English District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

God in All Things - Without Borders

Servant to Servant


March 15, 2024

Divine Calls

Calls Received


The Rev. Darren M. Harbaugh (California-Nevada-Hawaii District) has received a Divine Call to serve as Associate Pastor of West Portal, San Francisco, CA.


Miss Emily J. Leising (Mid-South District) has received a Divine Call to serve as Director of Christian Education of Prince of Peace, Medina, OH.

2024 Professional Church Workers Conference

Registration closes on March 18 for this mandatory conference!

2024 Professional Church Workers Conference, Board of Directors meeting and Circuit Visitors Conference

Advent Lutheran Church

11250 N. Michigan Rd.

Zionsville, IN 46077

GO and tell what you have seen and heard.

Matthew 11:4


Board of Directors – April 29 (1:00 p.m.) – April 30 (12:00 p.m.)

Conference – April 30 (3:00 p.m.)  May 2 (11:30 a.m.)

Circuit Visitors – May 2 (12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.)

Visit our website for more information.

Evangelism Newsletter

Please click here to enjoy the resource that is the English District Evangelism newsletter for March 2024.

1-1-1 Ministry Highlight

LCMS-U Eastern Washington University


For the 2023-2024, another one of the Dollar for Missions recipients will be LCMS-U at Eastern Washington University. This mission of Blessed Sacrament Lutheran Church [Hayden, ID] exists to seek, find, and give religious ministry to synod-member students and staff, and to offer ministry support to all others interested and referred. Led by Rev. Marc DiConti, EWU LCMS-U Campus Pastor and Associate Pastor of the congregation, they have been a presence on the LCMS.org "LCMS-U map" for a year, but it took months of navigating and overcoming the university administrative hurdles before they could begin ministry outreach on the EWU campus.

Their motto is "Loving God and Neighbor in Fellowship with Jesus Christ". Offering free cider served by a "priest-like" man, an amazing spiritual phenomenon often occurs… The Holy Spirit provides His rapport of peace and trust for friendly open dialogue between complete "strangers", including poignant sharing from the heart.

Only the Holy Spirit can woo and evoke such ministry and sharing of heart in conversations in brief moments with a Christian they’ve just met. Only God can bring vulnerability to someone to share their painful past to a Christian stranger about suicidal thoughts. Using LCMS-U at EWU, Jesus is introducing Himself, inviting and calling students into relationship with Him; by it He tills hearts' soils, sows, and waters His Gospel seed; by LCMS-U’s efforts, God’s Spirit is preparing others to trust Him to share their prayer requests.

Eighteen From English District Congregations

God gives His church pastors and church workers for the sake of the Gospel and for the blessing of all people. Set Apart to Serve (SAS) is an initiative of our LCMS national office to identify, encourage, and support individuals to consider and commit to the vocation of the many opportunities available to become a full-time church worker.

Since church work is rooted in Baptism and a lifetime of hearing the Word, SAS encourages young people to consider church work vocations primarily through their continued and faithful involvement with their congregation. SAS also encourages parents/grandparents, pastors, professional church workers, Sunday school teachers and others in our congregations help speak into the lives of children and young people to consider serving the church in these sacred and joyful vocations.

It is with joy that in 2023 four men entered seminary programs from the English District. In the fall of 2024, we have another potential twelve men ready to begin seminary education in preparation to serve in God’s church as pastors, each being raised up, identified, and encouraged by their English District home congregation. Our District joy grows even larger with one person entering Lutheran teacher education training and another starting her preparation to becoming a deaconess.

Is there someone in whom you see potential and aptitude to be a Church Worker? Can you tell them what you see as an encouragement? Let us pray that God will continue to raise up and provide workers in his church.

All Saints Campus Ministry

Please click here to read the March 2024 newsletter from All Saints Campus Ministry at Slippery Rock University.


In case you missed it:

Cheryl Hollis Magness, managing editor of the print and online editions of Reporter, the official newspaper of the LCMS, recently published a piece entitled, "Wanted: The Perfect Family" on the Lutheran Witness website. We highly commend the piece, which is available here.

Grace Lutheran Church, Kitchener, Ontario, will be hosting What God Has Joined Together, a Lutheran conference on biblical marriage, May 3-5. The keynote speaker will be Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz. 

Information and the registration form may be accessed here.

Retired Communion Ware Needed

One of our newest English District Mission starts is St. Thomas Evangelical Lutheran Church, located in Montgomery County, Texas. As a District, we praise God for this new work and together we seek to support them with our prayers and blessings as we are able. They have an immediate need for retired Communion altar ware. If your congregation or ministry has communion ware that they would be willing to gift to the mission, please contact Congregational Elder Mr. Glen Piper at glen@pipermail.org. Thank you for your assistance with this need.

Prayer Requests

The Bible's promise is true: If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us - 1 John 5:14.

District daily prayers for April 2024 are located on our website.

Your prayer concerns are important to the English District. If you have a prayer request you would like shared in this newsletter, email the District office.

Contact Dan Lepley, DVP - English and SELC District Lutheran Church Extension Fund, for more information at 317-402-9401.

LCMS Foundation

Contact Ron Grimm, English District Gift Planning Counselor, 412-584-7039 or visit www.LCMSFoundation.org.

In Our Churches

Fairlawn, Fairlawn, OH

Fairlawn Lutheran Church member and Revere High School Junior Allyson Schultz is pursuing her Girl Scout Gold Award with “Busy Bags” for children at Fairlawn Lutheran Church. Please click here to watch a piece about her project on the local news.

Grace, Redford, MI

On Sunday, March 10, Grace Lutheran Church welcomed Ben into membership through the Rite of Adult Confirmation. Ben is pictured with Rev. Tim Halboth who led him in an eight-week intensive catechism instruction. 

On Sunday, March 10 Rev. Tim Halboth preached at a special Vespers Service at Trinity Lutheran Church, Wyandotte, MI (MI District). He is pictured with Trinity's pastor Rev. Greyson Grenz. What made this unique was that Pastor Halboth's great-great grandfather, Rev. Markus Halboth was pastor of Trinity from 1867-1869. It was a "homecoming" of sorts.

Ascension of Christ, Beverly Hills, MI

Over $900 was raised at the Ascension of Christ Lutheran Church annual Chili Cook-off and Trivia Night. This event was a fundraiser for the youth who will be attending this year's Higher Things Conference in Mequon, WI. Votes were cast for the Hottest Chili, the Most Creative, and the Overall Best Chili. A great time was had by all!

Prince of Peace, Mesquite, NV

March 8 - 9, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church had its second Campfire Fellowship. While the attending saints braved a cold north wind for Friday night, the fellowship, meal and refreshments were warm and uplifting. The good fellowship continued Saturday. Warmer weather and no wind was greatly appreciated.

In Our Schools

Family of Christ, Phoenix, AZ

Family of Christ Preschool hosted a Mother/Son treasure hunt. Fun was had by all!

Faith, Fort Wayne, IN

Faith Preschool of Jacob's Well hosted a very well attended Dad's with Donuts event.

Little Lambs, Berwyn, IL

The students at Little Lambs Preschool enjoyed their week of learning about castles and royalty.

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Thanks for spreading the word!

Please share the unique ministries of your school or congregation with the rest of the English District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to jmcgarr@englishdistrict.org by Wednesday at 12:00 Noon ET.

We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world.





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