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Volume 1, Issue 7

The Final Forkful

This late-month newsletter covers exciting nutrition network news that happened this month.

From the Nutrition and Aging

Resource Center

White House Conference 

The White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health has announced further details including a tentative agenda for this historic event to be held September 28 from 9:00am-5:55pm ET. Join the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center for a live-watch party on Zoom. There is no need to register. Login anytime during the event, and come and go as needed. Via the chat function, there will be opportunity to discuss the event and interact with others passionate about the aging nutrition network. Learn more and get login information at the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center's event page.

Nutrition Counseling Resources

Nutrition counseling is a need for older adults in the states and communities that we serve.  Guides were created by the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center - one for Area Agencies on Aging and Local Service Providers and another for Registered Dietitians

Each guide is also accompanied by a set of quickinars -- sets of short videos that walk through key information found within the guides.

AAAs & LSPs Playlist
Registered Dietitians Playlist

The Nutrition and Aging Resource Center created a one pager that gives tips to help your senior nutrition program run smoothly. Staff that work at community-based organizations may not think of themselves as having strong business skills, or even consider the important role that good business practices play in delivering successful programs and services.

The resource was created to supplement Business 101: Tips to Ensure Your Program Runs Smoothly and Efficiently, which goes into more detail of the basics of running a business.

The Nutrition and Aging Resource Center created fact sheets to Title III and Title VI nutrition partnership. The document gives a high-level overview of helpful ways that the Title III and Title VI nutrition providers can work together. It walks through the steps to partnership, planning for a partnership, and how to apply and maintain a partnership.

This resource was created to supplement the Quick Guide to Title III-Title VI Nutrition Collaboration.

Social, Mental, Emotional Health Coloring Pages

The Nutrition and Aging Resource Center created Social, Mental, Emotional Health Coloring Pages that may be utilized by programs to enhance meal program participants' overall wellbeing. Simply print the coloring pages and distribute to meal participants!

Nutrition and Aging News From the Network

Food Service Guidelines Virtual Annual Meeting

The Food Service Guideline's Collaborative is hosting its annual meeting November 1 from 12:30-3:00pm and November 2 from 1:00-3:00pm ET. This virtual event will cover topics such as supply chain and trends within food service. A full agenda is to come.

photo of a road sign that says opportunity just ahead

HHS Nutrition Policy Fellowship

Interested in food policy and looking for a great opportunity? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has announced a Nutrition Policy Fellowship.

Senior Centers and Innovation

Learn more about the Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center, results from Environmental Scan of Senior Centers, and more on September 23 from 1 to 4pm ET at the Senior Center Summit. Register here for this event hosted by the National Council on Aging.

TCMI Virtual Summit

The Texas Congregate Meal Initiative (TCMI) project staff at the Public Policy Research Institute of Texas A&M University is pleased to announce a two-day VIRTUAL SUMMIT to connect with and learn about the congregate meal innovations best practices in Texas from fifteen pilot sites. The summit will take place September 28 and 29 from 2 to 4pm CT on Zoom.

Please use the following Qualtrics link to register for the event, and a calendar invitation with the Zoom information for the meeting will be sent. There is no fee to register or attend the virtual summit.

You may also learn more about the Texas Congregate Meal Initiative by visiting the project website.

The TCMI pilot sites look forward to showcasing their innovation successes in impacting older American nutrition in Texas!

Kindest regards,

TCMI Project Staff

The TCMI project was supported in part by grant number 90PPNU0002-01-00 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

Senior Nutrition Programs in the News

The Administration for Community Living has created a page on the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center page that collects and highlights news stories related to senior nutrition programs across the nation.

Have a story to be shared? Email 

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This project was supported in part by grant number 90PPNU0002 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.