English District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

God in All Things - Without Borders

Servant to Servant


April 28, 2023

LCC East Regional Conference

Some of our English District pastors in Canada attended the Lutheran Church Canada’s East Regional Pastors and Deacons Conference in Niagara Falls this past week. The conference was held at Mount Carmel Spiritual Center. Rev. Dr. James A. Kellerman and Rev. Dr. Thomas Korcok spoke on the use of classical rhetoric in preaching. Attendance at these conferences fosters meaningful fellowship with our daughter synod.

Vice President Parish Visit

On Sunday, April 23, 2023, Rev. Dr. Douglas Spittel, Eastern Regional Vice President, celebrated the Divine Service and assisted with the congregational call meeting at Trinity, Scarsdale, NY. 

Divine Calls

Calls Received

The Rev. Dwayne R. Hendricks has received a Divine Call to serve as the Sole Pastor of Lutheran Church of Prayer, Bakersfield, CA (California-Nevada-Hawaii District).

Ministerial Candidate Benjamin N. Janssen has received a Divine Call to serve as Associate Pastor of Holy Cross, Pittsburgh, PA.

Ministerial Candidate Jonathan S. Lakey has received a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Grace, Vine Grove, KY.

Ministerial Candidate Blake Martzowka has received a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of St. Thomas, Streetsboro, OH and Christ, Mantua, OH (Ohio District).

Call Day

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN (CTSFW) held its Vicarage and Deaconess Internship Assignment Service on Monday, April 24, 2023 and its Assignment of Calls Service on Tuesday, April 25, 2023.


On Wednesday, April 26, 2023, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO (CSL) students received their first pastoral or diaconal ministry placements, and second-year students received their vicarage or internship assignments.


The following individuals have received Divine Calls or Vicarage/Deaconess Assignments to the English District.

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne Ministerial Candidate

Benjamin Janssen (wife, Elizabeth, son, Nathaniel) Holy Cross Evangelical-Lutheran Chapel, Pittsburgh PA 

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne Ministerial Candidate

Blake Martzowka (fiancée, Ruth Mussmann), St. Thomas Lutheran Church, Streetsboro OH and Christ, Mantua, OH (Ohio District).

Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis Ministerial Candidate

Jonathan Lackey (wife, Molly), Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, KY

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne Vicar-elects

Alexander Ogden, Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries Inc, Philadelphia, PA

Henry Scheltens (wife, Isabel), Messiah Lutheran Church, Danville, CA

Isaac Spangler (wife, Katie, son, Basil), Catalina Lutheran Church, Tucson, AZ

Solomon Spangler (wife, Leah), Grace Lutheran Church, Redford, MI

Zachary Wessel, All Saints Lutheran Church, Slippery Rock, PA

Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis Vicar-elect

Brett Arrasmith (wife, Kellie, daughters Madison and Riley), Chapel of the Cross Lutheran Church, St. Louis, MO

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne Deaconess Intern

Eva Aiello,  Ascension of Christ Lutheran Church, Beverly Hills, MI

Concordia Fort Wayne:

Back Row: Benjamin Janssen, Rev. Dr. Douglas Spittel, Alexander Ogden, Bishop Jamison Hardy, Solomon Spangler, Blake Martzowka

Front Row: Elizabeth Janssen (with Philip), Eva Aiello, Isabel Scheltens, Henry Scheltens, Zachary Wessel, Isaac Spangler, and Ruth Mussmann (fiancée to Blake Martzowka)

Concordia St. Louis:

Left to Right: Molly Lackey, Jonathan Lackey, Bishop Jamison Hardy, Brett Arrasmith

Start Your Doctor of Business Administration Journey

Concordia University Wisconsin provides the opportunity to earn a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in a Lutheran community. Our program develops ethical and respected leaders that inspire growth and change in their organizations, communities, and congregations.

Our scholar-practitioner curriculum is applicable to the needs, issues, and demands facing today’s church leaders. As a DBA student, you will enhance your skills and expertise to implement new practices that can make a true difference in your congregation and the lives of its members.

The online DBA program at Concordia is truly focused on flexibility and work-life balance. We understand that your role as a pastor will need to be the priority over your academics during certain times of this three-year program. Our program includes online courses and group discussions, along with easy accessibility to faculty. This all makes for a feasible program for pastors actively engaged in their church communities.

The next DBA cohort, or group of students, will start their DBA journey in July 2023. And it begins with an in-person residency on Concordia’s campus in Mequon, WI. Engage in an enlightening experience where you will meet current DBA students, our dedicated faculty, and support staff that will be with you every step of the way.

Apply by June 1 to be in the next DBA cohort.

We understand you need all the information you can get when making a life-changing decision to pursue your DBA. Here are a few options to get the answers you need.

Email Dr. Matthew Hurtienne, Dean and DBA Program Director, who will provide further insight on this doctorate program.

Schedule a 1-on-1 call with one of our Concordia experts to discuss everything from admissions, requirements, cost, and more!

Visit the DBA website.

Pastoral Leadership: Shepherding and Caring for God's People

A book for pastors and church leaders, Pastoral Leadership: Shepherding and Caring for God's People uses the context of biblical accounts and figures to offer practical advice and counsel on aspects of pastoral leadership.

The author, Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy, draws from more than 20 years of experience as a pastor and bishop to encourage pastors to be actively engaged in what is going on throughout the life of the parish and lead their congregations instead of passively following them.


Publishing Date: June 20, 2023

Pre-orders and Kindle downloads are available by clicking on this link: Pastoral Leadership

Ministerial Health Commission "Invitation to Serve"

Do you have a desire to care for your brothers and sisters in ministry through service on the English District Ministerial Health Commission (MHC)?

If someone is in need, our MHC is ready to walk alongside our church workers and their families, to listen in a non-judgmental way, and to encourage and offer support.

We seek to gain understanding, give comfort, and provide encouragement through confidential conversation, supportive consultation, and resource recommendations.

We are asking God to raise up members of our English District who have compassion, are open in mind and heart, and are faithful and prayerful, to join our MHC.

We are asking God to move those skillful in active listening, those able to give and take counsel, and those who have experienced woundedness and healing in life and a willingness to walk with others, to join our MHC.

We are looking to God to grow our MHC with new members who are able to be available and flexible, are inclined towards a participatory presence, and are willing be a resource through the ministry of our MHC.

Our Mission is: To understand the issues of concern and envision the possibilities, strategies, and available support to enhance the well-being of English District workers and their families.

Our Vision is: To be an ever-present resource and support to a culture in which well-being strengthens workers of the English District and their families.

Contact either of our co-chairs, Pastor Tim Holzerland or Pastor Derek Mathers if you have a desire to serve and care for our church workers and their families as a member of the MHC.

If you know of someone who has the gifts to serve in this capacity, please let them know of this opportunity.

LPNI Study Tour of Romania 2023

The schedule has been finalized for the 2023 LPNI Study tour to Bucharest and Brasov Romania. This will be an exciting, educational, and unique tour. There will be a visit to a pastor that served in the LCMS English District at First Lutheran Church, El Cajon, CA. He is presently a missionary/theological educator in Bucharest, Romania and surrounding countries. We will not only learn of the rich Lutheran history in the area of Transylvania, Romania, but will also be able to learn about the Lutheran impact today in this country. Click here for the registration form; please prayerfully consider if this is a journey for you.

Contact Sue Neff, RN, tour coordinator, for general information and registration.

Church Worker (Student Loan) Debt Reduction Grants Available

The purpose of the English District Endowment Fund is to provide God's people with a unique opportunity to participate in a perpetual fund. This fund shall assist congregations and rostered workers alike. One aspect of the Endowment Fund currently being offered to Rostered Church Workers is a grant for financial assistance with their student loans. Those rostered workers who are currently serving (called workers) in ministry in their first through eighth year in an English District LCMS congregation or school are eligible to apply for this education indebtedness grant. 


For a Church Worker (Student Loan) Debt Reduction Grant we ask that you complete an Application for Church Worker Transitional Assistance. These forms are available on our District website.


If you have any questions, please contact Rev. J. Derek Mathers at 1-800-755-9335 ext. 311. Deadline for applications is this Sunday, April 30, 2023.

The Due Date for End-of-Year Statistics is Today

The deadline to submit your congregation’s end-of-year statistics and update your lay leaders at lc.lcms.org is today. An e-blast was sent on Monday, April 3, 2023, to congregations that have not reported. It went to the email addresses on file for the congregation, their pastor(s), and select leaders of the congregation. Up-to-date statistical information is critical for determining proper voting representation at conventions. Emails for lay leaders will be increasingly important as channels for critical convention communications. If you do not have your congregation’s login information, contact rosters.stats@lcms.org, or the LCMS Church Information Center at 888-843-5267. 

Prayer Requests

The Bible's promise is true: If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us - 1 John 5:14.

District daily prayers for May are located on our website.

Your prayer concerns are important to the English District. If you have a prayer request you would like shared in this newsletter, email the District office.

LCMS Foundation

Contact Ron Grimm, English District Planning Counselor, 412-584-7039 or visit www.LCMSFoundation.org.
Contact Dan Lepley, DVP - English and SELC District Lutheran Church Extension Fund, for more information at 317-402-9401.

In Our Churches

Peace, Fremont, IN

Peace Lutheran Church hosted the local LWML Zone Spring Gathering. Over 40 women attended! The women participated in times of devotion, mission activities, and a presentation about Peace's Comfort Dog Ministry (Dove Comfort Dog). They collected hundreds of items, which were donated to MOST Ministries (Mission Opportunites - Short Term). 

In Our Schools

Shepherd King, West Bloomfield, MI

Last week Shepherd King Preschool students learned all about the weather. Thanks to Michigan weather, they saw rain, snow and sun all in one week. Perfect for learning about the way weather can change!!

Wee Creations, Fremont, IN

Wee Creations and Peace Lutheran Church had their first-ever Kids' Fun Run on April 23. They had 42 kids participate in the 1-mile cross-country run! The day was open for current and alumni students and family members from 2- to 11-year-olds! 

Redeemer, Pittsburgh, PA

Happy Earth Day! Friday, April 21, Redeemer Lutheran School Kindergarten classes discussed Earth Day and its importance. Celebrate God's creation not only on Earth Day but everyday and encourage everyone to care for our beautiful world!

Please share the information from Servant to Servant with members of your congregation.

  • All are invited to subscribe to this weekly publication.
  • Forward the newsletter to members of your church.
  • They can subscribe by clicking on the "Sign up for our emails" link at the bottom.

Thanks for spreading the word!

Please share the unique ministries of your school or congregation with the rest of the English District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to jmcgarr@englishdistrict.org by Wednesday at 12:00 Noon ET.

We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world.





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