We’re almost a month into the new school year, which makes for a good time to paint a picture by numbers of where we’re at and where we’re going.
Those of you who made it to last week’s Principal’s Welcome in Carrington Hall heard a sneak peak. So with apologies to the old Harper’s Index, here we go:
Students currently enrolled: 1899
Students wearing backpacks provided via our Family Center funded by SHSEF: 78
Newcomer ELD students who have enrolled at Sequoia since August 16: 24
Athletes at Sequoia participating at the JV, varsity, or frosh level: 350
Fall sports offered this season: 9
Players on girls flag football team (Sequoia newest varsity fall sport): 20
Students participating in the cast, crew, or pit orchestra of Urinetown, Sequoia’s fall musical: 104
Percentage of Sequoia students active in either fall athletics or the musical: 24%
Tables reserved next Friday for the annual Sequoia High School Club Fair: 55
Classroom teachers: 113
Teachers new to Sequoia: 13
IB courses offered to 11th- and 12th-graders this year at Sequoia: 20
Number of Sequoia teachers teaching one or more of those IB courses: 48
Tote bags given out as part of 9th-grade orientation: 475
Tickets sold to Sequoia’s football home opener against Patterson HS: 1249
Miles traveled to Sequoia’s SEASON opener against Kealakehe HS on the Big Island of Hawaii: 2321
“Headsets” used during the the silent disco hosted by ASB during the September 1 minimum day: 140
Dorky photos on ASB's Instagram of Sequoia principal silent disco “dancing”: 1 👋
Books already checked out of our inimitable library media center: 158
Volunteer hours donated by Sequoia community members over the last year: 4200
Years Sequoia’s campus has inspired students with its physical beauty to grow as scholars and humans: 100
We’re off to a great start to this historical year in our history, Sequoia. Here’s to another great week!
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The Sequoia PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) is part of a nationwide network of four million families, students, educators and community leaders working to improve education, health, and safety conditions for our children. There is safety in numbers!
Our membership is our strength and voice. Without our members, we wouldn't be able to do all the good things we do for children and families.
Join the Sequoia PTSA and don't forget to sign up your partner and Sequoia students as well. Questions? Email Dana Rechin
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Starting the day with gratitude for teachers and staff |
The morning after Back to School Night, the PTSA treated our wonderful teachers and staff to espresso drinks, tasty breakfast treats and buffet.
THANK YOU to all of the families who donated breakfast treats. A big shout out to the parents and ASB students who helped assemble orders and make deliveries. It was a special way to celebrate the hard work and commitment of teachers and staff, and they certainly seemed to appreciate the appreciation!
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Students and staff: Apply for a PTSA Mini-Grant |
Through the support of the Sequoia High School Education Foundation (SHSEF), the PTSA is able to offer financial grants to enhance education at Sequoia. The grants of up to $750 are designed to inspire creative initiatives for learning and/or to address a compelling need that might otherwise go unmet.
Applications will be accepted between 9/20 and 10/2. Students/staff who have an idea for a project that will benefit the school (but need funding) are encouraged to apply. Learn more here.
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Sept. 14: Join us for Welcoming America’s welcome week |
Welcoming America is a nonprofit leading a movement of inclusive communities becoming more prosperous by ensuring everyone belongs, including immigrants. As part of Redwood City's celebration of Welcoming America's Welcoming Week, Redwood City Together is hosting a community dialogue at Sequoia on Thursday, September 14 in Sequoia's MPR. Please join us!
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Reflections: I am Hopeful Because/Tengo Esperanza Porque… |
Don't ignore your inner artist! Consider participating in the Reflections Program. Enter your artwork and reflection in one of six categories: Dance, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts.
All entries will be recognized for their artistic achievement. Participation itself is a meaningful contribution to the Sequoia community. Due by Sunday, November 12, 2023. Questions? Email us or call 650-743-1695.
First-place finishers in each category enter the district competition. District winners move on to the state, and state winners ultimately compete at the national level. You can do this! Learn more here.
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Did you know SHSEF supports staff, projects and programs to ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach their highest potential? We raise funds for college services, academic enrichment programs, staff professional development, and student and family support. Donate today and help us reach our goal of $650K!
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Sept. 15: Yearbook early-bird discount ends |
This year's Sequoia Yearbook is on sale for its lowest price all year! Now through Sept. 15, save $20 (only $90), which includes 250 pages of action-packed content on everything from classes and clubs to sports and spirit weeks. Don't miss your chance to buy a yearbook now, as we have sold out in previous years.
To order, click here. Questions? Email Mr. Mancini.
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Most of our fall sports have away games this week, including Friday night football 🏈 @ Woodside. We hope to see lots of fans in the visitor stands as varsity defends The Log in the Redwood Rumble!
Campus will be alive this weekend as Sequoia hosts tournaments for varsity girls volleyball 🏐 and boys water polo 🤽🏽♂️ beginning at 8 a.m. on Saturday 9/16.
View all fall sports schedules at SeqSports.com.
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Sept. 13: Discover Stanford for You: Exploring the Impact of Guns in Homes and Society |
Gun ownership rates in the United States have reached unprecedented levels. David Studdert, Stanford Vice Provost and Dean of Research and professor in Health Policy and Law, and Maya Rossin-Slater, Stanford associate professor in Health Policy, will delve into the effects of introducing firearms into homes and the long-term consequences of school gun violence on students' mental health, education, and future economic prospects. Join us as we explore their insightful research findings in this crucial discussion. Click here to register.
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The Sequoia Sentinel is emailed to 3,500 members of the Sequoia High School community on Sundays at 8 a.m. during the school year. Contributions are due on Wednesday — click the purple button below to submit. Email the editors or click here to subscribe. | | |
Sentinel is a giant sequoia located within the Giant Forest Grove of Sequoia National Park, California. A sentinel is a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. | | | | | |