January 2019 Newsletter
Program Highlights
KAT, SLI, and RAW All Underway!
To kick off the New Year, participants in the Service-Learning Institute, Race Against Waste, and the Kids Action Team Program attended professional learning sessions to deepen their service-learning practices.
These sessions offered an in-depth look at the process of scaffolding a service-learning experience with their students.

During the Race Against Waste session, participants explored how to encourage their schools to reduce and reuse through service-learning activities. Service-Learning Institute participants collaborated as a cohort and in small groups on plans for upcoming units with service-learning integration. Kids Action Team participants learned how to help students to make effective advocacy campaigns and PSAs at the Paley Center for Media. These sessions were jam-packed with tools for service-learning and also were a lot of fun. 

The SIS team would like to thank the Paley Center for Media and Project Farmhouse for hosting these programs, Bekah Fisk and Cathryn Berger Kaye for their engaging facilitation, and all of our program participants for bringing their unique perspectives to each session. We look forward to continuing this rewarding work with you all!
School Spotlight
I.S. 49 Berta Dreyfus
Project Summary: Students of the Dreyfus Drill Team are working to honor and support local veterans.

Investigation: Students asked Mr. Bueti, a teacher and veteran of the US Marine Corps, about his experience in the military. The students independently researched and found out that some veterans face challenges such as poverty and mental health issues after their time in the military. The Drill Team visited a local park and saw its Veteran’s memorial was in need of clean-up, which they attended to despite rain and cold. Through these experiences, they determined that other students should understand the needs of veterans. 

Preparation: Drill Team members spoke to their principal about hosting a Veteran’s Day assembly and inviting a veteran to speak to the student body. With Mr. Bueti’s help, they prepared for the assembly.

Action: The Veteran’s Day assembly was held this November and the whole student body got to hear from veterans. Drill team students also led a flag-raising ceremony to honor the local veterans. They are continuing to investigate ways to support veterans in their community, with plans to interview local veterans for the Veterans History Project through the Library of Congress.

Reflection: Through their work interviewing and amplifying the voices of veterans, students have come to a deeper understanding of what service men and women do for the country, as well as the gaps in supports available to them when they return home. 

Current and Upcoming Opportunities
Project Sunshine
Ongoing Opportunity for youth 18 and under
Project Sunshine provides free educational, recreational, and social programs to children facing medical challenges and their families. The Kids for Kids youth service program at Project Sunshine gives children and teens the opportunity to volunteer and give back in a meaningful way. Kids for Kids volunteers help out by creating art projects to send to hospitalized children, fundraising, and organizing book, toy, Band-Aid and other collection drives. Priority is given to groups of five or more volunteers. Learn more about volunteering with Kids for Kids.
Project Cicero
Volunteer Opportunity for grades 6 and up
Project Cicero provides free books to teachers teaching at under-resourced New York City public schools through an annual book drive at over 100 schools. Qualified NYC public school teachers are encouraged to register to attend the book distribution event. Students in grade 6 and above are encouraged to volunteer at the distribution site March 9 and 10. Please visit  www.projectcicero.org  for more information and sign up to volunteer
Arte Justice
RSVP for art and activism workshops for grades 9 and up
Using art, design, and technology,  ARTE  students develop creative visual arts projects that bring awareness to local and global human rights challenges. As an organization, ARTE strives to remain adaptive and provide flexible curriculum to address issues that are important to students and relevant to current events. To get involved, sign up for a workshop in February or March and  check out their blog .
The Parents Community Service Network and Corlears School: Homeless but not Helpless
Event:Wednesday, February 27, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Corlears School and the  Parents Community Service Network  invite parents and educators to an evening of information and exploration of homelessness in New York City, including insights on what students can do—and are already doing—to help. Speakers from the Center for Urban Community Services, Helen’s House at Henry Street Settlement, and Community Voices Heard will discuss the issues that lead to homelessness ways to support those in need. The event also includes a service fair with displays of student volunteer work on homelessness and a supply drive for NYC Mamas Give Back. The event is free. Space is limited and registration is required  so register today.
Resource Highlights
Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Grant
Deadline: Apply by February 15
$400 grants are available for youth leaders ages 5-25 across the U.S. to turn their ideas into action and make an impact on the issue of childhood hunger on Global Youth Service Day (GYSD)—April 12-14, 2019—and beyond. $400 Summer 2019 Sustainability Grants will also be awarded to up to 25 youth grantees to sustain and continue their GYSD projects. Youth Service America is especially interested in sustainable projects that can use these grant funds to start up or expand and then raise local funds to continue.  Learn more and apply by February 15.  

Contact the Service in Schools Team
Invite the Service in Schools team to visit your service project. We want to see your students and school community in action. Email the Service in Schools team at ServiceinSchools@schools.nyc.gov with two weeks’ notice, and we’ll schedule a visit to your school to learn about your project and see the impact you’re making on the community. 
Follow @ServicenSchools to receive program updates, upcoming service opportunities, resources, and more. We encourage students who use Twitter and are interested in service opportunities to follow us.
Mission: Service in Schools strives to expand the number of NYC students engaged in transformative community service and service-learning experiences that enable them to use their voice, skills, and critical thinking to strengthen communities.