Sequoia Sentinel

Sequoia PTSA's weekly newsletter in partnership with Sequoia High School Education Foundation


Principal Sean Priest

Autonomy, mastery, and purpose are the three key indicators of how fulfilled people are in an endeavor. The matrix is usually applied to job satisfaction. The ability to make decisions (thousands a day, big and small), confidence navigating the unknown, and a connection to the greater good are, likewise, characteristics of great educators. Autonomy, mastery, and purpose. It is, thus, with these ideas in mind that we approach our district-wide professional development day tomorrow.

All district staff will gather at Woodside High School, which is, arguably, our district’s second most beautiful high school campus. Many will arrive via electric bus from our district’s newly acquired fleet. Over the past few weeks, staff has had the opportunity to review and select from a range of sessions in both the morning and afternoon – much in the same way one would if attending a large conference. Minus the vendor hall and sponsored cocktail hour.  

Sessions align with our district’s instructional vision, in which we aspire to foster consistent excellence in student outcomes across race, gender, home language, and socioeconomic status, creating healthy communities where all members thrive. The heart of this vision lies in relationships and belonging. The pillars of this vision elevate our commitment to (1) maintaining standards-aligned academic rigor, (2) approaches to teaching and learning which center students and draw on their assets, and (3) an emphasis on discourse as a vehicle of empowerment and mastery.

Some of the sessions teachers have available to them on Monday include: 

  • “Scaffolding Safe and Constructive Conversations on Difficult Topics in the Classroom”
  • “Making Your Own Video Lessons | Reimagine instructional time by creating quality instructional videos with Adobe Premiere Rush”
  • “Using Escape Rooms for Engagement in the ELA and Social Studies Classroom”

74 total sessions are available to staff to choose from on Monday. Like any great conference (or music festival), one often finds oneself having to make tough decisions. At Sequoia, teachers frequently select their courses strategically in collaboration with their course-alike or department colleagues. This way, they cover more ground and are able to share relevant findings. If only it worked this way at Outside Lands.

Most courses are taught by district teachers, including many from Sequoia. Preparations for this event begin months in advance to ensure not only a high-quality experience for over 800 attendees, but also coherence in vision. Regardless of which sessions a staff member selects, they are going to connect the specific topics or subject areas with common elements of high-quality teaching, grounded in research and geared towards our community. Our professional development and curriculum team is robust.

Monday’s event is also a cherished opportunity to connect with colleagues. A book exchange for Black History Month has been organized, we’ll be able to send candy-grams, and I’ve come to expect hugs and laughter around every corner as I try to navigate the unfamiliar Woodside campus. There’s even the promise, weather permitting, of a lunchtime cornhole tournament. My money is on Mr. Uhalde.

Autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Let’s throw “joy” in there for good measure. Have a great week!




2/9: Coffee Chat with Sean Priest and parents / Café matutino con Sean Priest y padres de familia

The PTSA is pleased to invite parents to come and enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation with Principal Sean Priest on Friday, February 9 at 8:45 a.m. in Room 128.

La Asociación de Padres, Maestros, y Estudiantes (PTSA) invita a los padres de familia a disfrutar de una taza de café y a conversar con el director Sean Priest el viernes 9 de febrero a las 8:45 de la mañana en el salón 128.


2/6-3/1: Mid-Winter Art Show

The Mid-Winter Art Show will showcase student artwork in the Powell Art Gallery from Feb. 6 to March 1. The Gallery is accessible during school lunch periods, but visitors must first obtain a visitor's pass from the AVP office before entering the campus.

February Media Center news

The Media Center is dedicated to designing and maintaining a library media program that supports, complements, and expands the instructional program of the school. Ms. Snow, a former teacher of English, digital photography, and journalism, is available to help you find resources for your research paper or she can help you build a digital project. Ms. Schadler knows the library catalog inside and out. Need to find a book? She can help! 

View the February newsletter


Last week of Winter Season

  • 🏀 2/6 Girls Basketball vs Capuchino - Varsity 6:00 pm, JV 4:30 pm
  • ⚽ 2/7 Boys Soccer vs Aragon - Varsity 4:30 pm, JV 6:00 pm
  • 🏀 2/9 Girls Basketball vs El Camino - Varsity 6:15 pm, JV 4:30 pm
  • 🏀 2/9 Boys Basketball vs Mills - Varsity 7:45 pm, JV 4:45 pm
  • 🏀 2/10 QUAD Basketball vs Woodside - Varsity Boys 3:30 pm Varsity Girls 2:00 pm, JV Boys 12:30 pm, JV Girls 11 am

Come out to support the home team this week as they play their last regular season games at Sequoia and celebrate their senior players! Check Instagram for Senior Night details.

For sports news, please join the Sequoia Boosters email list and follow individual teams on Instagram. View all sports schedules at

Tickets for Boosters Crab Feed Dinner & Auction now on sale!

Join us on Saturday, March 16 as we build community and raise funds to support Sequoia athletics.  

We are busy collecting awesome packages to auction and there are many ways to get involved. 

Register for the Crab Feed Dinner & Live Auction

Learn more about the Crab Feed or donate an item, service or experience

Volunteer to help with the event


Attention senior parents!

We're gearing up for graduation activities, and we're looking for enthusiastic individuals to join our committees!

  • Graduation lunch: Contribute to organizing a delightful and enjoyable lunch for graduates right after they pick up their caps and gowns.
  • Graduation breakfast: Who can resist donuts? Join us in planning a celebratory breakfast prior to the graduation rehearsal.
  • Grad Night: Students get to experience the thrill of sailing the bay on a midnight cruise! Be part of the team that plans this exciting and unforgettable night.

If you're interested, please email Francesca. Your involvement will make a significant difference! Thank you! 🎓

Early-bird discount for Grad Night tickets!

Attention seniors! Don't miss out on the early-bird discount. Join your fellow graduates for an incredible night cruising the San Francisco Bay on a Hornblower Cruise. Gather at Sequoia on Friday, June 7, starting at 10:00 p.m. We will return to Sequoia around 4:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 8. Expect an evening packed with dancing, delicious food, games and more as we celebrate together. Please ensure you have a signed waiver to join in the fun (in English / in Spanish). See you there for an unforgettable night! 🎉 Tickets are $100. Buy now!

¡Atención, Seniors! ¡Aprovecha el descuento y compra temprano boletos para la Noche de Graduación! Únete a tus compañeros graduantes durante una noche increíble navegando en la Bahía de San Francisco en el Crucero Hornblower. La reunión comenzará en la escuela Sequoia el viernes 7 de junio a las 10:00 PM y regresaremos alrededor de las 4:00 AM de el sábado. Espera una noche de baile, comida deliciosa, juegos y mucho más para celebrar todos juntos. Sólo asegúrate de entregar la exención firmada para unirte a la fiesta. ¡Nos vemos entonces para una noche inolvidable! Asegúrate de entregar la exención firmada (en Inglés / en Español). Los boletos cuestan $100. ¡Compra ahora!


SUHSD Middle College accepting applications

The SUHSD Middle College program at Cañada College is now accepting applications for Fall 2024. All classes are held at Cañada College and there is no cost. Watch the video and see the flyer for all the details.

Current sophomores should speak to their counselor and attend one of our Parent/Student Info Sessions. There also is a limited amount of space for current juniors (rising seniors):

2/13 SUHSD Boardroom 6:30-7:30 p.m.

2/28 SUHSD Boardroom 6:30-7:30 p.m.


All application components must be submitted by Friday, March 15, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. Email us with questions, visit the website for more information or call 650-306-3120.

¡Hablamos Español! Gracias

Thank you, Cañada Middle College Team


2/6: Súper pertenencia: ayudar a los niños a conectarse y encontrar su lugar en la manada


2/7: Un enfoque basado en las fortalezas para la variabilidad y la neurodiversidad del alumno


2/6: Super Belonging: Helping Kids Connect and Find Their Place in the Pack


2/7: A Strength-Based Approach to Learner Variability and Neurodiversity



Help SHSEF support our students, staff, and families

Did you know Sequoia High School Education Foundation (SHSEF) supports staff, projects and programs to ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach their highest potential? We raise funds for college services, academic enrichment programs, staff professional development, and student and family support. Donate today.


The Sequoia Sentinel is emailed to 3,500 members of the Sequoia High School community on Sundays at 8 a.m. during the school year. Contributions are due on Wednesday — click the purple button below to submit. Email the editors or click here to subscribe.

Sentinel tree

Sentinel is a giant sequoia located within the Giant Forest Grove of Sequoia National Park, California. A sentinel is a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.

Sequoia Sentinel Submission