December 4, 2017
Sequoia PTSA's weekly eNewsletter in partnership with the Sequoia High School Education Foundation
Message from the PTSA
It's hard to believe that we are nearing the halfway mark of the school year. It seems like it all just started a few weeks back, so how can it be December already? But I'm sure our students are feeling it as they all gear up to finish their semester projects, prepare for finals and, for many seniors, scramble to meet the college application deadlines. The energy on campus is high and the kids are busy: fitting in performing arts concerts or time in the College Center, sneaking in a study tutorial or research in the media center, racing to the next sports activities or wrapping up that art project. For the students, it's a challenge to find enough hours in the day to fit it all in. It truly is difficult enough for high-schoolers to learn how to find a balance and not get overwhelmed and, admittedly, it is just as difficult for adults too.
I do hope that, even in this chaotic time of year, you are able to find a few moments of calm, moments to smile and time to enjoy the season. But I also hope that you will take a moment to add one small thing to your "Busy-ness" and consider a way to "Give back," something that can easily be lost when our available time is at a premium. We actually have a few great opportunities at SHS to give back this month, and we have worked to make the giving as simple as possible, whether it is helping with our Staff Luncheon or donating to the Health Careers Academy coat drive or 'Adopting-a-Family' through the family center. Giving back is important, appreciated and hopefully a way for you to receive a bit of calm, knowing you made a difference, perhaps just in a small way, for someone else! (More details about all these opportunities are available below in this newsletter.)
Helen Keller once wrote, "The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves." Wishing you and your families a joyous, peaceful holiday season and a winter break filled with heartfelt memories and smiles.
Lauren Pachkowski Sequoia PTSA President |
PTSA and ELAC Meetings at 6 PM Tomorrow: Meet Our Superintendent
Our monthly PTSA and ELAC meetings will be tomorrow -
Tuesday, Dec. 5. This month, the meeting will be from
6:00 to 7:30 PM in the MPR. Instead of our regular meeting, we will have a conversation with our Superintendent Dr. Mary Streshly and Principal Sean Priest. The goal of this community meeting is to help shape future direction for Sequoia High School students and community. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to Lauren Pachkowski at
Reunión de PTSA y ELAC la próxima semana
Nuestras reuniones mensuales de PTSA y ELAC serán el próximo martes,
5 de diciembre. Este mes, la reunión será de
6:00 a 7:30 p.m. en la cafeteria de Sequoia. En lugar de nuestra reunión regular, tendremos una conversación con nuestra Superintendente Dra. Mary Streshly y el Director Sean Priest. El objetivo de esta reunión de la comunidad es ayudar a formar la dirección futura para los estudiantes y la comunidad
de La Preparatoria Sequoia. Si planea asistir, por favor confirme su asistencia a Lauren Pachkowski a lpachkow@aol.com o a Elvira Macias (650) 367-9780 ext. 60021 a emacias@seq.org.
Fall Sports Wrap-Up & Awards Night
 There were lots of exciting happenings in Sequoia sports this fall!
Boys Water Polo (JV and Varsity) went undefeated and won their leagues.
Jacob Masur was named League MVP while
Cubby Stanley was named Most Valuable Goalie.
Cross Country had a spectacular season with both teams making it to the CCS meet. Additionally, the girls team of
Yvonne Brien-Miller, Brighid Bugos, Gabi Cattalini, Shannon Coan, Sarah Fazio, Eva Gillet and Angie Salgado won the Center Meet at the Crystal Springs Cross Country Course and set the Sequoia all-time record for combined time on the course dating back 46 years.
Football finished the season strong with wins over rivals Woodside and Carlmont and an upset of Menlo.
Girls Golf had an exciting season with some fun highlights, including
Sammie Ellard notching a hole in one in a match.
And don't forget:
the Fall Sports Awards Night will be tonight - Monday, December 4 at 7:00 PM in Carrington Hall - to recognize the outstanding team and individual accomplishments of our Fall season athletes.
Help Appreciate Our Teachers and Staff!
The PTSA will host the annual Holiday Staff Luncheon on Thursday, December 21. Help pitch in and
show our appreciation to our teachers and staff for all their hard work before we break for the holidays!
Click here
to provide a food item, donate a gift card, or help at the event (shifts from 10:00-12:00,
and 1:45-2:30).
Graduation Already? Get a Jump on Ordering Graduation Merchandise!
Herff-Jones, the company that supplies caps and gowns as well as class rings, grad announcements and other graduation merchandise will be on campus Tuesday, December 5 to show products, answer questions and take orders. They will run a booth in the lobby of Gym 1 from 5:00-7:00 PM.
Support Girls Learn International - Enjoy a Free Movie Showing!
Come to the Sequoia High School MPR at
6:30 PM on Friday, December 8th for a free screening of
Wonder Woman. Food will be sold for less than five dollars and all proceeds will go towards organizations for women's schools in third world countries.
Everyone is welcome!
For more information, contact the club advisor Ms. Da Costa-Pinto at mdacosta@seq.org.
'Tis the Season...
In the spirit of the holiday season, the Parent Center and Health Care Academy are collecting items to be distributed to the local community:
- The Parent Center's annual ADOPT-A-FAMILY program is now open! Click here to contribute gifts to Sequoia families in need; and note that additional requests will continue to be added to the list over the coming week.
- The Parent Center is also conducting a Toy Drive.
- The Health Careers Academy is running a Coat Drive, accepting new and gently used outerwear. Bring donations to Room 125; see this flyer.
Need a Holiday Gift Idea for Your Senior?
A Safe and Sober grad night ticket on the Hornblower Cruise for June 8th can just fit that bill! Purchase your tickets here. They are $70 currently with prices to increase in January. Questions, please contact Jayne Sungail.
We will be finishing up Love Bags sales soon, so get yours now! These bags are well-made, attractive and make great hostess and holiday gifts. 40% of each order placed goes directly to support our 2018 Safe & Sober Grad Week activities.
See this flyer for details. Bags can be ordered at lovebags.com, enter code SEQUOIA.
Honey Bear Trees Are Still Looking for Homes!
Purchase a Christmas Tree and Help the Class of 2018
Sequoia 2018 Grad Activities receives 15% of the purchase price when you buy a holiday tree at
Bring this flyer when you purchase your tree and wreath. (If you happen to forget it, there will be extra flyers on the lot.)
Sequoia 2018 Grad Activities recibirá el 15% del precio de compra cuando usted compre un árbol de Navidad en HONEY BEAR TREES. Simplemente
muestre este folleto cuando usted compre su árbol y corona. (Si se le olvida, no se preocupe en la parcela abra más volantes disponibles.)
There are three locations convenient to our Sequoia school community:
- 955 Woodside Road, Redwood City
- 651 El Camino Real, Redwood City (RWC American Legion lot - new this year)
- 2495 S. Delaware Street, San Mateo (San Mateo County Event Center)
Hours are 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 days a week.
Monday, Dec. 4
7 PM - Fall Sports Awards, Carrington Hall
6 PM - PTSA & ELAC Meetings, MPR
5-7 PM - Herff Jones booth in Gym 1
Wednesday, Dec. 6
7 PM - Choir and Orchestra Winter Concert, Carrington Hall
Thursday, Dec. 7
7 PM - Bands Winter Concert, Carrington Hall
Friday, Dec. 8
6:30 PM - Girls Learn International movie night (
Wonder Woman), MPR
Tuesday, Dec. 19
Adopt-a-Family gifts due at the Parent Center (Room 129)
Tue-Thu, Dec. 19-21
Friday, Dec. 22
Winter break begins
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Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra's Holiday Extravaganza with Anderson & Roe
Starring "the most dynamic duo of this generation" (San Francisco Classical Voice), pianists Greg Anderson and Elizabeth Joy Roe join forces with PACO for high-octane performances of Bach and their original Fantasy on Bizet's Carmen. An all-in-one holiday special for the entire family; program includes Corelli's Christmas Concerto and Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite, featuring all five PACO orchestras and the Pacific Ballet Academy. Tickets can be purchased at
($20 for back orchestra seats and $30 for front orchestra seats).