September 2015 - In This Issue:
Since it was founded in 1935, in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., Serra has chartered 1,170 Serra Clubs in 46 countries on six continents.
Serra's objectives and purposes are:
- To foster and promote vocations to the ministerial priesthood in the Catholic Church as a particular vocation to service, and to support priests in their sacred ministry
- To encourage and affirm vocations to consecrated religious life in the Catholic Church
- To assist its members to recognize and respond in their own lives to God's call to holiness in Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit.
Click here to learn more and visit our website.
From Our President
Fellow Serrans and Followers,
I hope you are well and enjoyed the lovely summer here in Connecticut.
As we move now into September and think about the exciting event coming with the canonization of Junipero Serra, I ask that we take a moment to pray for the younger ones in our lives as they go back to school. We pray that they have a safe and spiritual year in school (be it primary, secondary or university!), and ask God to bless them. We pray that they listen to God and respond to his call.
Wishing you a great autumn and looking forward to seeing you soon.
All the best,
Pope's Visit and Canonization
The canonization of Blessed Junipero Serra will take place on September 23, 2015 at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. This will be the first canonization to take place on American soil. Serra USA is urging as many Serrans as possible to attend this once in a lifetime event from September 21-25, 2015. Contact information: John Liston, Serra International Ex. Director at 312.419.7411 or email jliston@serrainternational.org.
For more information on the Pope's Visit and Canonization click here. EWTN will have coverage of the Canonization mass on Sept 23 at 4:30 PM.
Canonization Posters and Bulletin Announcements
Serra Poster
Thanks to Susan Barr, Mike Molgano, Father Robert Kinnally and the Bishop's office for coordinating the delivery of posters and a suggested bulletin insert to every parish in the diocese!
Bulletin Insert
Pope Francis will canonize Blessed JunÃpero Serra on September 23, 2015 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. In the 18th century, Father Serra came to the New World to share his love of the Gospel with the indigenous people of California.
Our local Serra Club of Bridgeport welcomes you to join us through prayer in celebrating the Holy Father's visit and the canonization of Blessed Serra.
When Serra International was formed years ago, Blessed Serra was chosen as its name and spiritual patron because of his love of Christ and his priestly dedication to those he served. Our mission is to continue his work by encouraging vocations to the priesthood, permanent diaconate and consecrated religious life, and supporting those who have already answered that call to serve our Church.
Please consider membership in the Serra Club, and join our Lord in praying that "the master of the harvest send out laborers for His harvest." To learn more about Serra, please contact us at
or call John Tartaro at 203-893-8179.
Newly Ordained Deacons, Including our own Deacon Dave Flynn!
Click here to see more pictures.
St. John Fisher Barbecue
 The first Annual Seminarian Barbecue was held on Friday July 31, 2015 at Saint John Fisher Seminary in Stamford, CT. The gorgeous evening was a huge success based on the obvious looks of enjoyment on the faces of the Seminarians, their guests and the Serra Club volunteers and officers present.
There was plenty of grilled food, soft and other drinks and games of Horseshoes and KanJam. As the evening progressed, family members and friends of the Seminarians joined and added to the party atmosphere.
The afternoon began with snacks and beverages in the Seminary courtyard. At 5pm Father Sam Kachuba and Reverend Bob Kinnally provided introductions of each Seminarian who offered entertaining stories of his background, parish and formal education and how and why he joined the Seminary. There followed introductions of the members and guests of the recently-chartered Serra Club of Bridgeport, who sponsored the Barbecue. The Serra Club described its 31 Club Calendar, in which club members signed up for one day of each month to pray for that day's Seminarian and other religious. The Seminarians expressed their appreciation for being so warmly supported, both privately by prayer and on social networking.
Everyone was invited to join in the evening's Vespers, dividing into two large groups who took turns speaking their group's participation in interactive prayers and readings.
Dinner was served in the sun and shade while Seminarians broke off to play games and engage in lively conversation and laughter with guests and among themselves. The desserts were brought out to complete the stuffing, highlighted by a marshmallow and S'Mores roast over a well-stoked fire pit.
At the close of the evening, the Seminarians policed the courtyard, helped store the remaining food for the next few days' meals and desserts, and the volunteers cleaned and restored the beautiful facility and kitchen to its original, immaculate state.
The Seminarians, their spiritual guides, the Serra Club members and all the guests left at twilight feeling very fulfilled and proud of these young men and their devotion of God and community.
Club Talk by Dominican Sisters
Sister Melanie Hannigan, OP and Sister Helen Kieran OP,
Two Dominican sisters joined the Serra Club as guest speakers for the Club's meeting on June 24th. Sister Melanie Hannigan, OP and Sister Helen Kieran OP, Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Springs, 124 Bugg Hill Road, Monroe, CT, shared the unique story of their vocational call to become a Dominican Sister. Both women each have had great educational opportunities, earning advanced degrees and used that experience wherever they were sent to work.
In addition to her teaching duties in New York City, Sr. Helen had her own television program on WPIX as well as a show on Vatican Radio. Sr. Helen has worked with seminarians for whom English is a second language, improving their homiletic skills. Sister Melanie worked extensively with special needs children and started a program for children with disabilities.
Both women spoke of the "Four Pillars of Dominican Life;" prayer, study, ministry, and community. They mentioned that the women discerning with them ranged in age from 25 - 35 years old. A challenge facing many of these women before they can commit to the consecrated life are their student loans and other debts that must be repaid before they can enter religious life.
The Sisters asked what they can do to support Serra and a few ideas were offered by members, such as possibly having a Serra meeting at their convent. Serra members with social media skills could help them update their website, do podcasts, etc. so that youth groups, altar servers and other young people can watch and see what life is like as a religious. Serra members commented that maybe Serra can try to assist financially by obtaining corporate endowments, stipends, etc. The Sisters passed out information about their order and about St. Dominic's charisms.
Anyone interested in joining the Sisters for a day of reflection or for some time on a quiet retreat, they may be reached at 203.880.4455.
To Execute or Not to Execute
On August 26th Dr. George Kain, PhD was our guest speaker and he was joined by his wife Marilyn Kain. Dr. Kain is a candidate for the Permanent Diaconate for our diocese. He is an Associate Professor of Justice and Law Administration at Western Connecticut State University and is also Police Commisioner for the Town of Ridgefield. He began his career in law enforcement as a probation officer. From that experience and his interest in learning, he continued to advance his education, eventually earning his doctorate and became an academic. In addition to teaching he continues his involvement with the criminal justice system by visiting inmates and counseling law enforcement officers. He commented about the emotional and physical toll working in criminal justice takes on its officers leading many to chemical and alcohol abuse that cause broken marriages.
He explained that initially he had supported capital punishment and supported the arguments that it kept officers safe, it was a deterrent to violent crime and that it saved the cost of incarceration. But, his views changed after studying its affects on the officers working in the system, discovering that too frequently the innocent people were convicted (and executed). It is not a deterrent only one in three killers are convicted. It does not reduce costs. Studies show that the cost to the states of defending appeals to delay and overturn convictions is ten times more costly than incarceration. Florida's cost of incarcerating death row convicts is $1 million per week. Capital punishment also removes the chance for redemption. He shared the axiom that is sometimes used to comment on the experience of those with lesser means have had with the justice system, "Those without the capital get the punishment."
He also pointed out the inhumane conditions in which death row inmates are kept. Florida's facility was used as an example. It is built of steel and has no air conditioning. Dr. Kain believes the money spent on death row facilities and legal defenses would be better spent on training prisoners and for training programs that improve law enforcement officer safety.
He shared with us some very touching and personal stories about how his change came about. He studied all facets of the issue. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall's opinion for the Supreme Court case of Herman vs. Georgia that overturned capital punishment in the US was particularly influential in forming Dr. Kain's opinion. The opinion written by Justice Marshall is now referred to as the Marshall Hypothesis of 1972. In it he wrote, "It is about the truth. If people knew the truth about capital punishment, they would never be able to support it." Justice Marshall hypothesized the risks of capital punishment: 1) executing innocent people, 2) class and racial discrimination and 3) capital punishment destroys the integrity of the criminal justice system.
 As an alternative to capital punishment, some suggest life in prison without parole, Dr. Kain said. But, he disagrees with that view, because it removes the element of hope from a convict's future. Without hope, he believes, there is little chance for redemption. As a Christian nation and as Catholics how can we support capital punishment? He asked. We should be concerned about the redemption of the convict's soul not just the punishment.
Dr. Kain's work towards abolishing capital punishment has taken him all over the world. He has given talk in several states including Florida, Illinois, Georgia, Pennsylvania and has been invited by a number of other countries to speak about abolishing capital punishment including Italy and Japan. He was invited to the Coliseum illumination in Rome by "Cities for Life", an organization that recognizes groups or individuals throughout the world that work toward abolishing capital punishment in their country. Dr. Kain was chosen for the work that he did toward abolishing capital punishment here in Connecticut.
Dr. Kain admits that some of his law enforcement colleagues do not agree with his position. However, he finds that when presented with the facts, more and more are coming to the same conclusion that capital punishment is not a healthy, viable form of punishment.
For further reading, he recommended that we read The Biblical Truth about America's Death Penalty by Dale Recinella, a death row chaplain.
Dr. Kain feels very blessed to have this ministry and is eager to continue working with the Holy Spirit toward the abolishment of capital punishment.
Marilyn Kain serves the law enforcement community as a counselor and serves on the faculty of Western Connecticut State University's department of Criminal Justice and Law. She asked that Serrans consider attending a performance of "In My Shoes" scheduled for
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 7:30 pm in the Ives Concert Hall located in White Hall Danbury, CT. The performance portrays the real-life experiences of women from prison to the stage. It examines their choices and twists of fate that lead to their incarceration. It tells of perseverance and hope, atonement and redemption found during their time in prison, their pathways out of prison; and what they found it means to be truly free. Tickets can be ordered on-line by clicking here.
Upcoming Speakers
Fr. Sam Kachuba will be the guest speaker at our next Serra meeting on September 23rd. He will talk about the discernment process and life for the seminarians in our diocese.
Dr. Lois Gandt will be our guest speaker on October 28th. She will talk about consecrated life and particularly her personal calling to consecrate herself to it and her experience in it. NOTE: That meeting will be held at St. Bridget of Ireland, in Stamford.
The New 31 Club
If you have not signed up for a slot on our 31 Club please take advantage of this opportunity and do it now. The 31 Club provides you the opportunity to pray for someone striving for a religious vocation as a priest, deacon, nun or sister. Please review the calendar below and just pick a day to pray. Do not worry if someone else is already praying that day. The more prayers the better. We have also added seminarians birthdays to the calendar. Feel free to send cards! Or you can just pray anytime by following us on twitter. We tweet a vocation prayer daily.
To sign up, please send us an email at serrabridge31@gmail.com and include the day of the month you would like to pray on - just send the date, not the day of the week. So, if you pick the 3rd of the month, you will always have the 3rd for your prayer offering. Click here to access our calendar which can be found on our website.
Meet our Seminarians and Read our Vocation Story of the Quarter
Click here to read about Fr. Rolando Arias and his vocation story.
Donate to Serra Bridgeport
Interested in donating to the Serra Club of Bridgeport?
Click here to dontate. All funds will support Serra events and candidates seeking a Vocation that need financial assistance. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Serra on Social Media
Come visit our
Web Site,
FaceBook Page and
Twitter. Make sure you like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for the News, Vocation Prayer of The Day, Birthdays , Daily Readings and Reflections.
If you have practical ideas on how to support our Clergy or to promote and support Vocations then contact us via email at
Also Visit Us at