English District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
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God in All Things - Without Borders | |
Assistant to the Bishop Parish Visits | | |
Rev. Derek Mathers, Assistant to the Bishop and Mission Executive, visited three churches in the Pittsburgh Circuit of the English District, February 19-20,2024. His first stop was to First Trinity, Pittsburgh, PA. Rev. Mathers met with Rev. Eric Andrae and two students, John and Jordan, from the Campus Ministry at First Trinity.
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Rev. Mathers then visited with Rev. Benjamin Janssen and his family at Holy Cross, Hazelwood, PA. Pastor Janssen provided a tour of his parish area, even stopping by the home of members Homer and Ursula Craig, longtime residents of the community. | |
Rev. Mather’s then traveled to the Clarksburg-Bridgeport, WV area to visit with Rev. Stanley Lacey. Rev. Lacey shared the story of the mission, the travels of the congregation around the community, and a thoughtful picture of the doors that might be opening for the future, and with other neighboring communities. Rev. Mather’s met Pastor Lacey’s family and concluded his visit by attending the mid-week Lenten service with people of the congregation.
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Call Received
The Rev. Andrew P. Richard (Wyoming District) has received a Divine Call to serve as Headmaster of Immanuel, Alexandria, VA .
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Show Us Your 1-1-1 Container | | |
This 1-1-1 jar is from Lutheran Church of the Prince of Peace in Menomonee Falls, WI.
Congregations are invited to send a picture of their container, with their congregation’s name and location to jmcgarr@englishdistrict.org. Watch for your container to be shared in an upcoming issue of Servant to Servant.
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All Saints Campus Ministry | | |
Please enjoy the latest update from All Saints Campus Ministry by clicking here.
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News from the Kasters in the Czech Republic | | |
Please enjoy the January/February newsletter from Rev. Dale and Suzanne Kaster by clicking here.
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Adult Youth Gathering Volunteers Needed | | |
Calling all adults ages 26+, this opportunity is for you! The application to serve as a Gathering Ambassador is now available.
Ambassadors commit to:
- Paying a $400 volunteer registration fee
- Staying in assigned Gathering hotel accommodations covered by the Gathering
- Attending volunteer training July 16–19, 2025 in New Orleans
- Serving the Gathering July 19–23, 2025 in New Orleans
Gathering Ambassador applications are OPEN NOW and will remain open until March 15, 2024.
Click here to learn more and submit an application.
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English District Financial Aid | | |
Financial aid is available to students in English District congregations enrolled in synodical-approved church work programs (pastor, teacher, DCE, DCO, deaconess, etc.) at a Concordia seminary or university. If you know of a student that will be enrolling at a Concordia university in the fall, please let them know about this opportunity.
The deadline for applying is June 1st.
Visit our website for more information.
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2024 Professional Church Workers Conference | | |
2024 Professional Church Workers Conference, Board of Directors meeting and Circuit Visitors Conference
Advent Lutheran Church
11250 N. Michigan Rd.
Zionsville, IN 46077
GO and tell what you have seen and heard.
Matthew 11:4
Board of Directors – April 29 (1:00 p.m.) – April 30 (12:00 p.m.)
Conference – April 30 (3:00 p.m.) – May 2 (11:30 a.m.)
Circuit Visitors – May 2 (12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.)
Visit our website for more information.
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Church Worker (Student Loan) Debt Reduction Grants Available | | |
The purpose of the English District Endowment Fund is to provide God's people with a unique opportunity to participate in a perpetual fund. This fund shall assist congregations and rostered workers alike. One aspect of the Endowment Fund currently being offered to Rostered Church Workers is a grant for financial assistance with their student loans. Those rostered workers who are currently serving (called workers) in an English District LCMS congregation or school are eligible to apply for this education indebtedness grant.
For a Church Worker (Student Loan) Debt Reduction Grant we ask that you complete an Application for Church Worker Transitional Assistance. These forms are available on our District website.
If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Derek Mathers at 1-800-755-9335. Deadline for applications is April 26, 2024.
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Roger D. Pittelko "Ille Dilexit Ecclesiam" Award | | |
Nominations are requested for the third annual Roger D. Pittelko Ille Dilexit Ecclesiam* Award (*He loved the Church).
The English District has created this award to recognize and celebrate pastors who have served God’s people well in the English District.
Recipients of this award must meet the following criteria:
- He is an ordained pastor who served in the English District.
- He has retired from full-time active parish ministry.
- He exhibited a lifetime of faithfulness to our God and service to God’s people through congregations and the wider field of the English District.
Download the nomination form from the English District website.
The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, March 8, 2024. The recipient of this award will be announced as part of the 2024 Professional Church Workers Conference.
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Lumen Christi Award Nominations | | |
The Lumen Christi award is presented to publicly recognize the service of educators, to further promote and encourage all professional and volunteer leaders/teachers who are active members of an English District – LCMS congregation.
The 2024 Lumen Christi Award nominations for the English District Professional Staff of the Year and English District Volunteer Educator of the Year are due by March 8, 2024. Nomination forms are available through the links above. The Lumen Christi Award Criteria and Definitions are available here. Please prayerfully consider making a nomination.
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The Bible's promise is true: If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us - 1 John 5:14.
Prayers requested for Rev. Fred Reaman as he receives treatment and recovers from a heart event.
District daily prayers for March 2024 are located on our website.
Your prayer concerns are important to the English District. If you have a prayer request you would like shared in this newsletter, email the District office.
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Contact Dan Lepley, DVP - English and SELC District Lutheran Church Extension Fund, for more information at 317-402-9401.
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Lutheran Federal Credit Union | | |
For more information, please contact our Lending Department at 314-394-2790. | |
Rev. Rodney Schmeltz is shown here with new members Jay & Shanna who joined Faith Lutheran Church on Sunday. February 18. | |
Faith Lutheran Church observed Ash Wednesday with prayer and fasting from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and the imposition of ashes at 1 p.m. | |
Calvary, Mechanicsburg, PA | |
The Operation Barnabas program at Calvary Lutheran Church continues to help many veterans. The last distribution was held on February 21, serving 40 families, totaling 105 people. Members of the West Shore Elks Club Veterans Outreach Committee visited the Military Share distribution.
On February 18, members went to the American Legion Post in Mechanicsburg to meet with members of the Post Auxiliary. They donated 12 completed Move-In/Move-Out Boxes for the current homeless veteran transitional housing initiative.
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First Trinity, Pittsburgh, PA | |
Many English District youth attended a youth retreat at First Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh this past Sunday. Rev. Eric Andrae was the plenary leader and addressed topics of the baptismal life of confession and absolution. | |
Little Lambs, Berwyn, IL
The children at Little Lambs Preschool made these heart pictures for Valentine's Day.. First they used pipettes and watercolors on paper towels to create this beautiful "tie dye" look. Then they cut the paper towels in the shape of hearts and glued them onto the white paper. Then they sponge painted hearts on their projects!
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Please share the information from Servant to Servant with members of your congregation.
- All are invited to subscribe to this weekly publication.
- Forward the newsletter to members of your church.
- They can subscribe by clicking on the "Sign up for our emails" link at the bottom.
Thanks for spreading the word!
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Please share the unique ministries of your school or congregation with the rest of the English District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to jmcgarr@englishdistrict.org by Wednesday at 12:00 Noon ET.
We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world.
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