Sequoia PTSA's weekly newsletter in partnership with Sequoia High School Education Foundation
I made time this past week to mingle at lunch and speak with a cross-section of students about what their highlights had been so far this school year. With spring break imminent, I figured it was a good time to take stock and see what’s making an impact. Among the answers: College Day, Raven Circles, science classes, Beauty and the Beast, and the IB Art Show.
All these memories were made possible because of the Sequoia High School Education Foundation. The SHSEF funds these and MANY other projects, materials, initiatives, and activities either directly or by underwriting PTSA Mini-Grants which are awarded semesterly to teachers with innovative ideas to enhance student experience and learning.
It is the mission of the Foundation to support staff, projects and programs to ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach his or her highest potential. We raise funds for college services, academic enrichment programs, staff professional development, and student and family support.
For 2022-23, thanks to the committed generosity of our donors, we were able to fund the kinds of science lab equipment used in university laboratories, additional staffing to reduce class sizes for 9th graders, a second full-time college and career counselor, a wellness coordinator in our teen resource center, supplies for our visual and performing arts program, and many other exciting initiatives. Mini-Grants, administered by our amazing PTSA, allow teachers and students to fund smaller-scale initiatives to enrich the learning experience at Sequoia. In an example of the great cooperation between our various partner groups, Mini-Grants are funded by the SHSEF.
We are rounding the corner into the homestretch of this year’s annual campaign to fund 2023-24. We are on-track to reach our goal with an eye on new families to add to our Leadership Circle. A big thanks to those of you who have already contributed to the annual campaign. As we are now deep into planning for next year, I encourage those of you who have yet to contribute to do so as soon as possible.
Thanks and have a great spring break!
Volunteer for IB exams April 28-May 19
Sequoia needs 116 parent volunteers to assist with IB exams. Click this link to sign up. A smile and positive support can make a huge difference! FAQ's:
- You CAN assist with an exam your student is taking, but you will be stationed in a different room.
Don't have an IB student? Get a peek at our students' impressive knowledge and work ethics! Watch this video to see what college-level classes/exams mean for students.
- The IB Program requires one proctor volunteer for every 20 students taking an exam.
- Our staff will give you all the instructions you need.
- We welcome any reliable adult’s help—ask a relative, college student, or neighbor to volunteer.
PTSA 2022-23 Mini-Grant highlights
This year, with funding from the Sequoia High School Education Fund, the PTSA was able to fund 37 Mini-Grants (up to $750) for teachers, students, and clubs. See below to get an idea of the fantastic and varied projects that were funded.
$630 grant: Camille Erskine, Science Department, purchased white boards that allowed students to collaborate and present data in a way that models scientific conferences. Students used whiteboards to explain the Keeling Curve during their atmospheric change unit and could easily edit data and add supporting data to other team’s posters!
$260 grant: The Dungeons and Dragons Club purchased materials, including dice and character-, world-, and story-building books. These resources allow the club to run several campaigns. Campaigns progress weekly, require creative thinking, and help to build a community of students from all grades, backgrounds, and experiences.
$600 grant: Stephanie Harrison, Special Ed/Independent Living Skills Department, purchased a new rug, bean bag chair, lounge, soft lighting, anti-stress toys, and a lava lamp to decorate the Special Education small quiet room. They also purchased a Bluetooth speaker to play music.
SHSEF seeking database chair
SHSEF is looking for a database chair to manage our donor database. Interested? Email Marianne Jett for more info.
Gordon Moore: Sequoia Hall of Fame member
Gordon Moore, a pioneer in the development of Silicon Valley and a graduate of Sequoia High School’s class of 1946, passed away on March 24 at the age of 94. Known for authoring the infamous Moore's law, he co-founded and led Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel. Some say that Moore was “the most important thinker and doer in the story of silicon electronics.” Click here and here to read more about his interesting life.
April news from the Media Center
Prom is April 22: Get your tickets now!
Tickets are on sale every day at lunch through April 19 for $100. We accept cash, credit/debit, ApplePay, or check (made out to Sequoia HS). We cannot accept Venmo. Guest tickets may be purchased for $110. No guest tickets will be sold without a completed guest pass. Please contact Director of Student Activities Corey Uhalde with any questions.
Reserve your yearbook now - prices increase after break!
Junior Class Achievement Award applications now open!
Class of 2023 sign
Clase del 2023 rĂłtulo
Celebrate your graduating senior by ordering a class of 2023 yard/window sign! Visit the PTSA webstore to order. Each sign is $15, and please feel free to “donate-a-sign” to families in our community. You will receive an email in April for pick-up location/times. Questions? Contact Christian De La Cruz.
Tiene un estudiante graduándose? Festeje su éxito y pida un rótulo de Clase del 2023 para su yarda/ventana! Visite la pagina de PTSA para poner su orden por solo $15 y si gusta dejar una donación será muy agradecido! Recibirá un correo electrónico en Abril para que lo venga a recoger. Si tiene preguntas, por favor en comunicarse con Christian De La Cruz.
Seniors: Get your Safe and Sober Grad Night tickets!
Get your tickets for the Safe and Sober Grad Night on June 9! Tickets are $90 and include food, dancing, games, views, and FUN! Prices increase in May. Grads meet at Sequoia at 10:00 p.m., board buses to Hornblower Pier for an evening cruise and return to Sequoia at 4:00 a.m. All attendees must sign a waiver; students over 18 can sign for themselves. Event is for class of 2023 Sequoia grads ONLY. If purchasing a ticket for another student, please check with that student first. No refunds. Purchase tickets here. To pay by check, email us.
Home games for the next two weeks
4/11 Baseball vs. St. Ignatius - JV 4:00 p.m.
4/14 Baseball vs. Serra - JV 4:00 p.m.
4/17 Baseball vs. Menlo - JV 4:00 p.m.
4/18 Boys Tennis vs. Woodside - Varsity 4:00 p.m.
4/18 Track meet vs. Aragon/Carlmont - Varsity/ JV 3:00 p.m.
4/19 Girls Lacrosse vs. Woodside - Varsity 7:00 p.m.
4/19 Girls Lacrosse vs. Woodside - JV 5:30 p.m.
4/20 Badminton vs. Woodside - Varsity 4:30 p.m.
4/20 Boys Volleyball vs. El Camino - Varsity 6:15, JV 5:00 p.m.
4/21 Baseball vs. Rancho San Juan - JV 4:00 p.m.
4/21 Girls Lacrosse vs. Burlingame - Varsity 7:00 pm,
4/21 Girls Lacrosse vs. Burlingame - JV 5:30 p.m.
4/21 Swimming vs. Carlmont - Varsity/JV 3:30 p.m.
Follow @SeqBoosters and individual sports on Instagram for the latest game times!
The Sequoia Boosters are forming our team for next year and urgently need a Treasurer. Please contact if you can devote your time and talent to Sequoia athletics. Other available roles include Parliamentarian, Database Manager, and Social Media Manager — and there are many other big and small ways to get involved.
The Sentinel goes out to 3,500 members of the Sequoia High School community on Sundays at 8 a.m. during the school year. Submissions are due on Wednesday — click the purple button below.