English District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
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Living Our Baptized Life in Christ
Galatians 2:20
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Call Received and Accepted
The Rev. Eric R. Linthicum has received and accepted a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Tree of Life, Inverness, FL.
Calls Returned
The Rev. Michael A. Brown (Northern Illinois District) has returned the Divine Call to serve as the Senior Pastor of Redeemer, Lincoln, NE.
The Rev. Gregory R. Lutz has returned the Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Grace, Saskatoon, ON, Canada (LCC-Central).
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Calling a Seminary Candidate/Requesting a Vicar | | |
If your congregation is interested in extending a divine call to a seminary candidate, or plans to make application for a vicar, the call documents and vicarage applications must be received no later than Friday, January 31, 2025. Please add this topic to your congregational voters meeting agenda for discussion in December. This will allow for the necessary paperwork to be completed in a timely manner. Calling congregations must access the Call Documents for Ordained Ministers and the Vicarage Application using a web address/URL. Please contact Kathy Stanis, Administrative Assistant, at 248-476-0039 or by email at kstanis@englishdistrict.org for the login information.
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Ascension Lutheran Church is the only confessional Lutheran church building in Canada’s 2nd largest city. Planted in the 1930s, Ascension now ministers to the diverse population of the Parc-Extension neighbourhood. Within a fifteen-minute walk of the church’s door live over thirty thousand people, almost 90% of whom are immigrants or the children of immigrants. How will they hear the Good News of Jesus unless the Word is proclaimed among them?
The Montreal Forum is made up of individuals representing church bodies, districts, mission groups, and congregations that support the work going on at Ascension. They meet in person each fall to review what the Lord has been doing through Ascension, what work the mission team and congregation will engage in over the coming year, what financial and personnel needs exist, and to pray for the Lord of the Harvest to empower this work. Current Montreal Forum partners include Ascension, the SELC and English Districts of the LCMS, the Mission of Christ Network, Memorial Lutheran Church in Houston, TX, and the Lutheran Church—Canada.
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English District Endowment Fund | | |
Our sincere thanks for your service to our Lord and your continued, generous giving. We are grateful for your partnership with the English District in bringing the Word to those who need to hear it, alongside the hope and opportunity only found in the Gospel.
Please prayerfully consider partnering with us in ministry so that the English District can continue supporting those on the front lines of ministry. Through your ongoing generosity, we continue to share God’s message of love in sending Jesus, not to condemn but to save those who need to hear His message. We minister to those in need by clothing them, fitting them for His presence, and filling them with His Spirit in baptism. Every day, we witness the blessings of planting new missions, supporting church workers, and providing resources to existing ministries across the United States, Canada, and worldwide.
Every gift matters. Whatever God leads you to give will be a great blessing as we all work together to plant new missions and schools and to provide resources to existing ministries and church workers across the United States, Canada, and around the world.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
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Set Apart to Serve (SAS) is a Synod-wide initiative focused on forming and recruiting full-time church workers. Church work recruitment is one of the LCMS’ highest priorities since pastors and commissioned church workers hand the saving faith over to God’s people and pass on the Christian faith from one generation to the next until our Savior’s return. This month, SAS highlights include the following in its November report:
- 2024 Annual Report
- Second-Career Journey Mapping
- Set Apart to Serve (SAS) on KFUO’s “The Coffee Hour”
- Second-Career Teacher Ads Pilot Project
- Five-Year Plan
Click here to learn about SAS's goals and priorities. Click here for SAS resources for pastors, parents, church workers, laity, and districts.
...Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Matthew 9:38
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Please keep the Fitzpatrick family in your prayers, that God will provide them comfort and peace.
District daily prayers for December 2024 are located on our website.
Your prayer concerns are important to the English District. If you have a prayer request you would like shared in this newsletter, email the district office.
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Contact John Hoover, LCEF Vice President, by email or phone 314-276-3370 for more information. | |
Lutheran Federal Credit Union | | |
For more information, please contact our Operations Department at 314-394-2790 | |
Catalina, Tucson, AZ
David Seng was recently commissioned as a Lay Deacon at Catalina Lutheran Church. We give thanks to God for Deacon Seng and ask for the Holy Spirit's continued guidance over his ministry.
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Prince of Peace, Mesquite, NV
The saints of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church not only celebrated Martin Luther's birthday recently but also celebrated the 249th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. It was the first Marine Corps birthday celebration held in Mesquite. A close friend of Pastor Bob, retired LtGen H. Stacy Clardy, III, was the guest of honor. Pastor Bob and retired LtGen Clardy had worked together training Marine Corps officers at the Basic School in basic tactics and then at the Infantry Officer level. Prince of Peace members Wyntress B. and Mark B. graciously supported the event with their photography skills. We give thanks to the congregation of Prince of Peace for recognizing and supporting the men and women of our armed forces in this way.
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Redeemer, Oakmont, PA
Redeemer Lutheran Church observed Veterans Day with its annual program honoring veteran guests with brunch and assembling care packages to send to active troops around the world. We thank God for congregations who remember our veteran and active-duty service members for their selflessness and courage.
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St. Luke, Toronto, ON
A member of the St. Luke Lutheran Church's Filipino Fellowship recently celebrated her new home with a house blessing. She invited her family, relatives, friends, and neighbors from far and wide to join the celebration.
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Christ, Aurora, ON
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church has launched a new ministry called Pot Blessing Lunch. This ministry deepens fellowship among church members and makes connections among neighbors. In addition, the church has set up a Mitten Tree during this Christmas season. Members of the congregation and the community collect hats, gloves, scarves, and socks for men, women, and children to provide for those in need. We pray for God’s blessings upon these outreach and fellowship efforts in building His Kingdom and in serving others.
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Redeemer, Verona, PA
Redeemer Lutheran School students Lydia (7th grade) and Isaac (6th grade) were selected to join the Lutheran Junior Honors Association (LJHA). To be considered for membership, students must demonstrate excellence in academics, leadership, service, and discipleship. We join in congratulating Lydia and Isaac and we ask for God's continued blessings and guidance upon them.
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Ministry Focus Debt Reduction Grants | | |
Current rostered church workers of Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod are eligible for MinistryFOCUS loan repayment assistance program (LRAP) grants.
MinistryFOCUS recognizes that individuals often assume educational loans in order to serve the Lord and that, for some, such loans often distract from or even undermine their very purpose. The LRAP was established so that these servants of the Lord can focus more on ministry and less on money. Through the partnership of LCEF, Lilly Foundation, and the English District, three grants are available to English District church workers.
Click here for more information and to apply. Applications must be submitted online no later than 11:59 p.m. Central Time on December 31, 2024.
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Experience the anticipation and hope of the Advent season with Lutheran Summer Music's fourth-annual Musical Advent Calendar. From December 1-24, immerse yourself in a daily moment of music and reflection shared on our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages and archived on our website.
To have these daily videos delivered straight to your inbox, sign up here.
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2025 LCMS Youth Gathering | | |
The 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering will take place July 19-23, 2025, in New Orleans. Learn more here. Learn about volunteer opportunities for young adults and adults here. | |
International Lutheran Council | | |
Employment Opportunity
The International Lutheran Council (ILC) is seeking a Mission Advocate to help advance the strategic goals of the ILC. While not a requirement, this position is open to rostered individuals—ordained or commissioned—depending on the candidate's qualifications. To view the position description, click here.
For more information, email Rev. Dr. K. Detlev Schulz, ILC General Secretary.
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Lutheran Bible Translators | | |
7,000+ languages are spoken in the world, but only 750 languages have the full Bible. Help raise awareness as a church advocate for Bible translation ministry.
Host a Bible Translation Sunday at your church to advocate for the mission of Lutheran Bible Translators. Engage your church with a call to action by inviting individuals and families to contribute $35 monthly to translate one verse of Scripture until the work is done (or set a total goal for your church). It’s a simple yet powerful way to gather in prayer, inspire generosity, and make a huge impact, translating entire chapters and books of the Bible. Join us in this mission to let the world know, “God speaks your language.” Ready to make a difference? Click here to take the next steps.
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Did you know you can search for LCMS churches, schools, and even church workers through the LCMS Locator? Take a minute to ensure that your information on the Locator is correct. Misspelled site information, transposed phone numbers, and even having ".org" when it should be ".com" following your website address can make a difference for visitors or prospective members, so check today. | |
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Thanks for spreading the word!
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Please share the unique ministries of your school or congregation with the rest of the English District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to llinthicum@englishdistrict.org by Wednesday at 12:00 noon ET.
We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world.
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