Sequoia Sentinel

Sequoia PTSA's weekly newsletter in partnership with SHSEF


Principal Sean Priest

The Sequoia Class of 1950 mounted a bronze plaque at the entrance to the main building on campus.  The plaque is titled, “THE SEQUOIA CODE OF CONDUCT” and lists six active ways in which Sequoia students might aspire to lift up themselves and their community. 

If you can get past the faded oxidation and anachronistic ways the language in the plaque employs the masculine pronouns as the default (e.g., “A GOOD SEQUOIAN CONSIDERS THE CONSEQUENCES OF HIS ACTIONS”), the ideals it sets out are quite noble.  These young people, whose childhood took place amidst the chaos of world war, imagined a school community where noble virtues might endure.  Wow!   

Depending on the day, different items from the code catch my attention.  When I observed members of the boys’ soccer team in attendance at a girls varsity game two weeks ago cheering encouragingly for their fellow athletes, I was impressed to see them showing “AN ACTIVE INTEREST IN [their] SCHOOL…AND ITS ACTIVITIES” and “CONDUCTING [themselves] HONORABLY IN PUBLIC”.

Our Student Senate, facilitating meaningful discussion on important issues like equitable access to bathrooms, met last Friday for the fourth time this year, demonstrating that a good Sequoian not only “BELIEVES IN [their] STUDENT GOVERNMENT AND MAKES IT WORK” but is also “CO-OPERATIVE, HONEST, TOLERANT, AND RESPECTFUL”.  I have to think the Class of 1950 would be inspired by such active engagement.  

Seven years after the Sequoia Code of Conduct was forged in bronze in Redwood City, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a sermon in at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.  In it, he postulated what his world might look like through the lens of ancient wisdom.  Like us, in uncertain times, he looked to the past for guidance.  Through this lens, King’ is at his most overtly contemptuous of the ills he sees plaguing the nation (racial injustice, economic oppression, religious hypocrisy).  Then again, true to the broader legacy King continues to represent, he finds his way back to a message of hope:

“Never succumb to the temptation of becoming bitter. As you press on for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the weapon of love. Let no man pull you so low as to hate him.”

Broad division comprises much of what we are to believe defines us in modern times. As such, I am grateful for this day we set aside each year to commemorate Dr. King.  It once again centers us during a tumultuous moment.  I am likewise grateful for our community and its strong foundation on which we carry out our mission together.  Much like MLK’s ideals, The SEQUOIA CODE OF CONDUCT, ensconced 75 years ago, offers direction in uncertain times. 

Have a great week!



SHSEF: By the Numbers

Christine Chang - Class of 2025

A big Thank You to all our SHSEF donors! Because of you we raised $280k by December 31 and are moving closer to our total ‘24-’25 goal of $650K. We’ve made progress AND we still have $370K to go. We count on our generous Sequoia community to help get us there. Your donation of any amount makes a difference. Let’s keep the momentum going! Donate today.


News from the Sequoia Media Center

Check out the Sequoia Media Center January newsletter!

I am excited to share so many NEW things for the New Year! The first person to tell me (Ms. Snow) how many times the word NEW appears in the guide this month gets to pick from the inaugural treasure box!


Tennis racket and tennis ball donations welcome

After an ELD student expressed curiosity about tennis lessons, Maya Martinez-Perez, a Sequoia High School tennis player, created a class right here on campus. The first class on Jan. 9 was a huge success. Thank you, Maya!

The ELD classes are reaching out to the Sequoia community for tennis racket and tennis ball donations. We would like to receive 16 rackets and eight cans of tennis balls. If you have donations, please drop them off with Elvira Macias in the parent center. Thank you! 

Solicitamos donaciones de raquetas y pelotas de tenis 

Gracias a que un estudiante del programa de ELD pidió lecciones de tenis, Maya Martínez-Pérez, jugadora del equipo de tenis de Sequoia High School organizó una clase este 9 de enero aquí mismo en el campus. Esta clase se realizó cuando el equipo de tenis no estaba utilizando las canchas de tenis y tuvo mucho éxito. ¡Gracias Maya! Solicitamos a la comunidad de Sequoia donaciones de raquetas y pelotas de tenis. Nos gustaría recibir 16 raquetas y 8 botes de pelotas de tenis. Si usted puede donar, por favor entregue sus donaciones a Elvira Macías en el Centro para Padres. ¡Gracias!

Host a student from France!

Bonjour! Are you interested in helping bring the "I" into our International Baccalaureate school? We are looking for host families for a group of French students from the Bordeaux region. They will be joining us here at Sequoia from Feb.17 to Mar. 2. Speaking French is not necessary! They are happy to speak English and learn about American culture.

If you are interested, please fill out this application, and return it to Mme Chin as soon as possible. Merci beaucoup!


Home games this week

  • 1/20 Boys Soccer vs Woodside - Frosh 6:00 pm
  • 1/21 Wrestling Dual Meet vs Woodside/Oceana - 3:30 pm – *SENIOR NIGHT*
  • 1/21 Girls Soccer vs Hillsdale - Varsity 4:30 pm, JV 6:15 pm
  • 1/22 Girls Basketball vs Oceana - Varsity 6:00 pm, JV 4:30 pm
  • 1/22 Boys Soccer vs Aragon - Varsity 4:00 pm, JV 5:30 pm, Frosh 7:00 pm vs Hillsdale
  • 1/24 QUAD Basketball vs San Mateo - Boys Varsity 7:45 pm, Girls Varsity 6:15pm Boys JV 4:45 pm, Girls JV 3:15 pm – *Meet the Ravens Winterfest

Jan. 24: Meet the Ravens Winterfest

Join us this Friday to celebrate Sequoia's winter sport athletes and coaches at the Meet the Ravens Winterfest! Boys and girls soccer, wrestling, and basketball programs will be recognized and the Tacos MariLu food truck will begin serving at 4:00 pm.

Winterfest activities will take place at the QUAD basketball games vs San Mateo on Friday, January 24 with athlete recognition from 6:00-8:00 pm. Sequoia cheer will bring the spirit and the dance team will perform at half-time at the Girls Varsity game.

Mar. 15: Save the date for the Boosters Crab Feed

Thank you to all who attended our second annual Trivia Night last Saturday! Mark your calendar for more community fun 

and fundraising at the Boosters Crab Feed Dinner & Auction. ​

We are busy collecting items for auction! If you, your team, or your favorite local businesses have goods, services, or experiences to donate in support of Sequoia sports, please email us at or submit via the 2025 Auction Item Donation Form. No donation is too big or too small!

Crab Feed Dinner & Live Auction

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Elks Lodge

938 Wilmington Way, Redwood City


Jan. 22: Happy, Confident, and Strong: Tips for Helping Your Child Develop a Healthy Body Image

Developmental psychologist Andrea Bastiani Archibald, PhD, will provide parents and caregivers with practical 

strategies to help children develop a positive and healthy body image. Register here.

22 de enero: Feliz, seguro y fuerte: consejos para ayudar a su hijo a desarrollar una imagen corporal saludable

El psicólogo del desarrollo Andrea Bastiani Archibald, PhD, proporcionará a los padres y cuidadores estrategias prácticas para ayudar a los niños a desarrollar una imagen corporal positiva y saludable. Registro aquí.

Jan. 23: On Beautiful Conversations: How to Stay Connected to Your Adolescent Child

In this talk, author and education leader Chris Balme will explore how some conversations flop, why your usual questions may stop working as your child enters adolescence, and how to find new and better ways to have meaningful conversations. Register here

23 de enero: Sobre hermosas conversaciones: cómo mantenerse conectado con su hijo adolescente

En esta charla, el autor y líder educativo Chris Balme explorará cómo algunas conversaciones fracasan, por qué sus preguntas habituales pueden dejar de funcionar cuando su hijo entra en la adolescencia, y cómo encontrar nuevas y mejores formas de tener conversaciones significativas. Registro aquí.


Fall 2025 SUHSD Middle College information sessions

The SUHSD Middle College program at Cañada College will soon be accepting applications for Fall 2025. Middle College is a collaboration between the SUHSD and Cañada College, enabling them to complete their high school requirements while simultaneously earning college credit. All classes are held at Cañada College and there is no cost. Learn more here: Middle College Video

Interested sophomores should speak to their counselor and attend one of our Parent/Student info sessions.

  • Wednesday, Jan. 29: Webinar Zoom Link
  • Tuesday, Feb.11: SUHSD Boardroom, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 26: SUHSD Boardroom, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

RSVP here. Limited space for rising seniors. All application components must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, Mar. 14. Email us with questions, visit our website, or call 650-306-3120.

¡Hablamos Español! Gracias

Thank you,

Canada Middle College Team

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