Aspen News
Making the neighborhood you want to live in!
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Happy September, Neighbours! Hopefully this month finds you all easily transitioning into the routines of early Fall and able to enjoy some of the warmer temperatures we have received recently.
While our League largely took a break during the summer months, there were a few tasks that were happening behind the scenes - Building Operations made sure that our storage shed doors were properly stripped and repainted and has been doing some assessment of some rink board maintenance that is needed. Thanks to Greg for getting that done! If you’re a fan of the rinks, stay tuned for an opportunity to volunteer some time to help out with some minor repairs.
We continue to make (slow, but steady) progress on our Building Project; while we haven’t yet broken ground on our renovation, our Building Committee was busy finalizing all the details of our design requirements so that the job could officially go to tender. We are currently assessing and negotiating a bid proposal (with the necessary approvals from the City of Edmonton) as we continue to move towards getting construction underway.
Also, in Board updates, we are once again looking to recruit someone interested in the Vice President position, with intention to step into the President role in Spring 2024. It is a great opportunity to get involved and see how the League functions, share some of the workload, be a part of the Building Project and have some mentorship in the role. Come our next AGM, I will continue to stay on the Board in the Past President role and see the Building Project through to completion, but will be stepping down as an active President. It would be ideal to do some succession planning over the next 6 months - we have a strong group of people on the Board, and with all these cylinders firing, it is a fun group to work with! If interested, please email:
Cheers Everyone!
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Notice of Upcoming Parking Disruption | |
As the Aspen Garden Community League continues to move forward with their Hall Renovation Project, there are a number of disruptions that are anticipated. One of those inconveniences will be the closure of the AGCL parking lot for public use. Once the project construction start up begins, the area surrounding the Hall will be completely fenced off, and the parking lot space will be needed for the site requirements of our construction company. Parents and staff who use this space for school drop off and pick up and daytime parking should be aware that this will not be an option as early as October 2nd - when you see it's locked up, you know we are getting underway. At this time it is anticipated that this disruption will last the majority of the school year, as construction timelines run into May 2024.
We will also be advising our Contractor about the high-traffic times in our school areas, so that they might be mindful of this with their planning as well.
With apologies,
The AGCL Board of Directors
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Save the Date - Fall Carnival | |
Date: Sunday, October 15th.
Time: 1 - 4 P.M.
Stay tuned, more details to come!
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Last Call for Block Parties! | |
Interested in holding a Block Party with a few of your favourite neighbours? The AGCL will support you and provide $100 towards your costs! The applicant must have a valid community league membership and provide a copy of their Block Party/Road Closure Permit that has been issued by the City of Edmonton.
Financial support will be on a first come, first served basis and will be limited to 10 gatherings in the neighbourhood receiving funds.
*Note: the League will not be loaning out it’s BBQ/Grill this year.
If interested, email:
Valid Until: October 30th
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Community Swim!
Show your Membership
Swim for FREE!
Where: Confederation Leisure Centre (11204 43 Avenue)
When: Saturday: 4:00pm-5:30pm Sunday: 4:00pm-5:30pm
Community swims do not take place on Statutory Holidays or days the facilities close early (Christmas eve, Christmas day, New Years eve, New Years Day, Canada Day, Easter Sunday)
*Valid Community League Membership must be presented at facility.*
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Southwest Edmonton Seniors Association | |
Seniors, do you remember the coffee shop in your little town or in your neighbourhood? They were everywhere, a gathering place for the community, a homey place where you would feel welcome and included. The “coffee shop” concept is alive and well! SouthWest Edmonton Seniors Association has three locations for Cafe SWESA. All kinds of interesting people gather, hear lots of
opinions, share information, laugh a lot, commiserate and make everyone feel at home. To find out about Café SWESA times and locations, check page 10 of our Program Guide at or drop by our office.
SWESA Office
Blue Quill Community Centre
11304-25 Ave. NW
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PETROLIA SENIORS GROUP (55+) Invites you to COME to Enjoy
LUNCH and a PROGRAM ($25) at Greenfield Community Hall (3804 -114 Street)
11:45 a.m. (sharp) to 2:00 p.m. Please be seated no later than 11:40!!
September 19th – “Ukrainian Settlers- Then and Now”-Steve Kashuba, Historian and Author
October 17th -“Importance of Muscle Health During Aging“ -Dr. Carla Prado, Nutritionist
For more information or to CONFIRM your attendance PLEASE CALL:
Claire - 780-435-3051 or Betty - 780-434-0711
An additional “outing” is offered each month for your enjoyment. For information call Joyce - 780-435-6388
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Brooke Tyson: Aged 16. She has completed the Red Cross babysitting course. She is very good with children and can do housework (e.g., dishes, cleaning, cooking) when kids are asleep. Contact Brooke @ 780-720-9067
Maddy Dublenko: Aged 15. Maddy has completed her babysitting course and lives in Aspen Gardens. Contact Maddy @ 780-233-3890
Matthew Herd: Age 14. Lives in Aspen Gardens (west half). Matthew has completed Babysitting and Home Alone courses and has prior babysitting experience (references available). Keen interest in basketball, Lego, and all things Star Wars. Please contact via Emily @ 780-655-7508
Megan Tyson: Age 13 Megan is a very responsible babysitter 780-451-3095
Adrian McCurdy: Aged 19 - They love band, art and being creative. Adrian has a part time job at Build-A-Bear and is in their first year of a Bachelors of music. As well as a child development assistant certification, they have completed 2 babysitting courses. Contact Adrian @ 780-935-2803 or
Jack Hamm: age 12 has completed his Red Cross babysitters training course and is interested in babysitting children aged four and older. He attends Vernon Barford junior high school and is offering to walk kids home from Westbrook school and babysit until parents are home from work as well. If interested please contact Lisa at
Juliet Robertson: Age 12 has completed her Red Cross babysitters training course. She is a qualified babysitter with experience taking care of children of age 3 - 9. She has excellent communication skills, is enthusiastic, responsible, safe, and patient. She charges $10 an hour. If interested please contact 780-433-7972
Kennedy Milne-Onushko: Aged 16. She had completed her babysitting course, has first aid training, and has experience with kids. She is also open to assisting with homework such as Math, Social Studies, Science, English, and Band. Contact Kennedy @ 587-783-3821
Summer/ongoing weekend tutoring and mentoring available for grades 5-8 students. Teacher is one of the top students in Grade 9 at VB, headed for Grade 10 at Old Scona in Fall 2022. Contact Saras Agrawal, or phone 7802677298.
*If you wish to be added to the Youth For Hire please let us know.
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Community Membership is available for purchase online and has it's benefits, including discounts at:
- 15% on multi-admission passes to City of Edmonton recreation centres
- 20% on annual passes to City of Edmonton recreation centres
- discounts at the following local retailers:
- 5% at Petrolia Liquor Store
- 10% at Square One Coffee
- 10% at Stone & Wheel Pizza
- 10% at Roma Pizza & Donair
- 10% at Anava Esthetics Studio
- Good Stock Restuarant & Catering
- 10% at REP Physio for Therapeutic Massage
- 10% at Aspen Pharmacy, 20% for Seniors
Membership Fees
The 2023/2024 Membership Fees are $40 and include all of the benefits listed above, in addition to supporting your community.
How to Purchase a Membership
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Nicole Gilbert, and her company Westbrook Tutoring, which holds a 30 year legacy of learning, is continuing to partner with families forming the next generation of leaders. Nicole and her team believe that every student possesses an innate level of genius which we nurture. We celebrate student success by encouraging a disciplined work ethic and a commitment to obtaining individual levels of excellence. We offer online and in-home tutoring and mentoring services. Please contact us at 780-218-1319 or
Dog walking, Pet Sitting, and Pet Visits. Licensed, Insured and Bonded. Visit, email or call 780-903-8016.
Piano lessons in your own home, beginners a specialty. Evening, afternoon, daytime spots avail. Richard Van oosterom, B.Mus, [M. Mus (courses)] piano, theory, harmony, RCM, and university exam preparation. 780-437-2391 (home), 780-292-3489 (cell), or www.mauranuimusic
Experience with plumbing, painting, install and repair of toilets, faucet, drywall, cleaning roofs, gutters, grout and silicone bathtubs. $30/hr, 20% off AGCL members.
Experience with drywall repairs, painting, basic plumbing, basic electrical, roofing, flooring, tiling, appliance installation, and bathroom & kitchen renovations.
100% Alberta grown ALPACA wool. Eco-friendly, hypo-allergenic, soft & soothing. Great for gifts! See some of the Alpaca products on Kijiji, under the heading of Alpaca Cowls (buy and sell section).DOG / CAT PET BLANKETS, Handmade, Non-Shed Chenille, extremely comforting, soothing snuggle softness, Easy Care... Machine wash and Dry… Approximately 24 inches by 25 inches. Contact Monica, email please at Thank you, have a healthy week!
Family, maternal, newborn and personal branding photography sessions offered. 10% off for all AGCL members. Please contact Tara Needham at 780-916-3294 or email Please visit Happiness is You Photography on Instagram or Facebook for more information.
Elena is a certified and licensed R.M.T offering mobile massage therapy in Aspen Gardens and the surrounding communities. Appointments available between the hours of 10 AM and 1:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Flexible hours available on the weekends. For bookings, please contact Elena via call or text at 780-655-1669.
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Aspen Gardens Community League | | | | | |