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Service Update

 Notice to Howe Island County Ferry passengers,


I’m writing with a few more details about the upcoming Howe Island County Ferry dry-dock interval.


  • The Frontenac Howe Island County Ferry (West) is scheduled to be away for its mandated four-year Transport Canada dry-dock inspection from September 19 to September 30, 2022.
  • A substitute ferry, the MTO MV Quinte Loyalist, will provide eight hours of daily service, from 7am to 3pm, from the Frontenac Howe Islander docks while the ferry is away.
  • The maximum weight per vehicle permitted on the MV Quinte Loyalist is 13 metric tonnes, down from the usual 45 metric tonnes.
  • The Township Howe Islander Ferry (East) is scheduled to remain in operation on a 24/7 schedule for the 12 days the Frontenac Howe Islander is away.
  • In the event of a 911 call for ambulance to the island while the ferry is away, the closest available paramedic crew will be automatically directed to the appropriate dock to facilitate fastest travel.
  • Howe Island Fire and Rescue and mainland fire services have been notified and are prepared to respond accordingly if needed.
  • School bus operators who usually rely on the County Ferry will have priority passage on either the Township Ferry (East) at any time, or the MV Quinte Loyalist during its operating hours.
  • Operations at the County Ferry docks will shut down at 9:15am on the morning of Monday, September 19 for the following work:

  1. Removal of the Frontenac Howe Islander from the cables
  2. Removal of the hooks from the shore ramps
  3. Installation of shore-ramp extensions required for docking the MV Quinte Loyalist
  4. Transfer of the MV Quinte Loyalist to the docks


Previous announcements pertaining to the dry-dock inspection can be reviewed at: and .


Please contact Frontenac County Director of Transportation if you have any questions at [email protected].


Thank you again for your cooperation and understanding while this necessary work is completed.


Dakota Thompson
Manager, Marine Services
County of Frontenac
613 542-4959
Learn more at our website: Howe Island Ferry