Sequoia Sentinel

Sequoia PTSA's weekly newsletter in partnership with Sequoia High School Education Foundation


Principal Sean Priest

“How can we stop kids from vaping?”  

I hear this question from colleagues, parents, students, even my own 13-year-old. Most ideas emphasize reactive measures: hiring 4-5 additional staff members to patrol bathrooms, enacting random backpack and locker searches (prohibited by law), or installing electronic sensors and more cameras. Might we increase consequences for violations of CA Education Codes 48900 C, H, or J to include school suspensions or onerous punishments such as gum scraping or…?  

We know the broad majority of students understand vaping to be an unhealthy, unwise, and, frankly, gross practice – especially in a school setting. Almost every day, we confiscate vaping paraphernalia from students, mete consequences, and refer to intervention services. My heart as a principal and a parent tells me to keep kicking down doors and rounding up offenders on behalf of all the students who just want to go to the bathroom in peace. I feel for these kids.  Report from my seventh-grader to her brother, about to start middle school: “Uggh, the vaping in the bathroom is so nasty.”

Having worked with teenagers for 20 years now and tested the efficacy of those instincts, I’m confident the police-and-punish approach is limited in changing behavior. While the boundaries and consequences always need to be clear for young people, vaping is a health topic. Would you suspend someone for bulimia? Teenagers are developmentally geared to seek independence and choice. Where those personal limits extend vary widely among the population (as with adults). Thus, the number one way to ensure a percentage of teens make an unhealthy choice is to try to make the healthy choice for them. Our only hope is through empowerment. As a school, we empower through education.

This Wednesday, March 27, is Sequoia's annual Wellness Fair. For the past 16 years, Sequoia’s Teen Resource Center has organized student groups and partnered with community agencies to put on a school-wide health fair. Students gather in the gym, visit table displays, talk to experts, play games, and leave with information on a variety of wellness topics - including emergency preparedness, talking to your parents about mental health, digital wellness, consent and boundaries, body positivity, nutrition, mindfulness and yoga practices, and confronting stereotypes of LGBTQIA+ students. Student groups such as the Black Student union, Youth Advisory Board, The Gender/Sexuality Alliance, and the Health Careers Academy will facilitate activities. Community partners such as Redwood City Boys & Girls Club, Redwood City Parks & Recreation, Outlet & San Mateo Pride Center, Al Anon & Alateen, El Centro de Libertad, Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse (CORA), Kara- Grief Counseling, Fair Oaks Community Center, and the San Mateo County Office of Education Tobacco Use Prevention & Education will also be on hand.  

Most adults now know that vaping is dangerous and there’s evidence, such as the most recent National Youth Tobacco Survey, that the education approach is having an impact on high schoolers, as well. Accountability is important, yes, but only hand-in-hand with education to provide them with both power and autonomy: what teens crave most.  When I started at Sequoia in 2011, we as a society had all but eradicated cigarette smoking among teens. The tobacco industry fought back, and we’re here to meet their challenge. We’ll keep our eyes on the bathrooms, but also our foot on the pedal driving home the facts about the dangers of vaping.  

Have a great week!




Sequoia needs your help this spring

Would you like to help students thrive during the IB exam season? Are you curious about how IB exams work? If you answered “yes,” please sign up here!

Three reasons you will love this volunteer opportunity:

  1. Your support and smile can REDUCE A STUDENT'S STRESS LEVEL and make a huge difference for a nervous student!
  2. You will BE PART OF SOMETHING BIG. The IB requires a 1:20 adult to student ratio for exams. With ~400 students taking ~1600 exams, Sequoia needs a huge team to make this work. 
  3. IT'S EASY. No need to prepare anything! Our staff will give you the simple instructions you need to feel helpful and successful. All we need is your presence!

March 25: Applications for annual PTSA Junior Scholarships open!

For the past several years the Sequoia PTSA has granted scholarships to Sequoia juniors. The three categories of scholarships include: academic success, community service, or achievement in the face of socio-economic challenges. This is a great way for juniors to get a head start on college applications, to be recognized for all they've done to make Sequoia a better place, and to earn some money to continue their education! Each scholarship is worth $250.

Click here for the application and more information on applying for PTSA Junior Scholarships. Applications are due by Sunday, April 21 at 10:00 p.m.


Help SHSEF support our students, staff, and families

Did you know Sequoia High School Education Foundation (SHSEF) supports staff, projects and programs to ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach their highest potential? We raise funds for college services, academic enrichment programs, staff professional development, and student and family support.

Donate today.


Interested in hosting a French student?

Sequoia has been asked to help find host families for a group of students from Annecy, France. The students will be here from March 28 through April 14 (includes Sequoia’s spring break). Hosting an international exchange student is rewarding for the whole family!

Please email Mme Chin if you will be able to host, or for more information.

March Media Center Guide

The Media Center is dedicated to designing and maintaining a library media program that supports, complements, and expands the instructional program of the school. View the March newsletter



A reminder that Sophomores completed 11th grade course selection in English II classes with Counselors between 3/18-3/21. Not all 10th graders will be meeting with their Counselor for 11th grade course selection (required for students that are credit deficient, IB Diploma candidates, and students that have further questions). If you made an appointment for 11th grade course selection with your Counselor, please check your email or google calendar for your appointment details. The Counseling Office will not be sending out passes for your appointment. Counselors will be meeting with current 10th grade students for 2024-25 course selection until April 5th. If you need to reschedule, please contact your assigned counselor as soon as possible.

Estudiantes del décimo grado 

Les recordamos que del 18 al 21 de marzo, estudiantes del décimo grado seleccionaron cursos para el siguiente año durante las clases de Inglés II con sus consejeros. No todos los estudiantes del décimo grado se reunirán con su consejero para la selección de cursos del onceavo grado (obligatorio para estudiantes con deficiencia de créditos, candidatos de IB Diploma y estudiantes que tienen más preguntas). Si usted programó una cita para la selección de cursos para el grado 11 con su consejero, consulte su correo electrónico o el calendario de Google para obtener los detalles de su cita. La Oficina de Consejería no enviará pases para su cita. Los consejeros se reunirán con los estudiantes de décimo grado para la selección de cursos 2024-25 hasta el 5 de abril. Si necesita reprogramar, comuníquese con su consejero asignado lo antes posible."


Home games this week

View complete sports schedules at and come out to support our spring teams at this week's home games!

  • 3/26 Boys Tennis vs Mills - Varsity 4:00 pm
  • 3/27 Baseball vs Sacred Heart Prep - JV 4:00 pm
  • 3/27 Boys Volleyball vs South SF - Varsity 6:15
  • 3/28 Boys Tennis vs Capuchino - Varsity 4:00 pm
  • 3/28 Badminton vs Terra Nova - Varsity 4:30 pm
  • 3/28 Boys Volleyball vs Santa Clara - Varsity 6:15 pm, JV 5:00 pm
  • 3/28 Softball vs Burlingame - Varsity 4:00 pm
  • 3/29 Softball vs Aragon - JV 4:00 pm
  • 3/29 Baseball vs Sacred Heart Prep - Varsity 4:00 pm
  • 3/29 Girls Lacrosse vs Carlmont - Varsity 7:00 pm, JV 5:30 pm

For sports news, please join the Sequoia Boosters email list and follow individual teams on Instagram. View all sports schedules at

Crab Feed thank you!

The Boosters were feeling the Unaliyi spirit last week during our online auction and at our crab feed and live auction event! Thank you for participating generously to support Sequoia athletics. 

If you missed the crab feed or are looking for ways to mingle with other Sequoia supporters, there are a few upcoming events donated by local businesses that still have space. Check them out.


March 26: Changing Perspectives: Understanding Inclusion, Ableism, and Neurodiversity


26 de marzo: Perspectivas cambiantes: comprensión de la inclusión, la capacidad y la neurodiversidad


March 27: Safety First and Mental Health: Empowering Teens to Prevent and Reduce Drug Use Register 

27 de marzo: Primero la seguridad y la salud mental: empoderar a los adolescentes para prevenir y reducir el consumo de drogas. Registro


The Sequoia Sentinel is emailed to 3,500 members of the Sequoia High School community on Sundays at 8 a.m. during the school year. Contributions are due on Wednesday — click the purple button below to submit. Email the editors or click here to subscribe.

Sentinel tree

Sentinel is a giant sequoia located within the Giant Forest Grove of Sequoia National Park, California. A sentinel is a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.

Sequoia Sentinel Submission