Sequoia Sentinel
Sequoia PTSA's weekly eNewsletter in partnership with the Sequoia High School Education Foundation
As I reflect back on the last four months, I am grateful for the times where the team of Sequoia volunteers has stepped in to “make it happen.” You can see the excitement in those who lean in — they get as much out of it as they put in.

  • August and September: We focused on staff appreciation and readiness for ninth-grade Orientation. 
  • October: We kicked off our Membership Drive, kicked off Reflections, sold holiday wreaths and football concessions, funded Mini-Grants, and supported eighth-grade parent tour/shadow activities. 
  • November: We focused on Family Center drives and PTSA administrative duties such as the audit and tax submission.
  • And through it all, our EXTRAORDINARY Sentinel team has prepared this state-of-the-art weekly publication to keep us all informed, and our Executive Board has kept the machine running.

Looking ahead to 2023, PTSA will have many more exciting opportunities that we’ll need help with. From membership, to staff appreciation, to basketball concessions, to 2023 Grad Night, look for callouts in the Sentinel where you can sign up. We know December is a busy time for us all, so there will be no PTSA General Meeting this month. Our next scheduled meeting is Jan. 17, 2023.

Happy Holidays, and GO RAVENS!

Karen Gebhart
Sequoia PTSA President
Jan. 20: Principal's Coffee
Join us for coffee with Sean Priest on Friday, Jan. 20, from 8:45 a.m.-10 a.m. in room 128. We'll be bringing this event back, post-COVID. It seems like we haven't met so many of our families since school started this year. This is a great opportunity to meet other Sequoia parents and connect with the community. We hope to see some new faces (freshman families) and many sophomore, junior, and senior families. Coffee and treats will be provided!
Dec. 9-11: Be our guest for Beauty and the Beast!
Looking for a fun night out? Come see Sequoia Drama's production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast! Remaining shows are Dec. 9-11. Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday at 3:00 p.m. 

Online ticket sales ONLY. Click here to purchase your tickets in advance, and contact Talia Cain with any questions.
Boosters Holiday Store
Gear up for winter games and give the gift of Sequoia spirit this holiday season! Get your limited-edition puffers, pajamas, beanies, sweats, and more at our Boosters Holiday Store.

Become a Boosters supporter and receive free entry to all regular-season home games, plus Sequoia-branded blankets and coffee tumblers to keep warm during soccer!
December news from the Media Center
Check out our December newsletter and click here to find out what’s happening at the Sequoia Media Center! We look forward to seeing you! Ms. Snow.
Honey Bear Trees donates 15% to Sequoia
Honey Bear Trees donates 15% of your purchase to Sequoia High School. Get your trees, wreaths, and holiday decor at their lot in San Carlos. Click here for more information and location details. No need to bring the flier to the tree lot; just mention Sequoia High School at your time of purchase. Thank you to Honey Bear for their support!
Through Dec. 14: Class of 2025 Sequoia Family Center Drive
The Class of 2025 is sponsoring a drive for the Sequoia Family Center this holiday season, through Dec. 14. This time of year should be happy and joyful for all students and families.

The Class of 2025 is asking for your donations of sweatpants and/or sweatshirts/hoodies, preferably in dark colors, for your fellow Sequoia families. There will be a bin outside of the Student Activities Center in which you can drop off items. Please help us spread the word!
Come watch us play

Support the Ravens by attending home games. View or subscribe to the Sequoia Athletics calendar for complete schedules.

Let’s go, Ravens!
Home games this week
  • Dec. 5: Boys Soccer vs. Summit — Varsity 4:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 8: Boys Soccer vs. MA — Frosh 6:00 p.m.
  • Dec. 10: Boys Soccer vs. Hillsdale — Frosh 1:00 p.m.

Boys and girls basketball and soccer have away events this week, and wrestling competes on Saturday.
SHSEF supports students in reaching highest potential
Did you know SHSEF supports staff, projects, and programs to ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach their highest potential? We raise funds for college services, academic enrichment programs, staff professional development, and student and family support. 
Join Vanessa Kellam, Family Engagement Manager, Health Connected, the Bay Area's leading sexual health education organization, to discuss how to equip teens with protective behaviors, emotional resilience, and communication skills to safely navigate romantic relationships.

Unirse Vanessa Kellam, Health Connected, la principal organización de educación sobre salud sexual del Área de la Bahía, para discutir cómo equipar a los adolescentes con comportamientos protectores, resiliencia emocional y habilidades de comunicación para navegar con seguridad en las relaciones románticas. Enlace de zoom.
How can we help our kids tame their inner voice? In his bestselling book, Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It, bestselling author and acclaimed psychologist Ethan Kross, PhD, shows how to harness our inner voice to improve our physical and mental health.
¿Cómo podemos ayudar a nuestros hijos a domar su voz interior? En su libro más vendido, Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness it, autor de bestsellers y aclamado psicólogo Ethan Kross, PhD, muestra cómo aprovechar nuestra voz interior para mejorar nuestra salud física y mental. Enlace de zoom.
There are many communication resources at Sequoia besides the Sentinel. Here are a few of our favorites:

Sequoia High School Website
  • Home page: Includes the Bell Schedule.
  • Calendar. Note: Sequoia only posts schedule abnormalities here, so unless otherwise noted, assume a normal week:
  • Mon. - A Day
  • Tues. - B Day
  • Wed. - Collab. Day
  • Thurs. - A Flex Day
  • Fri. - B Flex Day
  • Infinite Campus: Includes a student-specific daily calendar.
  • Sequoia 101: information on all things Sequoia.
  • Staff and Student Bulletin: everything from student announcements, to the sports schedule, to all the available clubs. Read it on the website, or subscribe to get it twice a week in your email.

PTSA Resources

Student News
  • That's So Raven Announcements: subscribe to Sequoia High School ASB's YouTube channel and set up alerts so you'll know when these fun and informational vlogs post.
  • Raven Report: The student news site of Sequoia High School.

Quick Links:
The Sentinel goes out on Sundays at 8 a.m. during the school year. Submissions are due the Wednesday before you'd like your contribution to run - click the purple Submission button below.

Optionally, include a Spanish translation from a native or bilingual speaker (no Google translations please). Thanks for keeping the Sequoia High School community updated!

Email us to unsubscribe or use the Constant Contact link at the bottom of your issue.
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  3. Coloca el cursor en la caja y mantenga presionada la tecla Control y haga clic en la tecla V para pegar el boletín completo en el cuadro de traducción.