Ramp Up Your Business!

The last couple years feel like a blur and time seems to be passing by faster and faster. Especially in business! If you are ready to get back in the driver seat then set some time aside and join us on September 15 at Okanagan College in Oliver for a day of planning, learning, and creating some action steps for your business. Together we will work on your plan to Ramp Up Your Business and finish off 2022 strongly and set yourself up for success in 2023.  Bring your laptop - we will review your online presence, explore marketing options and work on your business in real time!

Coaches include:

* Matt from Mintent - Digital Marketing Agency Mintent

* Cheryl from Peak to Peak Marketing

* Denise - SO Chamber / ETSI BC Business and Community Recovery Coach

$50+gst - includes a day of coaching and planning for your business. It also includes a follow up mentorship session with one of our coaches to support you. Lunch is included.

Please contact Denise at denise@sochamber.ca or

250-535-3335 with any questions and to sign up.

Space is limited.

Save the Date

Please join us for our next Networking Night in Okanagan Falls. Take a step back in time and take a tour of the Museum, Bassett House and Kenny McLean Room on Wednesday September 21 at 5:00.  

Catch up with business colleagues and other South Okanagan Community Builders as we reconnect after a busy summer. 

Please RSVP to admin@sochamber.ca

The Faces of the South Okanagan

Thanks to the continuous support of ETSI-BC we will be doing another round of South Okanagan Stories. If you want to be part of the series or have an idea to share please reach out to Denise at manager@sochamber.ca.

Osoyoos Art Gallery


“I think it shows the tourists the artistic community that we are,” says Darlene Fillion, a potter, and co-chair with Marge Trosky of the volunteer gallery committee. “There are so many different artists showing right now and the variety of art we have is phenomenal.”

Full Story Here

Matt Leyes and Ravina Johal from Black Sage Butcher

We’ve built friendships and working relationships,” says Leyes. “It’s been fun to collaborate with them, but also commiserate with them and to support one another. There is a real sense of community here that I think would be really hard to find in a bigger city.

Full Story Here


Fall Festival Weekend 

Is Bigger & Better than Before! 

There is something for everyone - 

Sept 30 – Oct 2, 2022

Click the button below for all the fun details and to get your tickets!


Times Chronicle Advertising Opportunity for Fall Festival Weekend

The Times-Chronicle is publishing a special feature that will be distributed as a section in the Times-Chronicle, Peachland View, and West Kelowna . It will be available on-line as well. Don’t miss your chance to get the broader exposure and distribution throughout the South Okanagan, an area with a distribution of 14,000! 

Contact SHERANI - 250.495.7225 marketing@timeschronicle.ca with any questions and to book your spot.

Together we are Stronger | www.sochamber.ca
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