Sign up for coaching and connecting
Coaching is a great way to learn about the resources Arts Alive! has and the connections we can help you make in the community. 45 minutes sessions are free and open to anyone!
$$ for performing arts venues
take advantage of this as soon as you can!
Governor Chris Sununu and the GOFERR announced the allocation of $12 million from the state's CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds for the Live Venue Relief Program.

The application is quick and easy!

Deadline: Tuesday, 10/13/2020 - but get your application in as soon as possible!
watch radically rural:
it was more than a remote success!

Radically Rural Remote on September 24 was a huge success!

Sessions in the Arts & Culture Track were:
  1. Equity in Arts Funding
  2. Community Connection Starts with the Arts
  3. The Essential Arts

Arts Alive! was pleased to participate in this year's Radically Rural event. We appreciate the support, both technical and financial, for this event from the Hannah Grimes Center, The Keene Sentinel, and our sponsors. Content was developed in partnership with Art of the Rural, NH artist laureate Amanda Whitworth, and Lisa Burk-McCoy of the NH State Council on the Arts.
arts defeat loneliness
how can the arts connect us in a disconnected time?
The arts are an important part of a community's toolkit to build social cohesion, civic engagement, and to eradicate a very real health threat - loneliness.

Arts Alive! has embarked on a research project with the stewardship of Tomoyo Kawano, Dance/Movement Therapy program director at Antioch University and the research talent of Cierra Turnquist, Masters Candidate in the department. The project will investigate:

  • who is participating in the arts in the Monadnock region and how
  • what are the barriers to participating in the arts
  • how is community built through arts and culture activities and in arts and culture spaces.

We currently seek arts and non-arts institutions, businesses, communities, to help distribute survey materials. Sign up to participate!

stay connected:
regular engagement

Regional Arts Nonprofits Virtual Meetup & Listserv!
Arts Alive! continues to host a virtual meetup every other Tuesday at 2pm, October 13 & 27 - with nonprofit arts staff in the Monadnock Region.

The three ongoing open topics are:
  1. how does your organization continue to navigate the pandemic?
  2. what work and discussions are being had around creating a more inclusive and equitable arts community in the monadnock region?
  3. what big ideas for change excite you - are you seeing or getting inspired by any innovations in the arts world post-pandemic - what could they mean for you?

This meetup is open to anyone who works at or serves on a board/volunteer committee for an arts organization. It is a place to offer and receive peer support in navigating the challenges of running a business during the pandemic and sustaining beyond it. The listserv offers a venue to share resources, articles and ideas.

Want your organization to be included on the listserv or to receive meetup invites? - Please email
The Peterborough Arts Collective Monthly Meetup meets virtually!
Arts Alive! is happy to support the Peterborough Arts Collective with a virtual gathering space at the usual meeting time. Bring your self, your creative joy, your pandemic stories, and something you'd like to share.  The group's next virtual meetup will be on October 26 at 5pm.
sharing arts update:
a new future in Dublin
MAxT Makerspace and the team of Sharing Arts are so close to their fundraising goal to create a shared workspace - it will open this winter in a space on Rt 101 in Dublin. Under MAxT Makerspace's leadership, the project was awarded $62,000 in tax credits from the NH CDFA to purchase equipment and outfit the building for makers! 

discover monadnock arts:
we've increased our reach & updated our calendar!
Spread the news of your event!
Discover Monadnock's calendar is your promotion tool to spread the word about your event. With your help we are makingit the go to place to see what great cultural events are happening around our region - the live events AND the virtual ones! Add your event to the calendar today!
it's not too late
There is still time, and we are encouraging independent artists, writers and musicians who have lost income to apply for unemployment benefits. The self-employed still qualify to receive these benefits, so take advantage of the program meant to help you economically survive this year.
arts alive! is supported by:

New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Hoffman Family Foundation
Eppes Jefferson Foundation
Savings Bank of Walpole
C&S Wholesale Grocers
Carl & Ruth Jacobs
The Keene Sentinel
The City of Keene, NH
Tom & Babs Putnam
The Arts Alive! Board of Directors
Arts Alive! Members & Creative Businesses
And our greater community of donors!