
Please be sure to check your email tomorrow after 10am. Important information regarding High Holy Days tickets is on it's way!

Shabbat Schedule


8:45am | Meditation & Morning Blessings w/ Rabbi Briskin | via Zoom

7:00pm | Shabbat Service | Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream

A special Shabbat message from Rabbi Briskin

*click video to open and play


10:15am | Chevrat Torah led by Ruth Schapira | Chodorow FLC & Zoom

10:15am | Bar Mitzvah of Daniel Fingerman | Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary and Livestream

**Grocery card orders due by Noon and will be delivered Sunday.

Refuah List
Yahrzeit List
Torah Portion

This Week at a Glance

MONDAY 7:30pm | Nighttime Book Club: After Annie by Anna Quindlen | Main office Conference Room

TUESDAY 10:30am | ShAAk/Gems Event | Shalom Hall

12:30pm | HHD Lifelong Learning Session 3 | Stevens Atrium

6:30pm | Women of Shir Ami Board Meeting | Elson Auditorium

7:00pm | Shir Ami Board Meeting | Chodorow FLC


8:45am | Meditation & Morning Blessings w/ Rabbi Briskin | via Zoom

9:15am | Mah Jongg | Chodorow FLC

7:00pm | Choir Rehearsal | Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary


7:00pm | Choir Rehearsal | Abraham-Swerdlow Sanctuary

Upcoming Events (click flyer for enlarged view)

GYPSY on Broadway

Sunday, March 30, 2025 | 3pm | NYC $199/Center Orchestra

Tickets must be purchased by Sept 15, 2024

Contact Andee Losben | 215.803.2020

Get Tickets

Men's Club High Holy Days Beautification Project

Sunday, Sept 15| 8:30am| Shalom Hall

The Men's Club is seeking volunteers to help spruce up the outdoor space near the sanctuary for the High Holidays.

We'll be cleaning up and planting, and we could use your help! Please bring your own shovel.

Sign Up

Fighting Abortion Stigma

Tuesday, Sept 17| 7:30pm| Strom Chapel

Please join us for a special evening discussion at Shir Ami. Come learn how our Jewish values can fight the stigma surrounding abortion. Building on our values, we'll practice conversations to fight the stigma and advocate for reproductive healthcare.

Register Here

Women of Shir Ami: Game Show Night

Monday, Sept 23| 7:00pm| Shalom Hall

Get ready for a night of laughter, friendly competition, and pure entertainment!

Register Here

Selichot Program & Service

Sat, Sept 28| 7:00pm| Shalom Hall

Our Selichot program and service this year will be in partnership with Bucks County synagogues and clergy.

Register Here

Volunteer Opportunities

Erev Rosh Hashanah Oneg Volunteers

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 We are looking for volunteers to help with our 15th Annual Erev Rosh Hashanah Oneg

Sign Up

Volunteer for Wednesday Lunches for the Homeless

We are proud to offer our continued support to the Reach Out Foundation, a drop-in center for the homeless, by providing lunch every Wednesday.


Fundraisers & Tikkun Olam Projects

Clothing Drive

Soles 4 Souls Shoe Collection

Grocery Gift Cards

In the Greater Community

Shir Ami Teen, and CR North Junior Carter Blatt, is organizing a community-wide Pickleball Fundraiser to raise funds for Child Mind Institute in support of student mental health. To learn more about the event, the organization and to support him, please link to this article in the Patch.

JRA Food Packing

Must pre-Register HERE

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