Sequoia Sentinel
Sequoia PTSA's weekly eNewsletter in partnership with the Sequoia High School Education Foundation
By now most Sequoia 12th graders have a slightly clearer idea of their options for next year. Overall, I can report that this year’s seniors once again were admitted to a broader range of prestigious 4-year colleges than in previous years: prestigious, state universities, liberal arts colleges, UCs, CSUs, international schools, you name it. Our students’ hard work, the guidance and support from our teachers and counselors, and the energy of our college and career center staff in providing information to kids as well as establishing relationships with admissions departments around the country has paid off.

As is the case every year, many students are shocked (be it dismayed or elated) about the way the college admissions process played out for them. Some will go to their dream schools and it will change their lives. Others will go to their dream schools and transfer at the end of the year -- having learned the dream and the reality were two different things. There are no guarantees and, ideally, no looking back. 

Your child may be facing this big decision imminently or it may still be a few years away. In either case, it’s important to remember how the virtues that enable students to meet eligibility requirements, formulate substantive personal statements, inspire authentic letters of recommendation, and put themselves out there for rejection in the first place are way more important than any piece of paper, no matter how fancy the script or shiny the seal. A love of learning, follow-through, integrity, and courage -- all of which I see on display every day at Sequoia. Possession of these virtues is the greatest predictor of success.

Every time a student tells me they didn’t get into a four-year college they’d really hoped to attend, I sense at least a little bit of relief in their voice. It’s often subtle, but I believe indicative of (a) how much pressure many students feel about this topic and (b) the extent to which they realize maybe that pressure was misguided. There’s also something very liberating about disappointment. 

The excitement about the opportunities that await all of our students who are off to college next year, no matter where that college may be, is contagious. It’s one of the things that makes this time of year so fun. There’s a lot to be proud of at Sequoia. A special part of me, however, will be rooting for those whose dashed dream this spring will push them even further past the boundaries of what’s possible. If you know one, give them a big hug after they pick themselves up and dust off. They’re going to change the world.  

Have a great week!

Mini-grants in action: Sequoia's STEMality Club
In the Fall of 2021, Sequoia’s STEMality Club received a mini-grant of $750. With this grant, the STEMality Club purchased science materials for an elementary school physics challenge entitled ‘Gravity! Drag! Impact!’ 

Flying eggs?! With the teamwork and tools offered by Sequoia’s STEMality Club, students from numerous elementary schools were challenged to an egg drop contest. Using materials such as duct tape, glue and cotton balls, excited students learned the intricacies and laws of physics. Although one winner secured a prize, everyone walked away with hands-on knowledge of the power of science, and a much deeper understanding of physics.

An egg drop is just one of the many challenges and experiments offered by STEMality, a non-profit organization led by Sequoia High School students that strives to empower youth through science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 

This organization advocates for equality and diversity in STEM, pioneers STEM exploration in elementary schools, and subsidizes underserved STEM programs. The organization allows Sequoia students to have the valuable opportunity of teaching elementary children how exciting STEM can be, while inspiring the next generations of STEM leaders. 
To learn more about this organization, check-out the STEMality website.

As Joseph Fitzgerald wrote, “This grant was very useful and we are immensely thankful because it allowed us to encourage the students to think outside the box, enter into an engineering mindset, as well as engage in the designing of the contraptions." ~ Leslie Doohan (in support of Sequoia Stemality Nonprofit Organization Mini-Grant)
Sabine Close named International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) finalist
Sabine Close, a sophomore at Sequoia, recently won first place and grand prize at the Golden Gate STEM Fair, and was also named a finalist for the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) for her project on using accelerometers in equine tack to monitor motion and help identify lameness.

Sabine and her partner, Natalia Morrow of Notre Dame de Namur High School, will be competing in Atlanta from May 7-13 for their project, “Analysis of Coupled Nonlinear Dynamic Phenomena Using Sensors to Detect Abnormal Motion in Quadrupeds.”

Sabine is also a competitive equestrian who was recently named Champion in the 15-17 Affiliate Equitation at the USHJA National Championship in Las Vegas. Watch a video of Sabine competing.
Sequoia needs your help with IB exams!
Sequoia is in need of 97 parent volunteers to assist with 71 IB exams that we will be administering on-campus and in-person April 28-May 20. We need YOUR help this exam season!

Please sign up TODAY:
1) Click this link to access volunteer spots (only 8 spots remain open, bu all must be filled for us to offer the IB exams).
2) Review options, double check your calendar, and choose your sign -up spot(s).
3) Sign up for one, two or several shifts.

As your test date approaches, the IB Office will send you an email with detailed steps. 

1) I don’t have a kid in IB - why should I help? You will get an interesting and inside peek at our students' impressive knowledge and tremendous work ethic. This video continues to inspire us as we reflect on what these college-level classes and exams mean for our students. IB exams can be stressful… your calm, positive support and smile can make a huge difference for a nervous student. 

2) Why do you need so many volunteers? The IB Program requires that schools recruit one proctor volunteer for every 20 students taking an exam. With almost 400 Sequoia students taking a total of 1,638 IB exams, we need to assemble a huge team to make it work. All schools around the world -- public and private -- depend on volunteers. Many parents take a half-day off from work or make childcare arrangements so they can pitch in as a proctor.

3) Do I need to know how to do anything? No need to prepare or learn anything in advance, and there is no long-term commitment. Our staff will give you all the instructions you need to feel helpful and successful. All you need to do is be on time, wear comfortable clothing/shoes, and be supportive, quiet and present (no phones, laptops or distractions) during the exam.

4) Can I assist with an exam my student is taking? Yes you CAN, but you will be stationed in a different room than your student. Please email to confirm you will be in a different location.

5) Can I ask my relative, college student or neighbor to help? Yes! We welcome any reliable adult’s help.

Questions? Please contact Elisa Niño-Sears: or (650) 387-8390.
ELD volunteer needed
I am looking for one volunteer to help on Tuesday mornings from 8:30-10:30 for the rest of the school year working with ELD students to take over for a volunteer who is moving. The new volunteer will read books and help ELD students with writing in a small group.

Teaching/tutoring experience and Spanish-speaking skills are beneficial, but we have successful volunteers who do not speak Spanish or have any teaching experience. The most important qualities for this volunteer opportunity are enjoying being around youth and being willing to take risks. The volunteers work outside with students. The students are all happy to wear masks even outside if this is the preference of the volunteer. Most of the students will be more comfortable if the volunteer wears a mask. If you have any questions, please contact Stacy Wenzel.
April 20: College coffee chat with Ms. Ignaitis
The next college coffee chat with Ms. Ignaitis will be on April 20 at 8:45 a.m. Ms. Ignaitis is a powerhouse of knowledge for college admissions, class selections, etc. Bring your questions or just listen in. All parents are welcome. Junior parents, you don't want to miss this!

Topic: College Coffee Chat
Time: April 20 at 8:45 a.m.
Zoom Meeting: click here to join
Meeting ID: 811 2475 9895
Passcode: 815094
Donate to help all students enjoy prom
Many students are excited about prom, but are worried about the high cost of buying or renting formalwear. Sequoia is committed to making prom an inclusive, fun event for all our students. Each year Sequoia creates a "Prom Gallery" so students-in-need can "shop" for a prom outfit, completely free.

Sequoia’s Prom Gallery will be open on campus at the end of April – our first in three years! We are hoping to have free dresses, free and reduced-price tux rentals, and accessories for students-in-need to choose from.

Have a dress you can donate? Or like-new formal accessories?
We need dresses, jewelry, shawls, wraps, dress shoes, clutches, etc. All items must be stylish (current styles or retro-but-cool, and formal enough for prom - long gowns seem to be the preference), in great condition, and CLEAN. (Torn or stained items CANNOT be accepted). We welcome ALL sizes as we have beautiful students in all sizes! If you have a tux or modern black suit to donate, that is great! We are not accepting other suits and ties at this time due to space limitations.

Please deliver donations by April 21 to one of our five convenient drop-off locations:

  • The Family Center (Sequoia HS, Room 129), weekdays only, 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
  • Redwood City Home A (126 Warwick St, RWC), weekdays or weekends, 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Questions about this site, please email:
  • Redwood City Home B (290 Lowell St., RWC), weekdays or weekends, 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Questions about this site, please email:
  • San Carlos Home A (959 Tamarack Ave, SC): weekdays or weekends, 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Questions about this site, please email:
  • San Carlos Home B (1324 Orange Avenue, SC): weekdays or weekends, 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Questions about this site, please email:

Unable to drop off at one of the locations? Please let us know - we will try our best to find a way to pick up your donation.

Interested in sponsoring a student’s prom outfit? As hard as we try to stock all sizes, some students won’t be able to find an outfit at the gallery. Help by donating a gift card to Ross or Men’s Wearhouse. While many have found nice dresses at Ross for $50, tux rentals can cost over $100.

Please visit this online signup to donate a gift card in any amount and deliver it to the Family Center by April 21 - every dollar helps!

For more info: please contact Elisa Nino-Sears, (650) 387-8390 or
April 22: First ever all-school quad sale!
Time to clean out the garage, dive into those overflowing closets, and dig to the bottom of your dresser drawers! Sequoia's ASB is facilitating the 1st ever all-school quad sale on Fri., April 22.

Please consider donations of any clothes, books, toys or OTHER items in good/usable condition (please!) to help subsidize the cost of prom tickets for students-in-need. 

Donations will be collected through Thurs., April 21 in the Student Activities Center, and the SALE will run Fri., Apr. 22 during lunch and after school until 5:00 p.m. Send a shopping list with your student or drop by yourself. Monetary donations are accepted as well. Please contact Corey Uhalde for details
Catch the in-person shows and concerts in April!
Sequoia's Visual & Performing Arts Department is thrilled to invite you to our spring events!

Upcoming concerts and shows:

  • Apr. 18 - 29: Department Art Show in the Powell Gallery. Viewing during lunch for students, staff, and visitors that check-in with the AVP office. 
  • Apr. 29, 7:30 p.m.: Dance Show in Carrington Hall. 
  • Apr. 30, 7:30 p.m.: Dance Show in Carrington Hall. 
Dance '22 tickets on sale now!
The Sequoia Dancers are finally back on stage in Carrington Hall! Don't miss DANCE '22, featuring new choreography from our advanced dance class, with special appearances by Intermediate 1 and senior guest dancers.

The shows are April 29th and 30th at 7:30. Tickets are ONLY available online at Purchase yours before we sell out! To volunteer with the show, please sign up on our website. We would love to have you!
Tickets for "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" on sale now!
Come see Sequoia Drama's upcoming production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee! You don't want to miss this hilarious, award-winning musical comedy. Recommended for ages 12+

Buy your tickets online at
Home games this week
4/18 Varsity Boys Lacrosse vs Palo Alto - 7:00 p.m.
4/19 Varsity Track & Field vs Mills - 3:00 p.m.
4/19 Badminton vs Jefferson - 4:30 p.m.
4/20 JV Track & Field vs Mills - 3:00 p.m.
4/20 JV Baseball vs Aragon - 4:00 p.m.
4/21 Varsity Softball vs Hillsdale - 4:00 p.m.
4/21 Varsity Boys Lacrosse vs Mountain View - 7:00 p.m.
4/22 Varsity Baseball vs Argaon - 4:00 p.m.
4/22 Varsity Boys Volleyball vs South SF - 6:00 p.m.
4/23 Varsity Boys Lacrosse vs Carlmont - 7:00 p.m.

See complete schedules at
Boosters meeting April 19
Join the next Boosters meeting on Tues., 4/19 at 7:00 p.m. Agenda topics: Auction report, Fund-A-Need implementation, 2022-23 planning, and grant reviews. RSVP to add to your calendar and receive meeting reminders.

Meeting ID: 969 2641 9178
Passcode: Boosters
Order limited edition spirit wear by April 30
Get your spring and summertime Sequoia swag at the BOOSTERS ONLINE STORE.

Special items include SEQ branded straw hats, bucket hats, trucker caps, tank tops and more! Sale closes Saturday, April 30.
May 13: Prom is approaching
One of the school year's biggest events is fast approaching…Sequoia’s High School Prom!

When: Friday, May 13
Time: 7:30 - 11:30 p.m.
Location: Academy of Sciences, San Francisco

Get your tickets! 
One-Day SALE Tues., April 26 ($80)
Standard pricing starts April 27 - May 11 ($90)

Students/parents may contact the Family Center for alternative pricing options.

  • Event is intended for 11th and 12th graders only. Other students may attend as the guest of a Sequoia 11th or 12th grader. 
  • Guests from other schools will be permitted, but a completed guest pass must be submitted in order to purchase a ticket. Guest passes may be picked up from the Student Activities Center, AVP Office or Treasurer's Office. 
  • Formal attire is strongly recommended.

More information can be found here
Get your tickets for the Class of 2022 Grad Night

Class of 2022 families: The ship is sailing so don’t let your senior miss out on this fun adventure to celebrate their graduation! Don’t let the boat pass you by!

Class of 2022 graduation lawn signs

Do you have a graduating senior in your home? Celebrate their accomplishments by ordering a class of 2022 lawn/window sign!

Check out our April 2022 Newsletter and click here to find out what’s happening at the Media Center!

We look forward to seeing you,
Ms. Snow
Seeing Race: Talking with Your Kids About Ethnicity, Culture, and Inclusion

Donald E. Grant, Jr, PhD, Executive Director, Mindful Training Solutions, LLC.

Thurs., April 21, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., Online event (live).

Viendo la raza: hablando con sus hijos sobre etnicidad, cultura e inclusión 

Donald E. Grant, Jr., PhD, Director Ejecutivo, Soluciones de Entrenamiento Consciente, LLC.

Jueves, 21 de abril, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., evento en línea (en vivo).

How to Keep the Lines of Communication Open with Your Child or Teen

Donald E. Grant, Jr, PhD, Executive Director, Mindful Training Solutions, LLC.

We want our children to learn to express themselves — within the family, in school, and in the community in which they live.
How can you keep the lines of communication open, even when the conversation may involve difficult topics like race/ethnicity, identity, and culture? And what should you do if your child is angry, withdrawn, or resistant?

Tues., April 26, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., Online event (live).

Cómo mantener abiertas las líneas de comunicación con su niño o adolescente

Donald E. Grant, Jr., PhD, Director Ejecutivo, Soluciones de Entrenamiento Consciente, LLC.

Queremos que nuestros hijos aprendan a expresarse, dentro de la familia, en la escuela y en la comunidad en la que viven.
¿Cómo puede mantener abiertas las líneas de comunicación, incluso cuando la conversación puede involucrar temas difíciles como raza/origen étnico, identidad y cultura?

Martes, 26 de abril, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., evento en línea (en vivo).

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Sentinel Newsletter:

The Sentinel is distributed every Sunday at 8 a.m. during the school year. Readers enjoy hearing about activities, events, and accomplishments of Sequoia students, staff and community. 

Submit articles by the Wed. before desired publication. Space is at a premium so we run articles for two weeks maximum. If you have any questions reach the editors at

To subscribe or resubscribe use the button below. View the issue archive.