English District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

God in All Things - Without Borders

Servant to Servant


October 11, 2024

Bishop's Visit to Celebrate 100 Years

The congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church in Scarsdale, NY celebrated its 100th anniversary on Sunday, October 6, 2024. Bishop Jeffrey Miskus joined Rev. Curtis Stephens and the members of the congregation for this milestone occasion.

Appointment of 4th Vice President

The Rev. Robert Kieselowsky has been appointed 4th Vice President of the Eastern Region by President/Bishop Jeffrey Miskus. We give praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for the gifts Rev. Kieselowsky brings to the District and the Board of Directors. We pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as Rev. Kieselowsky assumes his new responsibilities.

Divine Calls

Call Accepted

The Rev. Christopher D. Harrison (Iowa West) has accepted the Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of St. John’s, Bridgeport, WV.


Call Received and Returned

The Rev. Victor M. de la Rosa has received and returned a Divine Call to serve as Associate Pastor of Hope, South Sioux City, NE (Nebraska District).

Call Received

The Rev. Aaron D. Sterling has received a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Immanuel, Waterloo, IL (Southern Illinois District).

Call Returned

The Rev. Robert M. Zagore, Celebration, St. John’s, FL, has returned the Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Immanuel, Charleston, IL.

Eastern Region Pastors Conference

The Eastern Region Pastors Conference was held October 1-3, 2024, in Ocean City, NJ. Guest speakers included Rev. Dr. Lawrence Rast, professor of historical theology at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN and Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy, President of Concordia University System.. Dr. Rast spoke at length on the topic "The Aftermath of the Walkout." A timely presentation, from Dr. Hardy, was shared about the work of the Concordia University System. Wives and families were invited to attend the conference. There were daily devotions given by the Circuit Visitors and a Divine Service led by Rev. Christopher Seifferlein.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to our neighbors in Canada!

District Evangelism Team

Our English District has been blessed by having Pastor David Tannahill serving in the area of Evangelism. He has worked hard to listen to what others were doing, then producing a monthly update that reflected ideas and programs being implemented in our District. However, Pastor Tannahill is no longer serving in this capacity,

We believe that God will always supply what we need. We are praying for God to raise up individuals passionate and bold, to work together as our District Evangelism Team. We are asking you to join in this prayer.

If you have a heart for sharing the Gospel with those outside of the Body of Jesus, connecting with individuals for whom Jesus died on the cross, and are interested in working with a team to encourage and strengthen others to also share this good news, then maybe this opportunity is for you.

Please contact Pastor Derek Mathers for more information or to express your willingness to be part of the team. 

Set Apart To Serve

Help raise up the next generation of church workers. From kindergarteners to second-career adults, find Set Apart to Serve curriculum kits for every age at your school or congregation, available for free while supplies last. Click here for more information.

1-1-1 A Dollar for Missions

Thank you to all those who joined in supporting our two 1-1-1 identified missions this past year. One dollar, placed into your congregation’s collection receptacle, gathered with all the dollars from individuals in other congregations across our district has raised $31,653.62. 


“Many doing little can accomplish much.” 


This amount gathered has been distributed 50/50 between the Church of St. Mark – Lutheran: Nuer Congregation in Mississauga, ON and Eastern Washington University LCMS-U, connected to Blessed Sacrament Lutheran Church in Hayden, ID.  

Pastor Philip Gai, associate pastor at St. Mark, writes: “The Nuer-speaking fellowship at St. Mark’s is composed of dedicated and faithful members who worship every Sunday at 2:30 p.m. The worship service format is similar to the 11:00 English service, which uses the Lutheran hymnal, but here, we use the Nuer Hymnal and Bible. While working full-time, I lead the Nuer service. During the week, I continue with the ministry by returning calls, visiting the sick and homebound, and praying with those who need prayers on the phone. Sometimes, I must leave work to attend to those needing pastoral care. 


I would like to acknowledge the excellent support I continue to receive from our Nuer and English congregation. Without their support, I don’t know how I would continue to do this ministry.” 

Pastor Marc DiConti, associate pastor of Blessed Sacrament Lutheran Church assigned to campus ministry, shares: “Friday, September 27, LCMS-U hosted an ‘exhibit table’ at Eastern Washington University's largest student body event – ‘Neighbor Fest.’ I engaged 100+ students, and 80 of them took our 6-question Bible quiz. I ran out of the quizzes, or we'd have given more. They were enticed to take the quiz knowing they could pass with a 50% chance of winning a prize. The quiz was a great way to meet new students, discuss Jesus, share that ‘absolutes’ and ‘truth’ do exist, and it served as a means to invite them to our weekly gatherings for ‘Christianity101’ teaching, discussion, singing, and free lunch. It was especially heart-warming to reconnect with numerous students from last year, some who never came to our home gathering, but remembered receiving our weekly campus cider serving on 'Warm Wednesday'.” 

Through the gifts of 1-1-1 during the 2023-2024 collection season, both these missions received significant additional support which they will use to strengthen their outreach to those still outside of a living relationship with Jesus, our only Savior. 

Again, a BIG thank you for the 31,653 times a member or friend of our district placed a dollar in the 1-1-1 container at their congregation. 


Coming soon: announcement of the 2024-2025 identified 1-1-1 recipient missions.  

Prayer Requests

We lift in prayer Rev. Roger Yoder of Messiah, Parker, AZ that God will grant him His comfort and peace.

District daily prayers for November 2024 are located on our website.

Your prayer concerns are important to the English District. If you have a prayer request you would like shared in this newsletter, email the district office.


LCMS Foundation

Contact Ron Grimm, English District Gift Planning Counselor, 412-584-7039 or visit www.LCMSFoundation.org.

Lutheran Federal Credit Union

For more information, please contact our Operations Department at 314-394-2790

In Our Churches

Prince of Peace, Mesquite, NV

Pastor Bob Bruggeman and Vicar Colin Metzger, who serve at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, recently attended the intensive Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Week at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. The immersive week included a Lutheran Confessions course with Dr. Ken Schurb and wonderful fellowship with SMP students and mentors from across the nation. 

Peace, Palm Desert, CA

October is Church Worker Appreciate month and Peace Lutheran Church of the Desert celebrated Pastor James Bowes with a luncheon, cake, and fellowship. The ladies of the congregation wore hats, as a "hats off to you Pastor James"

We join Peace in praying for all pastors, knowing they hold a special role in building His kingdom as they are called to do.

Holy Trinity, Albion, PA

Trinity, Erie, PA

Deaconess Melissa Pflug gave a presentation for the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and Trinity Lutheran Church congregations this week. She talked about her upcoming mission work in Eurasia where she will be helping over seventy missionary families with the logistics of health coverage, school enrollment, and housing. Pictured here is Deaconess Melissa Pflug and Deaconess Intern Jennifer Schmidt.

Epic, Shelby Township, MI

We celebrate with Epic Lutheran Church as the congregation welcomed five new members and witnessed four youth confirm their faith. We pray that God will continue to guide the congregation in its growth and work for His glory!

Hope, Grand Rapids, MI

Some plant, some water, but God gives the increase. cf. 1 Cor. 3:6 

Two churches in western Michigan have formed a dual parish, exemplifying this passage. Pastor Christopher Nuttelman serves both Hope Lutheran Church and the new church start, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, which has been planted between Hope College in Holland and Grand Valley State University (GVSU) in Allendale. 

Nicholas Ford, GVSU, and Nathan Penoyar, Hope College, pictured here with Pr. Nuttelman, first came to Christ Evangelical last year where they soon started their catechism. After graduating in May, they both relocated to Grand Rapids and continued their catechism with Pr. Nuttelman at Hope Lutheran Church. Last Sunday, at Hope Lutheran, Nicholas was baptized and confirmed and Nathan was confirmed. Several students and members of Christ Evangelical shared in this joyful occasion!

These two young men join a third recent college graduate at Hope Lutheran who was confirmed last May at Christ Evangelical. God is certainly granting the increase as these two churches work together to plant and water. 

Connections Conference for Educators


Join 1,300 educators from the English, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio Districts for a time of fellowship, worship, and professional development. Registration is now $190/participant and $140/spouse or emeriti. Schools that wish to apply for Title Funds from their local district should contact the LEA office (708.209.3343) by October 25. For more information and to register, click here.

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Please share the unique ministries of your school or congregation with the rest of the English District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to llinthicum@englishdistrict.org by Wednesday at 12:00 noon ET.

We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world.





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