Worship and Why 
By Marlea Gilbert  

In our discussion, we will be looking at the different elements of worship (including gathering, sharing scripture, Communion, and departing). We will explore how we can be more actively engaged in worship so that worship becomes more participatory and interactive. Everyone has different experiences in worship and all perspectives are welcome. The goal is to get a deeper understanding of how our community experiences worship. 

The book discussion will begin the 3rd or 4th week in September and will continue for 6-8 weeks. We will offer an evening and a day-time group, both on Zoom. 
Noelle Dattilo will lead the groups.
Meeting times will be determined with the participants.

If you would like to join the book group, please complete the online form below or let Emily know by September 9th so we can order a book for you. The cost of the books will be covered by our grant funds.
Zoom Bible Study
Mondays @ 1pm
Want to connect with other Trinity people while we are self-isolating? Join us for an informal Bible study on Mondays at 1pm via Zoom. Each week we will select a chapter or passage of the Bible, and discuss what it means to us.

Jean Leif will be facilitating. Email her at jhleif@gmail.com (include your name) for log-on information.
Grief Support Group
If you or someone you know recently lost a loved one and is looking for a safe space to share your experiences with others, you are welcome to join our grief support group. We meet twice a month on Zoom, weekdays at 7 pm. For more information please contact Pastor Valeria at trinitypastorvaleria@gmail.com
Coffee or Tea with Pastor Valeria on Zoom
Wednesdays @ 9am
Chat with Pastor Valeria on Zoom, Wednesdays at 9am.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 033 518
Password: 569713

Dial by your location
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 954 033 518  

Emily is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at  trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com  or call her (508) 614-8989 during virtual office hours.
Saturday Breakfast Fellowship
Every Other Saturday @ 9am (Saturday, September 5th & 19th)
Hi Everyone –

I hope you’ve had a safe summer.  

Breakfast Fellowship changed over the summer. In May we started meeting every other week, rather than monthly, to help us stay connected and support each other through the pandemic. We’ll continue with that in September and we invite you to join us at our Zoom gatherings.

It’s sort of like coffee hour after worship on Sunday mornings – we gather and talk about what is going on in our lives and the world around us. The big differences are that these are virtual gatherings and you have to provide your own coffee and goodies 😐 For those of you who haven’t attended Breakfast Fellowship before, this is a great way to get to know some of the people who are images on a screen or magically put comments in the Facebook stream during worship.

So, in September, we will be meeting on the 5th and 19th at 9:00 AM each time.  

This will just be fellowship – no home work. In October, we’ll go back to gatherings with specific topics to discuss.

For more information or to add yourself to the Saturday Breakfast Fellowship email list, please contact Tom Danforth at tomdan4@gmail.com
Worship in the Parking Lot September 13th
Worship will also be streamed on Facebook Live.
"Finding Faith in the Fall" will be our theme for worship in the parking lot. We will welcome back all kids and their families. Please invite your friends! The band will play music after worship. Kids will get to enjoy ice cream and participate in a scavenger hunt. Adults are welcome to stay and chat. All of this will happen safely, socially distanced, wearing masks. You may remain in your car or bring your own chairs.
Worship will also be streamed to Facebook Live.
Workshop on the History and Meaning of Worship
Saturday, September 19th
Rev. Dr. Adam Hearlson, adjunct professor of preaching at Lancaster Theological Seminary, Pastor of Overbrook Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia and author of the book "The Holy No - Worship as a Subversive Act," will lead a workshop about worship history and its call to be creative and to change the worship depending on the contextual needs of a community. 

Rev. Dr. Hearlson writes, "Worship is powerful-- it can challenge and comfort in equal measure. Worship is also diverse. Our traditions contain an uncountable myriad of rituals, liturgies, and norms. Finally, worship is flexible—it can meet the need of any moment. These assumptions serve as the foundation of the shape and possibility of worship in the 21st century.

"In this workshop, we will consider the ways in which the long history of worship can serve to inspire our worship practices for today. Specifically, we will examine the preaching, music, festival, and art traditions of the church as examples of the creative worship practices that met the needs of a context. By the grace of God, they will help guide us as we create worship practices for the church today." 

The workshop will be held on Zoom on Saturday, September 19. More information to come soon. 
We are excited to welcome all the kids back after the summer. We will kick off Faith Foundations on Sunday, September 13th. Following our parking lot service we will have a fun no-contact, socially distant scavenger hunt and ice cream. Families are encouraged to invite other friends to join them in our drive-in service.

What will this year look like?

At least for the first few months of the year we will not be in the building and will rely on Zoom and socially distant outdoor classes. To better accommodate families and not overwhelm the kids Faith Foundations will take place after church service, 11am - 12pm, on days when our service is on Facebook Live and during the service when it is in the parking lot. Our studies this year will be focused on social justice and tying that into bible passages.

Youth Group will also continue this fall by utilizing Zoom and outdoor social distancing. We are hoping to get in as much outdoor time as we can before the weather starts to get cold. Please be on the look-out soon for an upcoming calendar and permission slips.
Give to Trinity Church
These are challenging times for many. If you are not financially impacted by the current situation we ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your support to Trinity Church, to make up for those who cannot meet their pledge, so we may continue to do God's work through Trinity Church. Thank you for your faithful, generous giving! 

Please make your checks payable and mail them to Trinity Church:
23 Main St
Northborough, MA 01532
You can also use “bill pay” and have your bank mail a check to us on a regular schedule set up by you, at no cost.
Did you know your shopping can earn Trinity money?
Shop at your convenience all year!   
Trinity Church is set up as a charity on iGive! Please consider downloading the app or shopping through the iGive site and a percentage of your purchase will be sent to Trinity Church! This does not cost you any extra money, the donation comes from the stores you already shop at.

Please consider shopping through iGive to help support Trinity.

You shop. Amazon gives.
  • Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
  • AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
  • Support Trinity Church by choosing it as your charitable organization at smile.amazon.com 
Trinity Spirit Wear!

Show your Trinity Spirit with a blue Trinity Church t-shirt! 

We have blue Trinity Church t-shirts for sale! T-shirts can be ordered through the link below or by contacting Linda Corbett by email lcorbett12@hotmail.com.
Mental Health:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text HOME to 741741 for the Crisis Text Line.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI Central MA (Worcester): Phone: 508-368-3562 Email: namiworc@hotmail.com

NAMI Metrowest (Marlborough-Framingham): 
Help Line: 508 251 9595 Email: NAMIMetroWest@NAMIMetrowest.org Website: www.namimetrowest.org

Addiction/Substance Abuse Disorders:
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline 1-800-662 HELP (4357)  www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline

The Mass Substance Use Helpline
Phone: 800-327-5050 Website: www.helplinema.org

Worcester Area Intergroup (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Phone: 508-752-9000 (24/7) Email: steps@aaworcester.org Website: www.aaworcester.org

Domestic Violence:
The National Domestic Violence Hotline is offering assistance and safety planning 24/7
  • 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
  • TTY 1-800-787-3224 o If you’re unable to speak safely, you can chat online, or text LOVEIS to 22522

MA SafeLink MA Statewide Toll-Free Domestic Violence Hotline 1-877-785-2020  

Food Assistance:
Northborough Food Pantry 
Wednesdays 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Thursdays 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Phone: 508-393-6897 Email: info@nfpantry.org Website: www.nfpantry.org/nfp  
“What does God require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly in God’s name.”   Micah 6:8
The Deacons have created a Social Justice team charged with identifying social issues important to Northboro and the surrounding communities, and providing opportunities for action. Possible issues include racial justice, climate change, healthcare, and education.  If you have ideas or want to be part of the team, contact Jean Leif, jhleif@gmail.com.
Special Offering
Sunday, October 4
During worship  we have the opportunity to give a  special offering  to be split evenly between  Neighbors in Need  (United Church of Christ) /  World Mission (American Baptist Church). Our contributions will be used to help others in need. Details may be found at  www.ucc.org/nin   or 
GSA Link
The Link that Connects

The GSA Link is a project connecting local GSA high school and middle students to collaborate, share ideas, and socialize in a SAFE space. LGBT and allied high school students are welcome.

Middle School Virtual Link Up! https://www.facebook.com/events/1278622175669344/

For more information please contact:
Melissa at projectgsalink@gmail.com or 508-735-1267
Watch Sunday's worship using the link below. You do not need to have a Facebook account to view this video!
Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch a
selection of Pastor Valeria's sermons and our worship music.
Community Meal Take-Out

We have resurrected Community Meals but in a to-go manner and we need your help.   
We will be ordering $5 meals from local food establishments and distributing them to our community meals guests to-go, every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the parking lot of Trinity Church. Various organizations have committed to monetary donations for these entrees. But, you can't have a meal without servers, water and dessert. We are looking for volunteers to sign up to donate a case of water or 2 dozen individually wrapped desserts and/or stand in the parking lot and deliver the meals to guests in their parked cars. All guidelines of social distancing will be observed. 
If you are interested in helping, please see the available opportunities and sign up here: 

To donate towards the purchase of meals, please make your checks out to "Helping Hands Association" with "Community Meal" on the memo line, and mail them to Northborough Helping Hands, P.O. Box 383, Northborough, 01532.  

Mindfulness Meditation with Sharon  Meets every Thursday, 1-1:40 pm, free. This meditation is audio only and participants are muted during the meditation portion. Everyone is welcome to join for some guided, some quiet and some reflection with Q & A and sharing. Email  skirby@natickma.org  to receive the Zoom link (different each week.)
Are you interested in being added to the online church directory?
Please use the instructions HERE to add yourself and your family to the Trinity Church online database.

If you need any assistance connecting to the online directory please contact the church office:
(508) 393-8156 or trinitychurchnboro@gmail.com

If you know of someone who is hospitalized, ill, suffering from the loss of a loved one, or troubled in some way and in need of a pastoral call, please call Pastor Valeria at the church office, 508-393-8156.
Deadline for October Tidings
Please be sure to have all your info for the October Tidings in to the church office by Sunday, September 27. Your help is appreciated!
23 Main Street
Northborough, MA 01532
(508) 393-8156

Virtual Office Hours :
Emily is working from home. Please email her or leave a message on Pastor Valeria's voicemail on the church phone. (Please note Fridays are Pastor Valeria's day off and she will not check her voicemail. In case of an emergency please listen to her voicemail message for her cell phone number.)

Monday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm
Tuesday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm
Wednesday: 9am - 10:30am & 11:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm
Friday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 2:30pm

Rev. Valeria Schmidt, Sr. Minister

Trinity Church is an Open & Affirming / Welcoming & Affirming Congregation

Trinity Church's mission is to fill its people with the love of God
and share God's love in all the world.