Volume 24 * Issue 25 * March 21, 2019
In This Issue
Stronger together... we lift each other up. We are  SERRASTRONG!  And let us consider how to lift up one another, to love and good works
- Hebrews 10:24

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"Sacrificing With Jesus" Lenten Reconciliation 
Monday, March 25, 2019 
Grades 3-8, Formal Uniform Required

On Monday, March 25, students in grades 3-8 will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as we ready our hearts for Lent and prepare for Holy Week. We are honored to have multiple priests celebrate this sacrament with your children. We would like to thank the following priests for committing their time: Fr. Jim Dunning, Fr. Thomas Naval, Fr. Stephen Lesniewski, Fr. Duy Le, Fr. Aristotle Quan, Fr. Reynold Furrell, Fr. John Nguyen, Fr. John Block, Fr. Rudy Preciado, Fr. Gabriel Stack, Fr. Theodore Smith, Fr. Gregory Dick, Fr. Jerry Horan and Msgr T ed Olson.

We turn to God through repentance asking Him forgiveness for our sins. Our Catholic Church recommends we receive the sacrament of Reconciliation during this holy season. Lent is a time when we stop and take a close look at our lives by; examining our conscience, sitting quietly, confessing our sins to God and asking for forgiveness. Confession is a natural step to cleanse ourselves.  How we approach the reception of God's mercy is important as we are God's children. So we come to the Father to ask his forgiveness through the mercy of Jesus given by an ordained priest.

This will be a formal uniform day for Grades 3-8.
Educational Costs for the 2019-2020 School Year
We recognize how valuable everyone's time is this time of the year and have decided to send a Constant Contact with a video link instead of a parent meeting. This email will have all of the information needed regarding the new Educational Costs for 2019-2020. Please watch for this very important Constant Contact from me on Friday, March 29.
Anchor Ball 2019 - The Greatest Show

The Greatest Thank you!

Thank you doesn't begin to cover it, but we thought it was a great place to start.  The Greatest Show made history last Saturday, and it would not have been possible without so many people that touched the event in so many ways. 

It truly takes a "St. Serra" village! Thank you to:
  • Our generous SPONSORS AND UNDERWRITERS, as well as everyone who donated items during gift gathering
  • All the amazing VOLUNTEERS who touched the event in so many different ways.
  • Everyone who participated in fundraising for this event, including our very own Serra Social Club
  • St. Serra Staff members who worked so many extra hours to make this happen
  • Everyone who purchased Grab Bags and all those that participated in the Auctions and Raffles
  • All our guests!  We hope it was everything you imagined with a large slice of so much more!
The St. Serra PTO would like to say a very special thank you to our PTO VP- Anchor Ball, Mrs. Stephanie Angelos, and our Event Chairs, Mrs. Elena Goodrich, Mrs. Katie Minardi, Mrs. Karyn Pickart and Mrs. Melissa Regan who poured their hearts into this event. It truly was a magical evening under the big top for a great cause, our Serra Bears and 'The Greatest' School.  Video from the evening will be posted on the PARENTS ONLY SECTION of the website, so make sure to check it out!

Did you support, attend, or volunteer at Anchor Ball 2019? All St. Serra school families are invited to provide feedback on the ANCHOR BALL 2019 EVENT SURVEY . Your comments and suggestions will help us plan future Anchor Ball events. The survey is only 17 quick questions and will be available until 3:00 p.m. on Monday, April 8. Thank you in advance. 

GRAB BAGS AVAILABLE for purchase in the School Office.  They no longer include a non- uniform dress pass but have other amazing items.  

Every bag includes one of the following:  a savings coupon from Dick's Sporting Goods,  BOGO coupon from Tropical Smoothie CafĂ©,  General Mills cereal bar,  free admission pass from Fountain Valley Skating Center,  free cone coupon from Handel's Homemade Ice Cream,  free Pizookie coupon from BJ's Restaurant,  pair of sunglasses,  lip balm,  gift packet from Within Reach Learning Center. 
Our Appeal To You  - Educational Cost Assistance

This past Saturday night, the St. Serra community gathered at Anchor Ball to help raise funds for the school in many areas.  One of the most important areas that needs support is Educational Cost Assistance. 
Despite efforts in keeping educational costs down the need for financial assistance continues to rise. Last year more than 10% of the SJSC student body received assistance in some capacity. Each one of those students has a story that you might never know. However, in giving, you WILL know that you gave hope and opportunity to a student that may not be able to attend SJSC next year without a little help.  
If you were not at Anchor Ball or have not given through our email appeal sent out on Tuesday, please join with us to help reach our goal of raising $200,000 to secure the necessary level of funding for this year's applicants.
You CAN make a difference! Every dollar raised helps a child stay here at St. Serra next year.
Thank you to those who have already given to this important endeavor and to you, in advance, for your support of those in need within our community.   
Calendar Reminder
Friday March 22 will be a minimum day dismissal.
Please plan accordingly. Morning and afternoon Extended Care will be offered as usual. 
Spring is here and we know soon the sun will shine and the birds will chirp. Spring is a time that really puts JOY in our hearts, we just seem a bit happier. JOY truly is like the dawn of spring bringing hope, beauty and happiness.  

God is Good All the Time...
All the Time God is Good.

Mrs. Angeline Trudell
Mrs. Carol Reiss, Principal Preschool - Grade 4
Mrs. Alison Daley, Principal Grades 5 - 8
St. Serra Summer School 2019 - Registration Now Open!

to register for St. Serra Summer School

Please visit the  Summer School web page  for more information on schedules and pricing.  For a list of classes offered and description CLICK HERE
Sycamore Online Merit Card Parent Communication (Grades 3-8)  
A friendly reminder as we begin our last leg of the marathon we call "the school year."  W e believe at St. Junipero Serra Catholic School the parent and teacher partnership is key for building a successful path for our students. Sycamore is one of our main communication tools. We are asking that you take at least one day out of the week to review these pages with your child. In the event there is a discrepancy or concern, please email your child's teacher.    
To access your student's Discipline Log in  Sycamore, click on your student's profile, then the Discipline button (on the right of the screen).  Students also have the ability to see their own discipline logs.   Teachers typically give several reminders or re-directions before a demerit is given.   Each demerit is 2 points in grades 5 through 8 and 1 point in grades 3 and 4. Detentions automatically populate in Sycamore after 10 points accumulate.  Each commendation or violation will have a description.

CLICK HERE to view a step-by-step PDF tutorial for your use. 
Second Trimester SLA's
Friday, March 15 was the last day of the Second Trimester. SLA's for students in grades K-8 will be posted for parents in Sycamore tomorrow, Friday, March 22. Preschool & TK do not use Sycamore for grading. Hard copies of grades for Preschool & TK will be sent home with your child today or tomorrow, Friday March 22.
Saturday, April 13
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the Student Activity Center

Be part of HISTORY here at St. Serra as we strive to reach our goal of making 30,000 meals for hungry children in need worldwide. Please help us by  DONATING NOW . You will receive special access to the Volunteer Signup Genius once you have made a donation.
One meal costs only 27 cents to make. $54 feeds a child for an entire school year. Any amount is gratefully appreciated! Please join us during this special Lenten time of mercy. Space is limited! Questions? Visit our SERRASERVES EVENT  web-page or contact Event Chair, Mrs. Lindsay Hakimi at serraserves@serraschool.org.


Spotlight - NEW Local Vendor:  Simply Cakes and Cupcakes in Mission Viejo joined the SJSC family of local vendors, offering $10 and $25 cards at 20% rebate. Scrip cards are valid for purchasing anything in the store and also good towards birthday parties at the store.
Scrip Tips:  Do you have a business (contractors) or an employee (babysitter) that you reimburse for gas or other items? Scrip cards are a great way to keep track of your expenses and reduce your educational costs, spending exactly the same that you would spend otherwise.
Ralphs Rebates for quarter ending February 28, 2019  are now available. CLICK HERE for instructions to submit your report by April 30, 2019. NO EXCEPTIONS CAN BE MADE FOR LATE REPORTS.
The Rebate office is looking for  long term volunteers . If you like a steady schedule, and working with great people in a fun environment, please contact the Rebate Office.

For questions on any of the above, or to place a Scrip Order, contact Mrs. Tina Maroutian, Rebate Program Coordinator at tmaroutian@serraschool.org .
It's not too late to register your child for our after-school classes. We offer a wide variety of enrichment programs designed to enhance your child's curriculum by providing high-quality instruction in a variety of recreational activities held immediately after the 1:50 p.m. dismissal. There is something for  everyone - arts, sports, and other fun-filled classes are available, with new sessions beginning this spring. 

NEW SESSION - Etiquette Factory Life Skills Classes - Started Monday, March 18
NEW AT SERRA  - Bionerds Hands-on Science Classes - Starting today, Thursday, March 21
NEW SESSION - Super Soccer Stars - Starting Thursday, March 28
NEW SESSION  - Young Rembrandts Drawing Classes - Starting Monday, April 1
NEW AT SERRA - Cooking Classes - Starting Wednesday, April 10

CLICK HERE to find out more about our program offerings and register for our  NEW spring session.  
Thank you to all of the families who have volunteered to host our NET evangelists next week. We are still looking for one additional host family. If your heart leads you to support this wonderful ministry, please contact Debbie McGee at 888-1990 ext. 190 or dmcgee@serraschool.org

We are excited to welcome this ministry of young Catholics next Thursday, March 27.  We know your children will be stronger in their faith as they witness this team proclaim the Gospel of Christ through a personal witness of faith.

Did you volunteer at Anchor Ball or another event?  Don't delay!  Log all completed 
hours today!

To ensure your family receives credit for all completed service hours, CLICK HERE to record all completed regular service hours on the 2018-19 Service Hour Portal. 
For questions, contact Mrs. Dana Hardenburgh at dhardenburgh@serraschool.org  or ext. 181
Coming to St. Junipero Serra Catholic School Tuesday, April 2

We are so excited to announce that Jana Alayra, Christian music singer and performer, will be here for our preschool through second grade students on Tuesday, April 2, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the Student Activity Center. Jana is a popular Christian children's music singer. She was the worship leader for the MOPS Int'l Regional Conferences and the National Convention in 2000 and 2001. She is a frequent speaker/singer at women's conferences, retreats, banquets, and conventions. This is a joint event using field trip funds from preschool, TK, Kindergarten, first and second grade.

Jana's music may be heard on various Christian radio stations across the country and is available in Christian bookstores and online. If you are interested in purchasing any of Jana's merchandise, please visit Jana's website at  janaalayra.com or you may purchase from a limited selection of merchandise available the day of the concert. Jana accepts cash or checks only. 

The concert will be open to any St. Serra parents who wish to attend. If your child attends the M/W/F Preschool class, you are welcome to bring your child and keep your child with you to experience the concert. There will be a special section in the SAC reserved for parents and their preschoolers. 

Please direct any questions to Mrs. Ellen Burrola at 888-1990 x 178 or send her an email at  eburrola@serraschool.org  
Friday, April 5, 2019
How are your HeartRun 2019 donations coming along? Let's make this an extra special year and really reach out to our community, family and friends!
  • CLICK HERE for an example of a Facebook post you could use to share with your friends and family.
Remember to get your donations in by Wednesday, April 3, to qualify for our amazing incentives!
The American Heart Association has always been amazed by our generous support of this cause every single year! This year the AHA is in our hearts more than ever, as we continue to pray and support of our special alumnus Sean! Let's make this the best year yet!
Sunday, April 7, 2019 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Exciting Opportunity Raffle Prizes for Your Boys!

Ahoy St. Serra Moms! Get ready to laugh and be entertained with your boys. Grab your friends and make your reservation for the Mother Son Pirates Dinner Adventure set for Sunday, April 7. CLICK HERE to download the invitation. Reservations are due to the SJSC School Office by Friday, March 29, at 3:00 p.m.
Boys of all ages will definitely not want to miss trying to win some great raffle prizes this year like $400 in Disney Gift Cards, a Razor Dirt Rocket Bike, a day at Great Wolf Lodge Waterpark for 4, or a Nintendo Switch. Pre-purchase at least 24 raffle tickets for $20 and earn a Non-uniform Dress Pass!
Are you interested in volunteering? Please CLICK HERE for the SignUp Genius link to see the fun volunteer opportunities. The success of this event depends on many amazing volunteers and we appreciate your help!
Questions? Contact Event Chairs Mrs. Diana Gabriel and Mrs. Monique Martinho at mother-son@serraschool.org .

FINDING GRACE ~ St. Serra Lenten Retreat 2019 Is Coming!
Thursday, April 11, 2019 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the SAC

Please join us for a morning of powerful speakers: our teachers, Mrs. Maureen Tilton & Mr. David Bohmfalk, our President, Mrs. Angeline Trudell, and Principal, Santa Margarita Catholic High School,  Mr. Raymond Dunne.
We will enjoy a light brunch and participate in a Lenten Retreat project. Guests will have the opportunity to paint a wooden faith sign for their home (see sample of the painting template to the right).
REGISTER NOW! Cost is $40 per person.

Questions? Visit our  LENTEN RETREAT   web-page  or contact PTO VP - Outreach Ministries, Mrs. Kathy Bonin at pto-outreach@serraschool.org .
Join us for a Co-Ed Cornhole Tournament 

Come join us for a fun day of cornhole, tacos, libations and DJ at our next Serra Social Club event - a Co-Ed Cornhole Tournament - on Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. (tournament begins at 3:00 p.m.). Cost is $75 per person. Couples, friends, solo's - Come one, come all!
PURCHASE your tickets today! This buy-in party is limited to 100 guests. Visit the SERRA SOCIAL CLUB webpage for more details. Note: This is an adults-only event. 
See you on the cornhole court!

2019-2020 Application and Documentation Due Sunday, March 31, 2019.
What is it? Financial Assistance toward educational costs
How is it funded? Primarily by SJSC current and alumni families.
What do you need? Completed application, 2018 W2's and 2018 Tax Returns
Deadline? March 31st, 2019 (only completed applications will be considered)
How do I apply?  CLICK HERE
What's next? All completed applications are initially scored, based on need,  by a 3rd party vendor and then reviewed in a blind process by the SJSC Educational Cost Assistance Committee for the final decision and funds distribution.
Please contact Mrs. Marjorie Kollen in the Advancement Office at ext.139 or via email at  mkollen@serraschool.org  should you have any questions.
Our annual vision and hearing screenings will be held on Tuesday, March 26, Wednesday, March 27 and Thursday, March 28. The health screening is conducted by Southern California Sensory Screening. The grades being tested are Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 7th. If your child wears glasses, please remind them to bring their glasses to the screening. If your child is absent on the day of his/her screening, the makeup day will be on  Thursday, March 28.

Scoliosis Screening for 7th and 8th Grade Students:
All 7th-grade girls and 8th-grade boys will be screened for Scoliosis on Thursday March 28. The Scoliosis screening is also conducted by Southern California Sensory Screening.  
All screening results will be sent home in the Monthly Envelope within a couple of weeks of the screening. Please call the Health Room if you have any questions (949) 888-1990 ext. 105.
Operation  Rice   Bowl  is currently taking place during the season of Lent. Students can fill up their  Rice   Bowl  with cash or coin and bring them in to help those in need.  Check out  crsricebowl.org  for videos, recipes, and prayers to keep your family motivated throughout Lent. The last day for collections will be April 12.  Thank you for your time and generosity!
Begins April 2 in the St. Serra Chapel

We must live the life we want our children to have...


"Beginning with the apostles themselves, Christians have practiced the art of telling their stories to bring others to faith." Leonard J. DeLorenzo, theology professor and director of Notre Dame Vision, inspires us to share our gifts of grace with others to help lead our children and family closer to God.
Join us beginning Tuesday, April 2, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. for our 4-meeting session (April 2, 9, 16, and 30). We have been given special permission for our study to be held in the Narthex of our new St. Serra Chapel. Come share some time with other moms as we journey together to hear God's words.

Questions? Visit our OUTREACH MINISTRIES  web-page. Registration fee is $25 (includes book). CLICK HERE to register or visit our St. Serra App (Parents> Event Links> Moment in Time for Moms)
Thank you to all our St. Serra families who have been clipping box tops to help us earn extra cash for our school programs. Our next incentive drawing will be in May and there will be a Pizza and Cookie Party for the homeroom that has turned in the most this school year! 
Visit the BOX TOPS HOMEPAGE for more details.
St. Junipero Award to Honor Outstanding Volunteers

Parents, faculty and staff are encouraged to take a few minutes to NOMINATE someone deserving of this award. Nominations are open until Friday, March 29, 2019.   Questions?  Contact PTO Parliamentarian Mrs. Dana Maas at  parliamentarian@serraschool.org .

On the evening of Thursday, June 6, we look forward to recognizing the recipients of this year's award as well as parents who have contributed 100+ hours of service during the 2018-19 school year at our inaugural St.  Junipero Serra Award & Volunteer Recognition Event

Parents that log 100 plus hours of service through the SERVICE HOURS PARENT PORTAL will be invited to attend this first annual event. Be sure to log your service hours by Friday, May 31, 2019.
Catholic Night at the Honda Center
TOMORROW NIGHT  - Friday, March 22 at 7:00 p.m.
Anaheim Ducks vs San Jose Sharks

This year join our Catholic Trinitiy League schools as they compete in an on-ice skills competition immediately following the Ducks game. Your ticket will include access to this exhibition as well as the Ducks vs. Sharks game. 

Tickets must be purchased HERE. The first 1000 tickets purchased will include a limited edition Anaheim Ducks Catholic Night hat.
Mater Dei High School Admissions
FINAL opportunity to take the Entrance Exam Tuesday, March 19, 2019 - 4:00 p.m. Register TODAY at www.materdei.org/entranceexam 
*All 9th-grade applicants must take the Entrance Exam.

Applications for 2019-2020 School Year available now. 
Orange Canyons Chapter of Legatus Invitation
Business Owners, Presidents, CEOs, Managing Directors/Partners
If you are (or were) a business owner, CEO, President, Managing Director or Managing Partner of a company, we invite you to learn about our Legatus Orange Canyons Chapter. 

Legatus is an international organization of Catholic leaders who seek to exercise faithful leadership in the business world by being ambassadors of Christian ethics, values, and worldview. 
Legatus members are formed to be Christian ambassadors through a monthly celebration of a meal and Sacraments (Confession and Eucharist), through relationships deepened in small group forums,  and by social events throughout the year. Spouses also participate fully and actively. 

Legatus membership encourages much more depth than a professional organization or networking group.  It's about living a Catholic life as a business leader in the world.
For more information, please visit  www.legatus.org  or better yet, feel free to contact Chad Olberding (310-210-3561) or Dan Domier (949-887-8814) to hear first-hand about being a member of Legatus.
There will also be an informal initial meet and greet on April 5, 2019 at Fr. Reynold's house.  Please call Chad or Dan about an exact time and address.