We are a Family Yoga Studio offering Vinyasa Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Restorative & Yin Yoga, Kids Yoga, Baby & Me Yoga, Private Yoga, Sound Healing, Donation Classes, Workshops, Teacher Trainings, and more!
In September at Breathe N Flow Yoga our focus is strength and grace. 

Did you know that a tree cut to a stump can eventually grow back into a full-sized tree? It’s because a strong root system is still there. When the roots continue to send the nourishment and energy, the tree continues to grow, giving rise to new life. 

For 10 years Breathe N Flow Yoga has been rooting itsself into the community. We’re drawing strength from those roots to rise up in a new way. Join us this month as we approach this new journey with strength and grace. 

Here are a few ways you can practice strength and grace:

On your mat: 
Strength is the capacity for exertion or endurance, and grace is defined as ease and suppleness. 

Set your intention on the mat to bring strength and grace into balance. Resist the urge to exert so much energy that you struggle to find ease. Strive to move just beyond that place of pure indulgence in a pose by calling on a little strength. Your practice on the mat will benefit from a balance of both. 

In your Community:
Given the events of 2020 chances are we all know someone who could benefit from some shared strength and grace. Maybe it’s our family, friends, neighbors, or maybe even a stranger. Reach out. Connect with someone where they are. 

Share compassion. Then be a source of strength that can help move them forward. Support, encouragement, a gift, or just being there for them to lean on can be the grace they need to move them forward.

In your heart and mind:
Inhale. I am Strong. 
Exhale. I am enough.
We look forward to practicing with you in all ways this month at Breathe N Flow Yoga!

Pose of the month: Dancer Pose (Natarajasana)

Dancer is a fun and challenging way to practice balance and back-bending. It calls on us to open our hearts and root down and rise up with balance and focus. 

Practicing Strength and Grace in this pose:
You can demonstrate strength in your feet, ankles, legs, core, back, arms, and more grace and suppleness when opening up the chest, hip flexors and the shoulders.

Take care not to lock the knee of the standing leg, and be sure to warm-up with other backbends.

"I love this picture and from your view it may look like I was in perfect focus and as stable as can be. TRUTH is, I couldn't "hold" the pose for more than a few breaths. Then I remembered, We all Wobble. How we reset and try again is when Grace inspires strength." ~LH
Thank you Alexandra Spergel for capturing the "perfect" picture for our focus and pose of the month.

Join our Yoga Challenge! (two simple steps to enter):
  1. Post your pose of the month variation and use hashtag #BNFYogaPOTM.
  2. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, so we can follow back and view your post!
Weekly Schedule of Offerings
 Now you can take classes with your favorite teachers right from the comfort of your own home, outdoors, work, or anywhere else you choose!

$10 - Class Pass: Access to single live Zoom class, with ability to replay for 2 days 
$89 - Membership : Unlimited monthly access to all classes and on-line library content. Note: You may choose to take advantage of this online pricing, or request to reactive your current membership.

Yoga at Waterfront Park: Classes will be $12 each. Max at 10 people with social distancing. first come, first served.
See schedule and register for classes HERE.

 NOTE: you must still register for all classes you intend to take in order to receive access

ATTN YogaMamas: We will be rescheduling Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga.
Which Time/Day works best for you? Email your requests:
Saturdays 10:00am
Tuesdays 6:30pm
Private Small Group in person indoor classes are available upon request. Contact

8 AM Yoga at Waterfront Park
with Marely
12 PM Online Gentle Flow with Lis
6:30 PM New Time
Sunset Community Yoga with Leah and Manny **also available online
8AM Online Jivamukti with Mindy
6PM Yoga at Waterfront Park
with Shana Rae
10 AM Yoga at Waterfront Park with Leah
7:30 Online Breathe & Flow w/ Jodi
10 AM Online Lotus Flow with Lisa
6PM Yoga at Waterfront Park with Jenna
10:30 AM Yoga Talk, Pranayama and Meditation with Leah -Community Class
6PM Online Yin and Restore with Jamie 
9:00 AM Yoga at Waterfront Park with Marely Corniel

In addition to waterfront and live zoom classes you can access our our online library with day passes or membership. For more information click here.
Practice Safely with your circle in the comfort of your own space.
I'll come with my mask, all the supportive essentials, and a class plan tailored for you and your tiny crew.
Options available for reservations:
  • Yoga Biome Private
  • Yoga Biome Private w/Essential Oil Aromatherapy (samples included)
  • Yoga Biome Private w/The Works - Yoga, Essential Oils, and Sound Healing

Contact subject line - "Yoga with your Biome" for more info and booking.
We look forward to practicing with you.
"Always a Student" 

A space for the Yoga Teacher Collective to Study and Create meaningful practices together.  
Stay tuned for a special monthly offering with our BNFYoga Mama,
"Teacher of Teachers " Leah Hartofelis

For more information contact For most up to date offerings by Leah Click HERE
Let’s do this together one breath at a time.

Join Leah for 5 days, 5 practices for 5 minutes each, with your mask on.

With school beginning again and for all of us who wear masks at work, these tools + breathing practices will help adjust to mask use.

September 1st - 5th at 5pm.
This offering is free, simply log on Zoom after receiving the link via email upon registration.

Register HERE
Join Mindy in this once a month journey into the study of the Self. In this class we will explore many yogic texts including the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali which is the foundational text of yoga and the road map to finding true happiness. Through chanting and meditation we will dive deeply into the mystery of silence and the miracle of transformation. All Yoga Students and Teachers are encouraged to participate.

Satsang is held on the first Wednesday of the Month.
Suggesting attendees bring the book “I am That”, talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Wednesday September 2nd 7:45 - 8:45
$15 Investment
Registration is Required

Register Here

*Will be held via Zoom*
Registered students will receive the Zoom link after signing up.
The Four Agreements - A Trauma-Informed Application
4 Part Course - Leah Hartofelis with United We Om
In this four-part course, we will discover and study how many of our beliefs, behaviors, and life values have been predetermined or pre-written by others. Each week we will unpack and apply trauma informed applications of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz to re-write our own “powerful code of conduct for attaining personal freedom and true happiness”.

Each session will offer a well balanced blend of discussion, Pranayama and Meditation practice, and journaling.

Week 1 - Be impeccable with your word. Learn the connection between sound vibration and toning the vagus nerve, finding your authentic voice, and the practice of words as a vehicle for service.

Week 2 - Don’t take anything personally.  Explore "self-less" service and the intersection with Karma Yoga.

Week 3 - Don’t make assumptions.  The practice of Responding vs. Reacting.

Week 4 - Always do your best.  Practices and roadmaps to show up for yourself, your loved ones, and your community.

Donation based, no minimum. Can't join live? No worries! A recording will be emailed out to all registrants. Donations support our work sharing accessible yoga with trauma-impacted communities.

learn more at

Thursdays October 8, 15, 22, 29
6:00 - 7:00 pm EST, optional discussion 7:00 - 7:15 pm EST

Register here.

Join our doTERRA TEAM!
Check out doTERRA’s Healing Hands foundation and purchase your bottle of HOPE touch. The full purchase price of each doTERRA Hope Touch bottle is donated to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation™ which supports efforts to fight sex-trafficking worldwide. Empowering Change.

Prioritizing our health and wellness by choosing nature's gifts - Essential Oils for home, work, and on the go!

Get started living, learning, and sharing doTERRA.

**Anyone who enrolls as a wholesale member during the month of August receives a Free HOPE touch.

Want to learn more about doTERRA, Contact Leah Hartofelis to arrange for an Essential Oils Consultation.
Private Yoga Sessions
Looking to develop or deepen your yoga practice? Private yoga offers an opportunity to tap deeper into self-discovery. The practice itself, is crafted to provide individual support to the delicate parts of ourselves that require rooted attention; Mind, Body, Spirit.
Tell us what you hope to attain and allow us to support you with a practice tailored to your specific needs.

Whether you would like to deepen your personal practice, explore meditation, modifications for injuries or health concerns, improve alignment, learn relaxation techniques or any other specialty area (yin, restorative, prenatal, yoga for athletes, etc.).
Contact Leah Hartofelis to book an appointment..

May you and the people around you be at peace. 
May your heart remain open.
May you awaken to the light of your own true nature.
May you be healed. May you be a source of healing for all beings.

❤️ Leah, Manny, and the BNFYoga Team

Breathe N Flow Yoga
(516)632-9626 (F)
(516)544-2188 (O)

Click above to follow us on social media, and download our BNFYoga app HERE to receive all of our latest updates.