September 2018
September is Suicide Prevention Month 
Do you know the subtle signs of someone at risk for suicide? How would you respond if your teen, family member or colleague said they wanted to die? With s uicide being the 10th leading cause of death it is more important than ever to recognize the signs of suicide and know the appropriate steps to save a life  Read More
Were You Aware: Newborn Identification

Effective January 2019, The Joint Commission will add a new requirement for newborn identification in order to prevent improper identifications from happening in the future. 
CMS Immediate Jeopardy: Part V

When presented with a situation that could possibly elicit Immediate Jeopardy, a surveyor must be able to answer a specific set of questions in order to do so. Find out what the process looks like.  Read More
HELP! Engaging Your Board

Many times, we are asked how to engage leaders, including the Board in the survey process. This may not seem possible, but it is! Find out how to successfully engaging your board!  Read More
The Joint Commission® is a registered trademark of Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Courtemanche & Associates has no affiliation with this entity.
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