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Monday - Saturday:
10am - 5pm
12pm - 5pm
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If you or your loved-ones need accommodations, send them over to our converted 18th century farmhouse, Chatham Guest Rooms. We have been very well reviewed on TripAdvisor!
Do you need a getaway?
If you visit the Cape, we recommend you stay in one of our rooms at Chatham Guest Rooms! The rates are reasonable and you will be staying in the building that is home to Maps of Antiquity! You can pop in to look at maps quite easily during business hours. Renting rooms year 'round!
Scenes at the Start of a Cape Cod Autumn
Autumn has begun to arrive on Cape Cod, tinging some of the leaves red while the lower humidity mellows the days. It is the perfect time of year for outdoor activities and plenty of people are escaping to the Cape to enjoy long days out in the fresh air. It has been a strange and unusual year and we hope everyone is doing well. We have allowed customers to browse our collection in the store since June, with proper precautions in place of course. We are once again open every day, ready to help you with all of your antique map needs!
We have added many exciting maps and charts to our website over the summer and we are very happy to share them with you finally! Many of these items are more valuable, but just a reminder that we also have a category specifically for maps under $100! Please send us a message if you can't find what you are seeking- we are grateful for the opportunity to help you find the perfect antique map.
As always, you can see our recent acquisitions by visiting our Newly Listed category, which is updated as often as we can manage. If you are looking for something specific, we recommend using the "Search" function at the top of our website or the menu on the left side of the web page. It is advisable to view our website in a computer (not mobile) for best image quality and enlargement.
New Items for September 2020:
(in no particular order)
Highly desirable and collectible early map of North America with California as an island and Quivira. Quivira was one of the reported Seven Cities of Gold that drove many people to search North America for these cities and their riches. On this map French Canada extends as far south as Virginia/North Carolina, where it hits Florida, which in itself extends over the entire US south. New Mexico covers the entire west of the continent. Includes general areas of native peoples. This map is full of fascinating information that will be revealed over time!
This fascinating map by Ernest Dudley Chase is part of a series of European maps that feature beautifully detailed illustrations of beloved locations and notable edifices. Additional illustrations of buildings, sea monsters, ships, and planes decorate the page. With so much charm, this map is sure to be a favorite! Ernest Dudley Chase lived his final years in Harwich, the bordering town to Chatham.
| 1856 San Francisco Entrance |
| 1859 San Francisco Entrance |
What a difference three years can make! Here we have two similar charts from three years apart and we can see the progress made in surveying the land around San Francisco, as well as the settlements of the city. The 1856 is a coast survey chart and at this time Oakland, Berkeley, and the general eastern part of the Bay area were in the process of being surveyed. The 1859 chart includes Brooklyn, which only existed for four years, as well as three views of the area.
Click here to see all of our San Francisco maps, prints, and charts.
This gorgeous pictorial map shows the Exposition Universelle of 1900, better known in English as the 1900 Paris Exposition. This was a world's fair held in Paris, France, from 14 April to 12 November 1900, to celebrate the achievements of the past century and to accelerate development into the next. This rare and unusual map was designed by H. Lokay and published by L. Baschet. It features illustrations of the exposition buildings along the Seine in a unique way- each building has been turned on its back so that you can see its front facing in the direction it faces to the road!
We have never in 14 years had this original Chatham bird's eye view for sale, despite selling the reproduction. It is a bird's eye view map of Chatham by George E. Norris published in 1894. As Cape towns developed, detailed renderings of buildings and land features were desired and the lower right holds the number key that corresponds with the numbered buildings in the image. This is an unusual find on the market and sure to go fast!
We cannot get enough of this beautiful map of the Northeastern coast of North America, from Cape Breton Island to Long Island, by Bellin, 1757. It includes New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and the Province de Terre Main (Maine), as well as parts of Canada such as Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island (Isle St Jean), and Cape Breton (Ile-Royale). It also features a detailed inset of Boston Harbor.
Throughout the map are hundreds of place names, rivers, islands, shoals, banks, ports, bays, etc. This is known as one of the best general New England coastal charts of the French & Indian War period.
| 1930 Index Map with Central Park |
| Ward Map with Columbia University |
These detailed insurance maps of Manhattan were published in 1916 and 1930 and feature property owners names, businesses, roads, railroads, parks, and more. There are quite a lot (and we haven't even finished putting them all online yet) so please feel free to contact us if you are looking for a certain area! We are happy to help you look for a certain street or address!
Other ward maps available:
And more!
This handsome chart of part of Florida with part of the Bahamas was published by the Hydrographic Office of the US Navy, compiled from the latest US Coast and British Admiralty Surveys, created in 1886 and updated to 1888. This chart has fabulous representations of the southern tip of Florida, the Florida Keys, and many Bahama Islands including Andros, Great Bahama, Great Abaco, the Berry Islands, New Providence, Cat Island, Eleuthera, Exuma, Long Island, San Salvador or Watlings Island, and more.
| Cape Cod by Consuelo Journs |
This signed map was published in 1978 by Consuelo Joerns, who is primarily known for her beloved children's books and her lifelong friendship with Edward Gorey. It shows town boundaries, includes illustrations of historical ships and buildings, 8 illustrations of scenes from around Cape Cod, and text from Bartholomew Gosnold's account of his 1602 voyage in the border around map. Joerns passed away April 14, 2020 at the age of 94.
Fantastic maps from John Marshall's "The Life of George Washington Commander in Chief of the American Forces during the war which established the Independence of his Country, and First President of the United States: compiled under the inspection of The Honourable Bushrod Washington, From Original Papers bequeathed to him by his deceased Relative." These maps detail events in the Revolutionary War and will surely delight any history buff!
We know that this is a strange and overwhelming time for many of us, so we wanted to provide some fun and free map activities that can be enjoyed by anyone!
Free online map puzzles:
Free map coloring pages:
Online historical map coloring:
Geography games online:
Geography Game App:
From National Geographic, there's the GeoBee Challenge!
 | Find us on Social Media for more updates |
Do you tweet, follow, like, and pin? Well, Maps of Antiquity has an active Facebook page where we post map-related articles, unusual maps and prints that we add to our website, company news, and answers to frequently-asked questions.
On Pinterest, we display some of our maps and prints and add opinions and comments about specific pieces. We also provide boards with decorating ideas.
On Twitter, Maps of Antiquity offers links to articles and brief news. We also periodically update Google Plus and LinkedIn with company news and product information.
Follow us on Instagram for fun posts like #MapMonsterMonday and snapshots of the shop!
So if you are spending time on social media, be sure to look us up. Also, if you have a preferred social media where you think we should be active....let us know!