Sequoia Sentinel
August 29, 2021
Sequoia PTSA's weekly eNewsletter in partnership with the Sequoia High School Education Foundation
This Thursday is back-to-school night! It will be a virtual event again this year in accordance with county recommendations around large gatherings.
At 6:30 p.m. we will have a brief kick-off before we send families off to attend the individual ZOOM links for their students’ teachers. In order to have the smoothest night possible, please have a copy of your students’ teachers names by period. Later this week, an alphabetical list of all teacher zoom links will be shared community-wide for easy switching between virtual “rooms”.
Back-to-school night is a chance for the teachers to introduce themselves and their classes to families. We intentionally hold the event as early as possible in order to spark conversations between students and families about what’s happening. The ability to have an informed conversation with your child is strongly linked to their academic success.
Here are some tips for getting the most out of the event:
Listen for how the class is structured in terms of completing and submitting assignments, feedback, and how parents can support their students in learning from home.
Consider what kinds of skills students will acquire and strengthen in their classes. Some teachers may even provide demonstrations, visuals, or prompts to model the kinds of activities their students experience in class.
Use this opportunity to learn a little about your child’s teachers as human beings. Family, hobbies, and where people grew up all help personalize the experience your child is having. How will differences or similarities between the backgrounds of your child and their teacher enrich their lives in ways both directly and indirectly connected to the subject matter?
Understand the teacher’s expectations and hopes for the students in your class. Back-to-school night isn’t necessarily about reviewing every detail about the syllabus. Please avoid asking hyper-specific questions about individual students. Listen for the ways in which the teachers will show how much they care about each student (this looks different for almost every teacher).
This week is always a highlight of the year. The connections between families and teachers can be lasting. More than once, I’ve run into parents who remember having to learn tongue-twisters in Spanish class on back-to-school night. I hope this year’s event is a memorable one for all.
Have a great week!
Welcome back staff of 2021-2022
Welcome back 2021-2022 Sequoia staff, we hope you had a great summer! In appreciation, the PTSA has revamped the second floor staff room, and we are excited to report that it is now repainted.
Please drop by to play games, borrow books, have coffee, read magazines, eat your lunch, connect with your co-workers and enjoy the view!
IB diploma parent support group
If you are interested in joining our new support group for parents/supporters of IB diploma students, this is the place for you. We hope to provide opportunities for parents to connect, share information and resources, and provide diploma students an opportunity to meet outside of school. If you are interested, please contact Roopa Rayadurg by email or 650-274-8719.
Spanish-speaking volunteers needed in Sequoia's Family Center
The Sequoia Family Center is looking for Spanish-speaking volunteers. Volunteers will be helping our families and students-in-need complete paperwork to assess funding needs to qualify for additional benefits. You will be helping ensure that Sequoia students' and families' needs are accounted for and funding resources are allocated to our school to serve those in-need.
Make a huge difference in our community and school by supporting our migrant, homeless and low-income students and families.
Other than the ability to speak Spanish, no experience is necessary to volunteer. Elvira Macias, our Family Center Coordinator, will tell you everything you need to know.
Shifts are two hours long and available on different days.
Spread the word! Please share this opportunity with a Spanish-speaking friend, neighbor, or relative interested in community service and supporting our school and kids.
Sept. 3: Help appreciate our teachers and staff
Each year on the morning after back-to-school night the PTSA treats our staff and teachers to coffee drinks and breakfast snacks.
Help us recognize and celebrate our hard-working Sequoia team on Friday, September 3. Please sign up to contribute food or volunteer your time. Reach out to Linda Solon (415-902-0910) with questions. Thank you!
Our fall membership drive is off to a great start with parents, teachers, and students alike standing up to support our Sequoia High School PTSA.
Haven't joined yet? Sign up on-line HERE.
By having a PTSA at Sequoia, we are part of a national organization that has been around for more than 100 years advocating for stronger schools, teacher support, and legislation that ensures all kids get a chance at a quality education. The greater our numbers, the greater our voice and as legislators make decisions on school funding, we need to be heard!
Everyone in our parent community is welcome to come to our meetings, volunteer for activities, and be a part of this wonderful school! But we'd love your membership, too!
Do you have questions for our Sequoia 2021-2022 PTSA Board? Reach Karen Eller Ha, PTSA President and the rest of the team at
Our mission is to positively impact the lives of all children and families.
Welcome back, Sequoia! Enjoy the first episode of That's So Raven as we kick off the school year!
This week on That's So Raven:
1:28 Autocomplete Interview with Ms. Cain
5:23 Class Officer Introductions
7:45 Message from Mr. Priest
Special shout-out to @cainsclassroom for her interview this week!
“That’s So Raven” is a Sequoia ASB Production.
Edgenuity credit recovery lab is open - room 210
If you need to make up credits for graduation or college requirements, the Edgenuity credit recovery lab is now open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-6:00 p.m.
Please note: the deadline is May 27 to complete Edgenuity courses required for graduation and A-G requirements. Please contact your assigned counselor if you have questions or need an Edgenuity application.
Volunteer weekly with English learners
I am an ELD/ELA 2 teacher at Sequoia, and I am looking for one volunteer to help out on a weekly basis from 8:30-10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays. The volunteer will work with a small group of students on speaking, reading and listening activities. No prior training, expertise, or Spanish language skills are necessary. All volunteers need to complete a volunteer clearance and must be fully vaccinated.
After the Parkland High School school shooting in 2018, students knew things needed to change. At that moment, March For Our Lives was formed.
March for Our Lives Sequoia Union is an organization at Sequoia High School that seeks to empower young people to change the world and end the national gun violence epidemic for once and for all. We invite all students to get directly involved! Come to our weekly lunch meetings in Room B-4.
Join us in the classroom!
You can support the Sequoia community in meaningful ways. This year, more than ever, we are in need of in-class help. In addition to volunteer opportunities, we have a few PAID roles this year that we'd LOVE for you to consider (and help SPREAD the word to your favorite recent college grads, neighbors, retirees, empty nesters, or friends considering a career switch into education).
We are looking for both substitutes and paraprofessionals to work on our campus...and we LOVE having parents and relatives fill these roles!
"Hmmm, but my child might be mortified to see me on campus!" might be your first reaction.
We hear you! But chances are you won't run into him/her during the day. It's a big, fun, busy place, so you won't be crowding into your student's space. It actually might surprise you to learn that many of our staff and teachers have their own kids attending Sequoia and it turns out to be a win-win; it's a lot more fun than you might think!
Please check out these opportunities below:
SUBSTITUTES: This is a great job for adults who need flexibility, creatives who need part-time work, college graduates who need time and's a fun gig that provides a great deal of flexibility. You can choose the days that you work and cover for a variety of classes at the school, ensuring that students continue to engage in meaningful work when their regular teacher is out. You have control over the classes and days that you work, picking up assignments that work for your schedule. The teachers have great curriculum and lessons prepared for you to use so you would have a great deal of support in any subject area.
PARAPROFESSIONALS: Work with a variety of students in different programs and join a strong team of collaborative educators. You'll get to support our awesome Independent Living Skills (ILS) program or work with all students in general education and study skills classes. You might find yourself working with several students or just one or two on a regular basis -- building trusting and caring relationships. Curious to talk to someone who has done this and can tell you more about the experience? Sequoia parent Stephanie Harrison has worked with ILS for a few years now and is happy to chat. Bilingual parents are also extremely helpful. We do not require a college degree.
Interested in learning more about getting involved at Sequoia in general through paid or volunteer gigs? Interested in connecting with Stephanie Harrison to find out what it's like to work with ILS?
Excited and ready (or almost ready) to take the next step to become a substitute or paraprofessional?
*Photo taken pre-pandemic. Naturally, this year we're all carefully following pandemic health protocols at school, including wearing masks. 😉 Just wanted to give you a sense of the great energy in our classrooms!
Reserved yearbooks can be picked up in room 213 at lunch. 2021 yearbook purchases can be made with Mrs. Gordon in the treasurer’s office.
Seniors! Transcripts & Concurrent Enrollment
Attention Seniors! If you would like a completed concurrent enrollment course and grade added to your SHS transcript, you have until Friday, August 27 to submit an official transcript from the institution where you completed your concurrent enrollment course to the counseling office.
Additionally, please check your SHS unofficial transcript in IC under the documents tab for any errors by Friday, August 27. Please email your assigned counselor if you are not sure if you need to add your concurrent enrollment course to your SHS Transcript and/or if you need to report any errors from your SHS unofficial transcript.
Sequoia sports on social media
Watch us play from home or away
Cameras purchased with Boosters funds make it possible to LIVE STREAM games from the pool, gym, and main field. Sign-up and follow Sequoia High School here.
Varsity Girls Tennis @ Hillsdale High School - Tues. 8/31 at 4:00 p.m.
Freshman Girls Volleyball @ King's Academy - Tues. 8/31 at 3:30 p.m.
Girls Volleyball -vs- Monta Vista - Tues. 8/31. JV 5:30 p.m., Varsity 6:30 p.m.
Girls Volleyball @ Gunn High School - Thurs. 9/2. Freshman 4:00 p.m., JV 5:15 p.m., Varsity 6:30 p.m.
Football @ Gunn HS - Fri. 9/3. JV 4:30 p.m., Varsity 7:00 p.m.
Disaster Preparedness: Building Community Resilience: Town Hall Meeting
Sandra Firpo, Emergency Services Specialist / CERT Program Manager for the San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department, and Barbara Wood, Red Cross Disaster Responder.
Tues., Aug. 31, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., Online Event
What Do You Say? Talking with Kids to Build Stress Tolerance and Motivation
Dr. Bill Stixrud and Ned Johnson, national bestselling authors of The Self-Driven Child
Wed., Sept. 1, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Online Event
Mindful Parenting: Reducing COVID Stress and Anxiety
Madeleine Pizey, Mindful Educator, Mission Be (Mindfulness Organization)
Thurs., Sept. 9, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Online Event
"The Twisties": Youth Sports, Competition, and Mental Health
Steve Smith, PhD, Clinical and Sports Psychologist, UC Santa Barbara
Wed., Sept. 15, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Online Event
Beyond Being Admitted: Making the Most of the College Experience
Frank Bruni, Author, NY Times Columnist, and Endowed Professor of Journalism, Duke University & Alice Kleeman, Award-winning Former College Advisor
Wed., Sept. 22, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., Online Event (Webinar)
SamTrans is an easy way for students to get to and from school and other activities. Riding the bus with a group of friends helps kids gain independence, reduces traffic congestion at school, reduces parent stress and improves local air quality.
Please click on ‘Advocate’ if the proposed route 295 would help your commute!
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Sentinel Newsletter:
The Sentinel is distributed every Sunday at 8 a.m., except during school breaks. Our readers enjoy hearing about activities, events, and accomplishments of Sequoia students, staff and community.