Sequoia Sentinel
Sequoia PTSA's weekly eNewsletter in partnership with the Sequoia High School Education Foundation
There’s a throwaway scene in "Ferris Bueller’s Day Off" when the protagonist turns to Cameron, his partner-in-truancy, and mentions, “If we played by the rules, we’d be in gym right now,” and cuts immediately to a class of miserable teens running the perimeter of the school while their teacher yells at them through a bullhorn from the comfort of a golf cart. The two boys laugh fiendishly.

Our students run the track at the beginning of each PE class at Sequoia, as well. They stretch, perform light calisthenics, and work throughout the year toward setting and reaching personal goals aligned to physical fitness testing administered yearly per the State of California. PE is PE.

You won’t see, however, students in agony like in the movies. Teachers often position themselves at corners of the track, encouraging students, calling to them by name. Sometimes they run or walk alongside the students. At least one teacher is usually with the students in the back of the pack – those who prefer not to run. It matters to our teachers that the students put forth their best effort, but completing the course at their own pace is an accomplishment to be celebrated. A joyful connection between physical fitness and general wellness is emphasized, consistent with what we know about how humans thrive.

A strong PE program is woven into Sequoia’s history. There is a plaque mounted on the wall of the lobby of Gym 2, commemorating the career of Frank Griffin at Sequoia. Frank Griffin was a pioneer in physical fitness training. His methods were adopted by PE departments across the country. His Atomic Loop holds a special place in the memories of the alumni who remember it.

As our values around fitness and exercise evolve, being physically active holds a more important place than ever when we talk about wellness and balance. Simultaneously we see students enjoying physical activity more than ever, alongside students for whom the sedentary habits developed during COVID are proving difficult to break. Our hope is that lifelong fitness habits are being developed at Sequoia. Students learn about volleyball, tennis, badminton, golf, and other sports they can play into adulthood. They are encouraged to set personal goals and strive toward perpetual improvement. I am proud of how the efforts of Ms. Cornell, Mr. Dilley, Mr. Poulos, Mr. White, and Mr. Williams make fitness fun and engaging. I am inspired by the smiles I see on the track when I visit classes. Ferris and Cameron don’t know what they’re missing.

Have a great week!

Oct. 4: Save the date for the Principal’s welcome!
Principal Priest's welcome will be the topic de jour for the PTSA meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR). This meeting will not be streamed, so please join us in person!
PTSA Mini-Grant applications are open!
Students and staff: Mini-Grants are almost here!

Through the support of the Sequoia High School Education Foundation (SHSEF), the PTSA is able to offer financial grants to enhance education at Sequoia. The grants of up to $750 are designed to inspire creative initiatives to learning and/or to address a compelling need that might otherwise go unmet. Applications will be accepted through Oct. 8.

Students and staff who have an idea for a project that will benefit the school but need funding are encouraged to apply. Additional information can be found on the PTSA Mini-Grants page of the SHS website.

If you have questions, please email the chairs.
PTSA memberships are growing... grow with us!
Click HERE to join online, and while you are at it, your partner and Sequoia student(s) can join as well!

Don't want the hassle of another online login? Go old school! Fill out the membership form in English or Spanish. Put the form and your check in an envelope and drop it off at the school office. We'll take care of the rest!

Your $20 fee goes a long way at Sequoia. Please contact Dana Rechin, Membership Lead, if you have any questions.
Reflections 2022-23 — Show Your Voice! / ¡Hazte Escuchar!
Don't ignore your inner artist! Consider participating in the Reflections program. Enter your artwork, and your reflection about its meaning to you, in one of six categories:

  • Dance Choreography
  • Film Production
  • Literature
  • Music Composition
  • Photography
  • Visual Arts

All entries will be recognized for their artistic achievement. Participation itself is a meaningful contribution to the Sequoia community. First-place finishers in each category enter the district competition. District winners move on to the state, and state winners ultimately compete at the national level.

Review the rules and category information on the Reflections page of the PTSA website. A link for online submissions is also available. Submissions are due by Friday, Nov. 11.

Questions: or 650-743-1695
Sept. 29: Menlo-Atherton PTA School Board Candidates' Forum
The Menlo-Atherton High School PTA will host a SUHSD School Board Candidates' Forum on Sept. 29, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Sequoia High School is in Area A and is contested between Amy Koo and Suvarna Bhopale, both of whom will be at the forum. The public is invited to attend.

M-A PTA School Board Candidates' Forum
Menlo Atherton High School, PAC Cafe
555 Middlefield Road, Atherton, CA 94027
Sept. 29, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Graphic design volunteer needed for SHSE
Are you a graphic designer and want to help Sequoia? Are you learning graphic design and need projects to build your portfolio? Do you want to make an impact to support our students?

The Sequoia High School Education Foundation (SHSEF) needs help with updating and designing our marketing materials, such as newsletters, banners, and annual reports. You’ll have the opportunity to work with Foundation volunteer leaders, faculty, and staff, while learning more about the critical programs and services SHSEF funds to support students and the Sequoia community. Commitment is roughly 20-40 hours per year, depending on your availability. We supply the content and work with you to scope the project. (Trust us, we are fun to work with.) A stipend is available, especially for Sequoia alums. Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator experience is a plus, but not critical.

Interested? Please contact Tessa Solomon, SHSEF President.
SHSEF supports students in reaching highest potential
Did you know SHSEF supports staff, projects, and programs to ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach their highest potential? We raise funds for college services, academic enrichment programs, staff professional development, and student and family support. 
That's So Raven Announcements: Episode 4
Sept. 26-Oct. 7: Sequoia student art show
Please stop by the Powell Art Gallery for Sequoia's beginning-of-the-semester art show, from Sept. 26-Oct. 7. The show will feature 2D and 3D work from 2nd and 3rd year art students. Come check out their fabulous creations!

Note: The Powell Art Gallery is open during school day lunch periods. All visitors to the campus during the school day (including visitors to the gallery) need to check in with the Assistant Vice Principal’s office for a visitor's pass.
Be a part of Inspiring Connections Outdoors
Sierra Club Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) is actively looking for drivers/leaders to help make outdoor trips (camping, hiking, kayaking, river rafting) happen for ELD students at Sequoia High School. Due to the pandemic, we had to take a two-year break and we are looking to rebuild our volunteer base.

ICO is completely run by volunteers. No wilderness skills or experience necessary. You learn with the students. Volunteers complete a one-hour training session and online paperwork.

The Sequoia High School site liaisons are David Ortiz and Stacy Wenzel. If you are interested, please email Stacy Wenzel. Thanks!
Volunteer in the Media Center
Looking for an occasional volunteer opportunity on campus? Join the Media Center Volunteer crew. Duties include textbook and media check-out and check-in, lunchtime support, and other various library tasks in a welcoming, student-facing environment. Email Jessica Rosenberg to be added to the list.

Check out our most recent newsletter and click here to find out what’s happening at the Sequoia Media Center! We look forward to seeing you,
Ms. Snow.
Come watch us play
Support the Ravens by attending this week’s home games. Check for complete home and away fall schedules.

Let’s go, Ravens!
Home games this week
Sept. 27: Girls Volleyball vs. Terra Nova: frosh 4:00 p.m., JV 5:00 p.m., varsity 6:15 p.m.
Sept. 29: Boys Water Polo vs. Woodside Priory: JV 4:00 p.m.
Sept. 29: Girls Volleyball vs. Hillsdale: frosh 4:00 p.m., JV 5:00 p.m., varsity 6:15 p.m.
Sept. 29: Football vs. Los Altos: JV 4:00 p.m., varsity 7:00 p.m.
Membership donations make Boosters grants possible!
New uniforms and equipment for the boys water polo team and an upgraded utility cart for the athletic department were approved at our September Boosters meeting. The softball, boys tennis, track & field, badminton, and boys and girls lacrosse teams are still in need of uniforms for the 2022-23 season, which totals about $40,000. 

Please consider joining Boosters to help us fulfill these upcoming grants and keep our athletes playing safe and looking good out there!
Sept. 29: Ninth grade four-year college and IB meeting
There will be a grade-level Zoom meeting for students and parents/guardians in the ninth grade, from 6:00-7:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 29. This meeting will provide information about the college process for students going to a four-year college along with important IB information for freshmen. A meeting with the same information for Spanish-speaking parents/guardians will be held at 7:00 p.m. Zoom links are available on the school’s website calendar.

English Meeting ID: 933 3097 6617 Pass Code: 242415
Spanish Meeting ID: 924 5558 4418 Pass Code: 871948
Sept. 29:  How to Help Kids Develop Their Emotional Vocabulary. We all want to raise kind and thoughtful kids – children who can reach out with compassion and bounce back from challenges. That’s why we need to attend to their emotional development.
Join Deborah Farmer Kris – educator, child development expert, and author of “You Have Feelings All the Time” to learn more about the science of emotion and how everyone benefits when we learn how to name, normalize, and navigate our feelings.
Cómo ayudar a los niños a desarrollar su vocabulario emocional. Todos queremos criar niños amables y considerados, niños que puedan llegar con compasión y recuperarse de los desafíos. Por eso debemos atender su desarrollo emocional. Unirse Deborah Farmer Kris, educadora, experta en desarrollo infantil y autora de "Tienes sentimientos todo el tiempo", para obtener más información sobre la ciencia de las emociones y cómo todos se benefician cuando aprendemos a nombrar, normalizar y navegar por nuestros sentimientos.
Oct. 6: Learning by Heart: Creating “Innovation-Ready” Students for the Future. Tony Wagner, PhD, global expert in education and bestselling author of The Global Achievement Gap and Creating Innovators, will discuss how we can prepare our students to bring the skills of innovation to whatever they do.

Aprender de memoria: crear estudiantes "listos para la innovación" para el futuro. Tony Wagner, PhD, experto mundial en educación y autor de éxitos de librería The Global Achievement Gap y Creating Innovators, analizará cómo podemos preparar a nuestros estudiantes para que incorporen las habilidades de innovación a cualquier cosa que hagan.
Oct. 19: Fentanyl Prevention Education: How to Help Teens Make Healthy Decisions. Join Stacey Wisniewski, Senior Prevention Specialist, Prevention Solutions, Hazeldon Betty Ford Foundation, to understand the risks of intentional and unintentional fentanyl use among adolescents.

Educación sobre la prevención del fentanilo: Cómo ayudar a los adolescentes a tomar decisiones saludables. Únase a Stacey Wisniewski, especialista sénior en prevención, Soluciones de Prevención, Fundación Hazeldon Betty Ford, para comprender los riesgos del uso intencional y no intencional de fentanilo entre los adolescentes. Enlace de zoom.
Sept. 28: Info session for 21-day social equity challenge
The Community Foundation of San Carlos invites you to join the upcoming 21-Day Social & Racial Equity Challenge, kicking off on Oct. 1 and running through the entire month of October. The challenge can be done in 15-minute self-directed online sessions each day, focusing on one equity topic; or multiple topics can be saved up and completed at once.

The challenge can be taken individually, as a group within an organization, or as a group of friends. It can be a powerful tool to help examine values and goals and encourage dialogue on these essential topics.
We invite you to take on the challenge by submitting your participation via this form and encouraging others in our community to sign up as well.
Info Session: Sept. 28, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Email with any questions.
Submissions are due the Wednesday before the desired Sunday publication. Click the purple button below to contribute! Optionally, please include a Spanish translation from a native or bilingual speaker (no Google translations please).

Email with questions, or to unsubscribe. Click here if you would like to subscribe to the Sentinel. Click here to view issue archives.

Thank you for keeping the Sequoia High School community updated. Go Ravens!
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