Services and Zoom Links
December 10, 2021
Dear Friends,

This Sunday we will have our service of Lessons and Carols at 11.00am in Church and also 9.30am on Zoom. We will still have a Eucharist at 8.15am. 

Lessons and Carols was devised and first celebrated in 1880 in Truro Cathedral as a way to detract Christmas crowds from the pubs and into the church. It tells the story of salvation from creation to the birth of Jesus, originally with Nine Lessons, though we will be using the shorter version with Six Lessons. It is also a lovely way to sing a whole bunch of your favourite carols before Christmas. If you are celebrating with us on Zoom, please have nearby your own crib set or a piece from it for the Blessing of the Crib prayer. 

God calls us in each Advent season to wait, watch and hope with joyful expectation. God bless you in all your preparations for a blessed Christmas.

Yours in peace,

Rev. Nicola
Weekly Services
No Sign-Up Required, Except as noted below for Christmas
Registration will be taken upon entering the Church

Sunday, December 12 Services 
8:15 am Indoor Eucharist
9:30 am Zoom Lessons and Carols : Zoom Link Here
11:00 am Indoor - Lessons and Carols

Eucharist 10:00 am in church
Carol Sing on Zoom (Outside this week - see below)
Thursday 23rd December at 7:00 pm

Christmas Services

Lessons and Carols
December 12 on Zoom 9:30am and 11:00am in church

Christmas Eve in church
4pm - Registration required - click here for form

5:30 pm on Zoom

7pm – Proof of Vaccination and I.D. Required
(Carols, Candles and Communion at 4pm and 7pm services)
Please arrive a little early to enable vaccination checks.

Christmas Day Eucharist (Saturday) service will be at 10:00 am
Registration required - click here for form
(You choose the Carols!!)

Sunday December 26 Eucharist at 10:00 am
(there will be no 8:15am service)

PLEASE NOTE: Christmas Eve 7:00pm service for the double vaccinated only. This service is especially for those who are fully vaccinated as it allows us to have a larger number of people in church safely.

If you are not fully vaccinated or have smaller children you are absolutely welcome at 4:00pm Christmas Eve, 10:00am Christmas morning, or 10:15am on Sunday 26th. There is also Zoom service at 5.30pm on Christmas Eve.
Advisory Board Meeting on Zoom
Monday December 13th at 7:00 pm

All are welcome to join.
Wednesday, December 15th at 7:00 pm
In Church

Screening of "The Preacher's Wife" starring
Denzel Washington and Whitney Houston

Join us - all are welcome!
Knit/Crochet Poppy Classes
December 17th at 1:00pm, 2:00pm and 7:00pm

Do you like to knit or crochet? Would you like to learn? Join us in making poppies for Remembrance Day 2022. If you would like to learn to how to make a knitted or crocheted poppy join us at one of the times above. Kits available. The goal is to make a waterfall large enough to hang outside. Can't make those times, see below for tutorial and patterns.

We are also looking for donations of yarn in poppy/Christmas red
and crochet needles sizes 5, 5.5 and 6. Thanks.

Outreach to Downtown Churches

We are continuing to collect for the Toronto Urban Native Mission at Holy Trinity Eaton Square, and the homeless outreach at All Saints, Sherborne Street. Here is what we are still collecting and will drive down every time we have a car full:
sleeping bags and tents
gift cards
waterproof coats and gloves
new hats and scarves
small new toys (for people to give to their children)
personal hygiene items
And a thank you to Grace for a turkey dinner

We were asked to help All Saints Sherborne St after an emergency to cook turkeys for the annual Christmas dinner for 150 homeless people this week. We are blessed to have the funds and people to help out, so we are supplying the turkeys from our discretionary fund. Ian and Janet Rodger are cooking them and also making the stuffing, gravy and desserts :) Thanks be to God that we can help when needed. Please let one of the staff know if you are aware of anyone in need of assistance this Christmastime. 
Offering Envelopes

Envelopes are ready for pick-up in the Narthex
Booster Shots


How to book booster dose, if eligible, you must wait six months (168 days)

A. Book through Covid-19 vaccination portal:


B. Call provincial vaccine contact centre at 1-833-943-3900


C. Directly through public health units that use their own booking systems,
e.g. York Region public health 827-464-9675


D. Through Indigenous led vaccination clinics.


E. Select pharmacies - call your local one and ask.


F. Primary care settings. If you live in a retirement home, long term care home, elder care lodge or congregate living setting, public health units will work with the homes to give you your shot within your home or at a mobile clinic.

Any questions, please contact Nurse Jean Hoover through the office at (905)-294-3184 or

For those of you wishing to give by E-transfer, please send your email to :

The password is: giving

Thank you to everyone for your generosity and commitment to Grace Church as the pandemic goes on.