English District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

God in All Things - Without Borders

Servant to Servant


September 27, 2024

Bishop's Visit

Members of Epiphany, Dorr, MI recently celebrated the congregation's 30th anniversary as well as the 25th anniversary of the dedication of the building.  Bishop Jeffrey Miskus served as the guest preacher during the morning worship service. In addition, Bishop Miskus visited with Epiphany's pastor Rev. Ryan Beffrey and the members of the congregation as they commemorated this milestone event.

Divine Calls

Calls Received

The Rev. Michael A. Brown (Northern Illinois District) has received a Divine Call to serve as the Senior Pastor of Redeemer, Lincoln, NE.

The Rev. Christopher D. Harrison (Iowa West) has received a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of St. John’s, Bridgeport, WV.

The Rev. Bradley P. Urlaub has received a Divine Call to serve as the Sole Pastor of St. Mark, Mendon, NY (Eastern District).


Call Accepted

The Rev. Daniel J. Lepley has accepted the Divine Call to serve as the Senior Pastor of Mt. Calvary, Greenville, MI (MI District).

Midwest Regional Conference

The Midwest Regional Conference was held September 23-25, 2024, at Concordia University, Chicago, Il. Conference speakers included Rev. Dr. Chad Kendall and Rev. Dr. James Lee.


Rev. Dr. Chad Kendall is Assistant Vice President for Mission and Identity and Associate Professor of Theology at Concordia University-Chicago. The topic of his presentation was “How The Church's Divine Pedagogy Shapes Lutheran Academics”. The Church's divine pedagogy must guide Lutheran academics. Dr. Kendall spoke about the critical themes that make a Lutheran education at Concordia University distinct. He discussed the fundamentals that are embedded in the Church's theology and practice that must be evident in a Lutheran education in order to shape students for a life of faith and virtue.


Rev. Dr. James Lee is associate professor of Theology at Concordia University Chicago, where he also serves as the chair for the Division of Theology and the director of the Honors Program. He researches the nineteenth-century confessional revival. Dr. Lee spoke on “Theodosius Harnack and Confessional Subscription” and “Wilhelm Löhe and Doctrinal Development”.

Prayer Requests

District daily prayers for October 2024 are located on our website.

Your prayer concerns are important to the English District. If you have a prayer request you would like shared in this newsletter, email the district office.

58th Convention News

The 58th Convention of the English District LCMS will be held June 26-28, 2025 at Concordia University-Ann Arbor, MI. Important convention information from District Secretary Rev. Luke Zimmerman was emailed to every congregation this week. Please read Rev. Zimmerman’s letter carefully and take note of the various roles your congregation plays in preparing for this convention which include representation at the circuit forum and nomination of a circuit visitor; election of your congregation’s delegate(s) to the convention; participation in the nominating process for president, vice president, and other offices; and submission of overtures for consideration. All forms that were included with this email are also available on the district website. Visit the convention page here.


LCMS Foundation

Contact Ron Grimm, English District Gift Planning Counselor, 412-584-7039 or visit www.LCMSFoundation.org.

Lutheran Federal Credit Union

For more information, please contact our Operations Department at 314-394-2790

In Our Churches

Trinity, Erie, PA

Trinity Lutheran Church hosted a paint night with instructor Connie Bootz. In addition to church members, three visitors from the community participated in the event. The theme celebrated the artist Vincent van Gogh and the fall grape harvest in Northeast PA. Wineries in the area make their special blends in the fall, followed by ice wine production in winter. If you aren’t familiar with ice wine, it is a type of wine made with grapes that have been left to freeze on the vine, creating an intense sweetness.

Also at Trinity, Jennifer Schmidt was installed as a Deaconess intern student. Her supervisor is Rev. Michael Taylor of Holy Trinity, Albion, PA. Jennifer's field work involves helping young women at Grace House in Erie, the Erie City Mission, and joint activities at Trinity Erie, and Holy Trinity, Albion.  We give thanks to God for Jennifer and pray for His continued blessings and guidance in her service to others.

Chapel of the Cross, Mission Hills, CA

Chapel of the Cross Lutheran Church will be celebrating the congregation's 70th anniversary on Saturday, October 12th, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Lloyd Willweber will be the guest speaker. All are invited. If you are able to attend, please R.S.V.P. to Sara Delarosa at 818-968-3006.

Church Worker Appreciation

As you recognize your pastor and other church workers during October (and through the year!) share your photos and descriptions with us to be considered for Servant to Servant.

Need some ideas on how to show your appreciation? Check out the free resources available from Set Apart to Serve (SAS) here.

Lutheran Summer Music

Enrollment for LSM 2025 is open now! Lutheran Summer Music (LSM) is a faith-based residential music academy for high school students who come together to immerse themselves in musical excellence and build a supportive and fun community. Musical experiences include large ensembles (band, choir, orchestra), chamber music, private lessons, and electives like handbells, jazz, musical theatre, composition, conducting, church music and more. Priority enrollment deadline: December 1. Standard enrollment deadline: March 1. Learn more here.

2025 LCMS Youth Gathering

The 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering will take place July 19-23, 2025, in New Orleans. Learn more here. Learn about volunteer opportunities for young adults and adults here.

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Thanks for spreading the word!

Please share the unique ministries of your school or congregation with the rest of the English District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to llinthicum@englishdistrict.org by Wednesday at 12:00 noon ET.

We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world.





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