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November 2024 eNews

A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families

We are so thankful

Veterans Day officially was celebrated a few days ago, but to American Legion Auxiliary members, every day is set aside to recognize our heroes. For 105 years, we’ve poured our hearts and efforts into taking care of those who sacrificed so much for our freedom. To our veterans, military, and their families, we give YOU thanks during this month of gratitude.

National Appointments 2025-2026

Apply today to serve on a national ALA committee

The application process for 2025-2026 national committee appointments is now open! National committee chairs and members are appointed annually and confirmed by the National Executive Committee to serve on a wide variety of ALA committees for you to explore. The goal is to match skill sets and talents that best complement the Auxiliary’s mission of serving our veterans, military, and their families. You need not have served as an officer in your district or department to be eligible for an appointment, and our male spouse ALA members are welcome to apply. The application window is through Dec. 15. Apply now!

ALA Mission Training National Junior Meetings

Nashville and Denver sessions start this weekend!

!!! It’s not too late for members of The American Legion Family to attend the ALA, Legion, or Sons of The American Legion meetings in Denver and Nashville! On-site registration will be open. !!!

Join us for a one-day ALA conference that’s both inspiring and educational! We’ll dive deep into our programs through interactive and engaging sessions, ensuring you leave with new insights and renewed energy. Mission Training covers many Auxiliary mission outreach programs, all presented in a fun and supportive environment. Here’s what you’ll learn in a 2024-2025 session:

  • How do we evolve our membership to attract the next generation of members (and ultimately leaders)?  
  • Draw connections with all of our youth-centric programs to deliver our mission.
  • The new face of veterans: How has the veteran community changed compared to even 20 years ago?


Junior Member T-Shirt

National Junior meetings will be held at the same time and in the same location as ALA Mission Trainings. Junior members aged 8 and older are invited to attend. These sessions are packed with fun, interactive activities designed to engage and inspire our youngest members. The new ALA Junior T-shirts are in! Register your Junior member or young Sons member for one of the national Junior meetings. Your young Legion Family member will meet new friends, complete a mission-focused service project, play games, make crafts, learn more about our organization and partnerships, and have tons of fun! Plus, they get a new ALA Juniors T-shirt!

Register now for a Mission Training or national Junior meeting near you!

Nov. 16: Nashville, Tenn.

Nov. 16: Denver, Colo.

Jan. 25: Des Moines, Iowa

Feb. 1: Las Vegas, Nev.

Feb. 1: Boston, Mass.

ALA Academy

Take advantage of this latest course offering 

Join us Monday, Nov. 18, at 1 p.m. Eastern for this educational webinar designed for unit members interested in learning how to successfully execute the ALA’s Youth Hero and Good Deed awards program.


In this informative live webinar, we will...


  • Explore eligibility criteria: Understand who qualifies for the ALA’s Youth Hero and Good Deed awards, including the actions that merit recognition.
  • Outline the nomination process: Learn how to identify and nominate eligible youth who exemplify outstanding contributions in their communities.
  • Discuss award presentation: Discover best practices for presenting the awards to garner publicity for your unit with an audience that may not have been previously familiar with it.
  • Learn program implementation: Gain insights into organizing the awards process from start to finish, ensuring a smooth and impactful experience.

Don’t miss this learning opportunity to celebrate the amazing contributions of young people in your community!


Recommended prerequisite: Join the Children & Youth program Facebook group here.


Register here for the webinar!

Fundraising 4-1-1

Auxiliary Emergency Fund

ALA National Headquarters granted over $58,500 in Auxiliary Emergency Fund grants in October. Auxiliary members nationwide have been hit with financial hardship and many fell victim to hurricanes Helene and Milton. Now, more than ever, ALA members need your help. Donate to AEF today and help us continue to support fellow ALA members in their time of need. Donate here or text AEF to 1-844-940-3450.

USAA Promotion

There's no better way to honor our veterans than by going beyond "thanks" to make a difference in their lives. Discover how you can take action to show your appreciation for those who answered the call to serve. Learn more here.

ShipThrifty Promotion

Like the American Legion Auxiliary and all of the elves at the North Pole, Ship Thrifty is passionate about supporting those who serve and supporting your shipping this holiday season. Plus, with prepaid labels, you can skip the lines and handwritten customs forms.


Here are a few tips for merry shipping:

  • Your free Ship Thrifty account will save you time and money on your personal and care package shipping this holiday season.
  • As an ALA partner, when you create your shipping labels with Ship Thrifty, a percent of the dollars you spend is donated back to the organization to support the mission. Be sure to type ALA in the affiliate code at signup or use this link to create your account:
  • Know the carrier holiday shipping deadlines to make sure your packages arrive on time.

Create your free Ship Thrifty account today! Go to or type ALA into the affiliate code when signing up.

Good to know

The November issue of Auxiliary magazine has hit mailboxes. If you haven’t received your copy yet, you can view it online. In this issue, read about: a Florida member who volunteers with Honor Flight Inc.; the North Dakota Legion Family providing comfort bears to children; how to put your best face forward in virtual meetings; how to encourage eligible male ALA members to join — and be active; and how to help your messaging rise above the noise. Plus, look back at two of our largest national events, and much more! Did an article stand out to you, or did you learn something new in this issue? Let us know!


The ALA Americanism Essay Contest cover sheet is now online. The 2024-2025 theme: “What does America the Beautiful mean to me (regarding veterans and our military)?”


Do you have the current officers displayed? Legion post homes and ALA offices often display their commander and president photos, along with the national-level leaders. You can always find our current national president photo available for download here. ALA national officers are elected every August, and the new photos are posted on the website directly after. 


Renew your 2025 membership dues in three easy ways! You can pay your annual dues by phone, online, or mail. Go to, call (317) 569-4570, or mail in your renewal notice.


Plan now for Wreaths Across America Day! You can become a sponsorship group or sponsor a wreath for the Dec. 14 event. Learn more here.

Request to join our official ALA program and committee groups on Facebook

Discover what your fellow ALA members are saying in the committee Facebook groups! These easy-to-access forums provide an arena for organic discussion about your local programs or services and present the opportunity to cultivate brand awareness. Find the list of groups here.

On the ALA Blog

US Military Family

Ideas to help families during National Veterans and Military Families Month

November is a time of hustle and bustle as we prepare for the holidays — a time spent planning to share with family and friends — but not for some families. With mothers, fathers, and spouses deployed, military families need our help more than ever during this time of year. What better time to show our appreciation for their commitment and sacrifices than in November — National Veterans and Military Families Month. Read more.

ALA Members

Happy birthday, American Legion Auxiliary!

Colgate. Kraft. UPS. Coca-Cola. L.L. Bean. What do these companies have in common? They’re among the oldest in America and they’re still going strong today. The American Legion Auxiliary fits nicely with these centenarians’ badge of honor — on Nov. 10, we celebrated our 105th birthday. Read more.

Save the date!

Nov. 16 — ALA Mission Training and national Junior meeting in Nashville, Tenn.

Nov. 16 — ALA Mission Training and national Junior meeting in Denver, Colo.

Nov. 18-22 — American Education Week

Nov. 28-29 — ALA National Headquarters office closed in observance of Thanksgiving

Dec. 3 — GivingTuesday

Dec. 7 — Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Dec. 14 — Wreaths Across America Day

Dec. 15 — Last day to apply to serve on an ALA national committee


How did you honor our nation’s veterans on Veterans Day?

“[We] presented an American flag with a thank-you note attached to the flag stick to our veterans in local nursing homes, care facilities, police department, sheriff’s department, and ambulance department, for a total of 72 flags."

Sandra Petermann, North Dakota

Legion Family News

Veterans Day Legion Family

American Legion Family honors veterans at Arlington


Legion leadership attend ceremonies, perform wreath-laying, and pay tribute to veterans at memorable event. Read more.

ALA Membership
Where does your department stand in Auxiliary membership? Click here to log in and view the latest reports.

Legion Family Merchandise

Show your support by buying from

American Legion Flag & Emblem Sales.

Shop now

The American Legion Legislative Center

The ALA supports the legislative agenda of The American Legion.

Get involved.

In the spirit of Service Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace, and security.

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