Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalm 143:8
Servant or a Son?  

In the story of the prodigal son, Jesus unveils God’s heart. Two sons had deeply disappointed their father. One essentially took his inheritance and ran away. The other worked for his inheritance, not realizing he was working for something that was free.

The Prodigal came home looking for a job. His father ran out to him looking for a son. Each had very different expectations.

The Prodigal was persuaded by his father to give up the job search and come home to be a son. The father went to the hardworking elder brother to invite him to a celebration. However, the elder brother refused to join the party because he believed his father was being unfair. How could his father celebrate and restore his younger, sinful brother to sonship? The elder brother saw himself as a deserving servant, not as an abundantly blessed son.

Both sons failed to see and understand their father’s heart, but only the Prodigal was able to experience his father’s heart. He did so when he stopped believing a lie that his father was unable to forgive him. On the other hand, the elder brother believed that his relationship with his father was based on his work ethic. This false view of his father turned living as a son into working as a servant.

Both brothers believed lies about who their father was, but only the Prodigal repented aka “changed his mind” about who his father really was.

“Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” (Romans 2:4).

The elder brother “despised” the riches of his father’s kindness and goodness, which he showered upon his younger brother. Because he rejected his father’s goodness, he never repented. Self-righteousness blinds people from seeing God’s mercy because like the elder brother, they don’t believe they need it. The Prodigal knew his only hope in life was his father’s mercy, but he never expected it. Like him, we underestimate how trulyGod is and can be.

The difference between being a child of God and a servant is mercy.

“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16).

Dear friends, 
I want to take this opportunity to deeply thank you from my heart. I so appreciate your prayers and financial gifts that help support the ministry God has called us to do.

Some of you may not be aware of how your generosity helps us spread God’s Word around the world. My wife and I began our ministry as missionaries who lived in Africa for many years. Today, I continue to travel back to Africa to teach leaders and hold outreaches. In addition to Africa, in 1999, I started working with the underground church in Vietnam and that led to ministry in Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Thailand. 

Since returning to the United States, we made a decision to try and help young and small church congregations who might not have the resources or connections to bring in the five-fold ministry gifts. In one way, this is an extension of our missionary work as many of these churches are limited in financial resources. For example, I drove a few hundred miles and paid for my own gas, hotels and expenses to minister at a small country church. The offering given to me was $25. As you can imagine, that didn’t come close to covering my expenses but your support for our ministry helped me reach this group of people with God’s Word. 
I have never made a financial demand on any church for preaching and I never will. I believe God is our source and in over 30 years of ministry God has always provided for us to do what He has called us to do. Your prayers and financial generosity have helped us reach people all over the world and this is why we are so grateful to God for leading you to help us get this life changing message out. Thank you so much for hearing His voice and obeying.

I have a few things I will be sharing with you very soon. We have had a very exciting door open to us in a country that has been closed to the gospel. God has shown us amazing favor to get into this country and work with their Christian leaders. Also, two nations, formerly atheist countries, have also opened up to our ministry. We believe 2019 will be a very exciting year with many lives changed and impacted by God’s love.

I have another really exciting project I have been working on as well that I believe will help us multiply our reach into the world in a big way. I plan on unveiling this project to you in the very near future. When you see it, I believe it will bless and thrill your heart as it has mine. 

Thank you again for the help through prayer and financial support. Some of you help us monthly and that is a huge blessing to us. Others, give periodicity and that is a great blessing too!
On my last road trip, our finances were very low when we received a generous offering that arrived in the nick of time and kept me going. 

We love and appreciate you and pray that God abundantly blesses you in every area of your life. 

In His Love,
Ed & Laurie Elliott
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Dear Friends,
If you would like to support our ministry on a monthly basis, you can partner with us for any size gift monthly. Just click the  "Donate Button"  and check the box that says "Make this a monthly donation" or, you can bless us with a one time gift. Together, we can help the world discover how much God loves them. 
If these emails are a blessing to you, feel free to forward them on to your friends or share them on your social media platforms so others can be encouraged and uplifted as well. 

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Word of Life World Outreach | Phone: 561-626-5344 www.edelliott.org