Browse the catalog for physical books, DVDs, CDs, and more. You can search our physical collection (of more than 3 million items!) via our online catalog at, or via the Missouri Evergreen app.
Search for digital books and magazines via Missouri Libraries 2 Go (on a computer via and the Libby app (on a smartphone or tablet). And search our physical collection digitally, via the Missouri Evergreen app.
Browse NKCPL's September classes and events: Storytimes, LEGO fun, Stem Clubs, and LOTS more for kids and families, plus crafting, sewing, yoga (and more!) for adults. Explore more and register at!
STEM Saturdays @ the Library start Sept. 3
Did you know? The Library offers monthly Saturday STEM learning sessions for children: STEM Club for kids in kindergarten through 5th grade, and STEM Club Jr. for kids ages 3-5 (and their grown-ups). STEM/STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.

Each session will focus on a different topic (exploring bubbles, say, or airplane science), and will include stories and hands-on experimentation/challenges. Kids might get a little messy, so dress accordingly!

First up? Airplane Science (STEM Club) and Exploring Bubbles (STEM Club Jr.) on Saturday, September 3. The following month, our topics are Space Alien Invasion (STEM Club) and Exploring Colors (STEM Club Jr.) on Saturday, October 8.

For more info about STEM program dates, times, and topics, and to register, go to
New this autumn: Family Movie Nights!
This fall, join us for a family movie night or two at the Library! Drop in on Thursday, September 22, at 6 p.m., for a showing of Sonic 2 (rated PG). BYO snacks, and/or plan to enjoy some yummy popcorn while you’re here. We’ll be in the Meeting Room on the building’s lower level.

And join us again on Thursday, October 27, at 6 p.m., for a screening of the Halloween classic Hocus Pocus (rated PG). Popcorn will be provided (or BYO snacks!). Registration for Library Movie Nights is welcome, but not required.
Lots of Storytime options at NKCPL this fall
ICYMI: NKCPL offers a full slate of weekly Storytimes! While kiddos of all ages are welcome at Storytime, these sessions are especially geared toward preschool-aged littles. No registration required!

Join us on Tuesdays @ 5:30 p.m. and Wednesdays @ 10 a.m. for Pre-k Storytime. These sessions include read-alouds, songs/movement, and a super-simple craft/activity.

We also offer a Sensory Storytime on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month at 10 a.m. These sessions, geared toward neurodiverse pre-k-aged kiddos, feature fun read-alouds and lots of sensory play.

Questions about Storytime, or about other Library offerings for kids and families? Email Jennifer Shea at
Special Storytime: Nature Exploration on 9/21, featuring a visit from the KC Zoo!
Join the Kansas City Zoo here at NKCPL on Wednesday, September 21, at 10 a.m., and plan to get up close and personal with the natural world!

In this fun and hands-on nature-play Storytime, there will be sensory activities and stations for children to explore. This special, themed Storytime is open to kids of all ages, but is best suited for children ages 2 to 5.
Calling all builders: LEGO Club is back!
Have littles? Looking for some fresh opportunities for creative, open-ended play? Join us for LEGO time at NKCPL, now offered twice weekly!

Drop in for LEGO fun (or stick around after Storytime) on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8 p.m., or join us from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday mornings. LEGOs are provided, and kiddos of all ages are welcome. No registration required!
Come sew with us at Common Threads
Did you know? The Library offers hands-on sewing classes via our in-house sewing lab called Common Threads, which is located on the building's lower level.

Each month, we offer an Intro to the Machine class for beginners--or anyone who wants to brush up on their sewing machine skills. We also offer a project class, which will vary from month to month. The project classes are tailored to advanced beginners, or folks who've sewn at least a little bit before and will be able to use the machine mostly on their own (once pointed in the right direction, of course!). At this time, these classes are for adults only.

This month's Intro class: MYO Magnetic Snap Bag on Wednesday, September 7, at 6 p.m. With instructor Patty Ibarra.

This month's project class: Make a Holiday Applique Pillow Cover on Tuesday, September 27, at 1 p.m. With instructor Patty Ibarra.

Go to for class dates and details, and to sign up.

And we've added a volunteer sewing opportunity too!

Join us on Friday, September 23, at 10:30 a.m. to make a fidget quilt--also known as a busy blanket--for the benefit of persons with Alzheimer's. This class is offered in partnership with Northcare Hospice House.

For more info about these quilts, this class, and future volunteer sewing opportunities, go to This session will be facilitated by instructors Patti Fair and Barb McCoy, both Northcare Hospice House volunteers.
Yoga in the Park runs through September!
Yoga in the Park continues through the end of this month, offered in partnership with NKC Parks and Recreation. After that, we'll pause, with hopes of returning for more Park Yoga in the spring!

In the meantime, we offer two options each week for mat yoga at Macken. Join us for either or both! Details below.

Location: The Gazebo at Macken Park
Meet at the Gazebo by the tennis courts (across from the Norclay building, at the corner of Howell and Clark Ferguson Drive), weather permitting. Don't forget your mat!

Wednesday series: Every Wednesday evening through the end of September. These sessions start at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday series: Every Saturday morning through September. These sessions start at 10 a.m. with one exception! On Saturday, Sept. 10, class will begin at 10:15 a.m.

In case of weather: We'll cancel. We'll post the cancellation notice at
Find more classes for adults at!
NKCPL offers a mix of in-person and virtual classes and events for adults, including sewing, crafting, Medicare, LOTS of yoga (chair, mat, and even an in-the-Park option through the end of this month), and more! Explore ALL the Library's offerings and register for a class or program at