Sequoia Sentinel

Sequoia PTSA's weekly newsletter in partnership with Sequoia High School Education Foundation


Principal Sean Priest

El anochecer (ah-no-che-SER) is the Spanish word for dusk. It’s one of my favorite words. I like the way it sounds. I also find it to be a magical hour on Sequoia’s campus, particularly this time of year after the clocks have sprung forward. The light bounces from the building off the iconic eucalyptus tree between the main building and Carrington Hall, producing dynamic color tones. It’s a wonder. When you are here Thursday for Open House, check it out.    

Sequoia’s Spring Open House provides our community a night of self-paced discovery and exploration. You could easily spend the entire event just wandering the grounds and watching light interact with trees, buildings, and squirrels. Not a bad strategy, actually: there are surprises around every corner. 

As an exclusive to Sentinel readers, here’s my Open House 2024 checklist of awesome activities to enjoy throughout the evening:

  • Pop your head into Sequoia’s woodshop to see what cutting-edge Career Technical Education looks like in 2024. Pun intended.
  • Early birds get the music. You’ll find performances around campus. Arrive a few minutes before the official start—and explore!
  • Play (and win?) Sequoia Open House Bingo.
  • Talk to a representative from the Foundation about some of the vital Sequoia programs your gift to the annual campaign supports.
  • See how many places on campus you can spot the word unaliyi (Sequoia’s motto: it means “Place of Friends”). Four is respectable. Seven or more is elite.
  • Get lost…ask one of our student ambassadors from ASB (the ones in the purple T-shirts) for directions. Now ask them what they love about Sequoia.
  • Visit the PTSA table and learn about some of the teacher-student initiatives funded by this semester’s Mini-Grant program.
  • Pause under the outdoor lights of the Tea Garden in one of the comfy red adirondack chairs. Let’s hope for a warm and dry night!
  • Give yourself plenty of time for the annual IB Art Show, starting in the Powell Gallery. The students’ creative output merits a deep dive.
  • Check in with the Boosters for the latest Sequoia gear as well as results of the afternoon’s tennis, lacrosse, volleyball, and softball games.
  • The Media Center always has new things to show off. Ask nicely and maybe Ms. Snow will let you get a selfie with the Book Bike!
  • Track down some of your student’s favorite teachers and let them know how much their hard work and dedication is appreciated.

Open House night is about discovery and exploration. Feel free to invite a friend or neighbor, especially if they have younger kids. Poke around and meet new people—staff, students, and parents alike. Keep your eyes open for middle-school families who look like they may have questions about Sequoia life. I’ll put my money on Sentinel readers as great ambassadors for our place of friends. See you Thursday during el anochecer!

Have a great week!




Sequoia needs your help this spring

Would you like to help students thrive during the IB exam season? Are you curious about how IB exams work? If you answered “yes,” please sign up here!

Three reasons you will love this volunteer opportunity:

  1. Your support and smile can REDUCE A STUDENT'S STRESS LEVEL and make a huge difference for a nervous student!
  2. You will BE PART OF SOMETHING BIG. The IB requires a 1:20 adult to student ratio for exams. With ~400 students taking ~1600 exams, Sequoia needs a huge team to make this work. 
  3. IT'S EASY. No need to prepare anything! Our staff will give you the simple instructions you need to feel helpful and successful. All we need is your presence!

March 25: Applications for annual PTSA Junior Scholarships open!

For the past several years the Sequoia PTSA has granted scholarships to Sequoia juniors. The three categories of scholarships include: academic success, community service, or achievement in the face of socio-economic challenges. This is a great way for juniors to get a head start on college applications, to be recognized for all they've done to make Sequoia a better place, and to earn some money to continue their education! Each scholarship is worth $250.

Click here for the application and more information on applying for PTSA Junior Scholarships. Applications are due by Sunday, April 21, 10:00 p.m.

March 22: Show your appreciation for Sequoia Teachers & Staff!

¡Muestre su agradecimiento para nuestro personal y maestros!

On Friday, March 22 (the morning after Open House), the PTSA will treat our staff and teachers to espresso drinks and breakfast. Show your appreciation and support for our hard-working Sequoia team by donating breakfast items or volunteering on campus on Friday, March 22. Multiple shifts are available. Sign up to contribute food or volunteer your time. It’s a great way to spend time on campus and thank our staff in person! Reach out to Katherine Schembri with questions. Thank you! 

El día viernes 22 de marzo, la mañana después de “Casa Abierta,” la PTSA le dará a nuestro personal y maestros bebidas de café y desayuno. Muestre su apreciación y apoyo para nuestro equipo que trabaja arduamente en Sequoia donando comida para el desayuno u ofreciendo su tiempo en la escuela el día viernes 22 de marzo. Tenemos múltiples turnos para ayudar. Apúntese para contribuir con comida o con su tiempo. Es una buena manera de pasar tiempo en el campus y agradecer al personal directamente. Mande un mensaje a Katherine Schembri con cualquier pregunta. ¡Gracias!

Do you have a creative side?

The College and Career Center is looking for a creative parent volunteer to help create a few display projects. We are looking for a person to come in once a week for a couple of hours. If interested, please email


Sequoia Prom Gallery donations wanted

Do you have a formal dress, suit, tuxedo or fancy accessories in great condition that you would like to donate to Sequoia High School students? The Family Center, SHSEF & PTSA are organizing our annual Sequoia PROM GALLERY for the beginning of April. Each year we create a Prom Gallery “store” on our campus so students can "shop" for a prom outfit, completely free. Many hard-working Sequoia teens and their families are excited about Sequoia's upcoming Prom, but are worried about the huge cost of buying or renting formalwear. Sequoia is committed to making prom an inclusive, fun milestone event for ALL of our students. 

We need formal dresses (mostly long styles), modern suits (black or dark preferred), tuxedos, ties, dress shoes (women’s and men's), fancy costume jewelry, small clutches, etc. CLEAN and stain-free in ALL sizes!

Please deliver your donation(s) by Friday, March 22 to:

1. The Family Center (Sequoia HS, Room 129), weekdays only, 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. OR

2. Ann Kamensky at 43 Finger Avenue, RWC, weekdays or weekends, 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.* 

*Before dropping off, or for any questions, please email Ann or text/call 617-835-9586.

Sign up here to volunteer to staff the PROM GALLERY in April. It is a fun and festive atmosphere to be a part of. Come join us and help students find the dress or suit of their dreams! Your help will make Prom a special evening for everyone, thank you!

¿Tiene usted un vestido formal, traje, smoking o accesorio formal en gran condición que le 

gustaría donar a los estudiantes de Sequoia para su graduación? ¡El Family Center, SHSEF y PTSA están organizando la Galería de Graduación anual en Sequoia a principios de abril! Cada año Sequoia crea una "tienda" en el campus para que los estudiantes puedan buscar su ropa de graduación, completamente gratis. Muchos de los adolescentes de Sequioa y sus familiares están emocionados por la graduación que se aproxima, pero también están preocupados por el costo exorbitante de comprar o rentar ropa formal. Sequoiase compromete en hacer de la graduación un evento inclusivo y memorable para TODOS los estudiantes. ¡Usted nos puede ayudar!

Necesitamos vestidos formales (en su mayoria largos), trajes contemporáneos (preferentemente color negro u obscuro), smokings, corbatas, zapatos de vestir (para mujer y para hombre), joyería de fantasía, bolsas de mano pequeñas, etc. ¡Todo debe estar LIMPIO, libre de manchas y TODAS las tallas son bienvenidas!

Por favor entregue sus donaciones a más tardar el viernes 22 de marzo usando una de las siguientes formas:

1. El Family Center (Sequoia HS, Salón 129), sólo entre semana, 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

2.A Ann Kamensky en 43 Finger Avenue RWC, cualquier día de la semana, 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.* 

*Antes de entregar o para cualquier pregunta, por favor llame o mande un texto al 617-835-9586 or mande un correo electrónico a Ann.

También necesitamos voluntarios para servir en la Galeria de Graduación en abril. ¡Ayude a los estudiantes a encontrar el vestido o traje de sus sueños!

Thank you, Sequoia business partners!

SHSEF is so grateful to our sponsors for their generous support. Please consider supporting these community partners!

  • Diamond Level Business Partners (Oracle; Gunderson Dettmer)
  • Platinum Level Business Partners (Goetz Brothers; Tavarez Orthodontics)
  • Gold Level Business Partners (County Consumer Plumbing; Hassett Hardware; Hummingbird Music School; John McAfee, State Farm; Joyce & Tatum Real Estate Team; Rim Orthodontics; 12M Recruiting and EdTech Recruiting)
  • Bronze Level Business Partner (BeautyCounter)

Help SHSEF support our students, staff, and families

Did you know Sequoia High School Education Foundation (SHSEF) supports staff, projects and programs to ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach their highest potential? We raise funds for college services, academic enrichment programs, staff professional development, and student and family support.

Donate today.


Tickets for Sequoia Drama's spring play COMMUNITY GARDEN on sale now!

In a series of heartfelt and humorous vignettes, Community Garden digs into the ways that taking care of the environment helps people take care of each other. 

Shows are March 22-24. Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are available online only at Join us 20 minutes prior to the start of each show to interact with our cast and learn more about gardening. 

And we are still seeking props for the play! We are looking to borrow/thrift as many set items and props as possible. If you happen to have any of the following items and would be open to donating or temporarily lending them (show closes March 24), please email Ms. Cain:

  • Large shovel(s), rake, gardening tools (any size or variety)
  • Planter bed decor, seeds, fake plants
  • Large tripod that fits an iPhone
  • Outdoor patio string lights
  • Any kind of bulletin board
  • Small tool shed
  • Segment of chain-link fence

Interested in hosting a French student?

Sequoia has been asked to help find host families for a group of students from Annecy, France. The students will be here from March 28 through April 14 (includes Sequoia’s spring break). Hosting an international exchange student is rewarding for the whole family!

Please email Mme Chin if you will be able to host, or for more information.

March Media Center Guide

The Media Center is dedicated to designing and maintaining a library media program that supports, complements, and expands the instructional program of the school. View the March newsletter


Home games this week

View complete sports schedules at and come out to support our spring teams at this week's home games!

  • 3/18 Boys Tennis vs Westmoor - Varsity 4:00 pm
  • 3/19 Boys Tennis vs El Camino - Varsity 4:00 pm
  • 3/19 Boys Lacrosse vs Aragon - Varsity 7:00 pm
  • 3/20 Baseball vs Hillsdale - JV 4:00 pm
  • 3/20 Girls Lacrosse vs Hillsdale - Varsity 7:00 pm JV 5:30 pm
  • 3/20 Boys Volleyball vs Capuchino - Varsity 6:15 pm
  • 3/22 Swimming vs Aragon - 3:30 pm
  • 3/22 Baseball vs Hillsdale - Varsity 4:00 pm

For sports news, please join the Sequoia Boosters email list and follow individual teams on Instagram. View all sports schedules at

The Boosters online auction closes at NOON today!

You still have a few hours to bid in the Boosters Online Auction before bidding closes at noon today (Sunday, March 17). Don’t miss your chance to win fantastic prizes while supporting Sequoia athletics! 

Thank you to everyone who came out for the Crab Feed Dinner & Live Auction. What a great evening of community, fundraising, and fun!

March 20: Boosters meeting

Please join us in the SHS staff lounge (room 233) on Wednesday, March 20 at 7:00 p.m. to hear from the athletic director and review new grant requests. The agenda also includes an auction fundraising report and details about Boosters scholarships for senior athletes. 


March 19: Challenge Success Virtual Spring Events — A Healthier Approach to College Admissions


19 de marzo: Challenge Success (Retando al éxito), eventos virtuales de primavera — Un acercamiento más saludable al proceso de admisión a universidades.


March 21: The Power of Quiet: Rescuing Solitude in a Distracted, Extroverted World



21 de marzo: El poder de la tranquilidad: rescatar la soledad en un mundo distraído y extrovertido


March 26: Changing Perspectives: Understanding Inclusion, Ableism, and Neurodiversity


26 de marzo: Perspectivas cambiantes: comprensión de la inclusión, la capacidad y la neurodiversidad



The Sequoia Sentinel is emailed to 3,500 members of the Sequoia High School community on Sundays at 8 a.m. during the school year. Contributions are due on Wednesday — click the purple button below to submit. Email the editors or click here to subscribe.

Sentinel tree

Sentinel is a giant sequoia located within the Giant Forest Grove of Sequoia National Park, California. A sentinel is a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.

Sequoia Sentinel Submission