Suicide Prevention Resources
DMHAS is Hiring Nurses Now!
As part of an expedited emergency hiring process, DMHAS is looking to hire temporary direct care staff to work at our facilities as quickly as possible. We are looking for staff on all shifts at all DMHAS locations.

Positions include Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Mental Health Assistants (MHA1). Nursing positions require a valid CT nursing license. If you have friends, family or acquaintances who may be interested in these positions, please have them contact DMHAS Human Resources, Jennifer Green at for further information.
Save the Dates:
2021/2022 Hub Meeting Schedule

If you're in Stamford, look for our bus!

Back to School Resources
A Teacher's Guide to Anxiety in the Classroom

Sometimes anxiety is easy to identify - when a child is too nervous to read aloud or make a presentation in class. Other times anxiety in the classroom can look like something else entirely - an upset stomach, disruptive or angry classroom...

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Helping Your Child Make Friends Again | Parenting Tips

The isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on everyone. Here are some ways to help kids make friends and build social resilience in this transition time after a stressful year.

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In the News
How Alcohol Affects the Heart

A new study has found that even moderate drinking can increase the risk of A-fib, a heart rhythm abnormality that afflicts some 3 million Americans. A new study has found that consuming alcohol, even as little as one can of beer or one glass of...

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Child Psychiatrists Expect To See Surge of Kids Needing Help

As schools across the country reopen, mental health professionals are anticipating a surge in the number of kids seeking help in the coming weeks. That's not unlike previous years.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT
A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC